The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“The Importance Of The Power Life”

Introductory Steps
The way into this new life is through an experience called salvation. The big thing is, Jesus has to help you want salvation. And, since salvation is probably something you don’t know much about, it will be hard for Him to help you want it. Suppose you want to buy a new coat; there are some steps you are going to have to go through in order to accomplish that. You will have to find stores that sell coats, pick the store you want to shop in first, travel where it is, go into the store, and then find the kind of coats you are interested in.

You don’t want to buy a store; but you still have to go to a store to buy a coat. You may not think you want salvation; but, you need to get it in order to get the answers to your issues with life. Inside of the salvation experience are the benefits Jesus provides. It is the “store” where they are.

Jesus, just like I go to a store to buy a coat, show me I need to expose myself to salvation for getting my problems solved and to succeed at life. Help me decide I want salvation and see the need for it. Help me see that I need to get it in order to get the answers to my issues with life.

From Salvation To Healing
You may be going through things you don’t understand. There are things people are doing to you that are hurtful. And, there are things you are doing to them that are hurting them. Why do people do these things to each other? There are thoughts and emotions inside you that influence how you treat yourself and other people. Those thoughts and feelings are just waiting for someone to do something to you that you either like or don’t like. When that happens, you react.

You face financial, relational, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems that you don’t know how to get solved. The problem is, you have those problems because of the “system” you used to react to financial, relational, emotional, physical, and spiritual issues. If Jesus helps you react differently when you face these things, those problems will go away and better things will come.

Jesus, I am going through things I don’t understand. There are things people are doing to me that are hurtful; and there are things I am doing to them that are hurting them. Show me why I and other people do these things to each other. Let me see that You have a way to solve all these problems. Also, help me see that You have a way to make my life much better.

Jesus, I face financial, relational, emotional, physical, and spiritual problems that I don’t know how to get solved. Show me that salvation is an experience that has the power to get them solved. It is the door I can walk through that opens up the power, the provisions, and the successes that You have to offer me. They will help me react to life much differently.

Taking Advantage Of Someone Else’s Life
Jesus is taking the information and prayers you prayed yesterday and is building on them. To do that, He is giving you an example, from the Bible, of a person like you. He too was trying to get his life going in the best direction. He was suffering with a lot of problems just like you. And, like you, he decided that his best way to get his problems solved was to go to Jesus!

Jesus, take the changes You made in my life yesterday and add to them. As I move into more of Your training, help me understand why You are teaching them to me. Help me appreciate Your wisdom and compassion. Today, I make my decision to come to You again and let You teach me more about You and what You have to offer.

The Best Decision You Can Ever Make
Like you, a man named Nicodemus, decided to give Jesus a chance to work on his life. He went to see if he could get some answers that would head him in a better direction. This man had been studying all kinds of books and had been following all kinds of people’s advice and was still feeling an emptiness down inside him. So, he decided to let Jesus explain what kind of help He was offering. And, like you, him deciding to go to Jesus was the best decision he ever made.

Jesus, help me be like Nicodemus; help me give You a chance to work on my life. Help me check to see if I can get some answers that would head me in a better direction. Like him, I too have been studying all kinds of books and have been following all kinds of people’s advice. But, I am still feeling an emptiness down inside. Show me that deciding to come to You is the best decision I can ever make.

Are You Willing To Unlearn Some Things?
Since everything Nicodemus had tried hadn’t helped him get the meaning, purpose, and rules to life, he could have given up. Since he had tried very hard to find the answers and had lived a long time, he could have decided that Jesus probably couldn’t help him either. But, he didn’t! He went to Jesus and found out that the problem was because he was looking in the wrong direction.

Jesus, like Nicodemus, those things I have tried haven’t helped me get the meaning, purpose, and rules to life; but, help me not give up. I thank You for helping me not make that decision! Jesus, I come to You to help me see that I have been looking in the wrong direction.

Getting Ready To Meet Nicodemus
The record of Nicodemus’ life is in the New Testament (the second part of the Bible) in John (the fourth book of the New Testament). His life can really help you see you aren’t alone in your search for life’s answers. Allow his situation help you see similarities that all humans go through.

Jesus, as I read this event about Nicodemus, help me get the information and meaning that I need for my life. Help me meet him and identify with him. Help me see him as a person who was hurting and confused about life just like I am. Use his example to help me be able to find the answers to my problems too. I want to be open to You, so You can show me Who You are.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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