The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“The Importance Of The Power Life”

John 3:2-3 He [Nicodemus] came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi [teacher], we know You are a teacher Who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs You are doing if God were not with him.” In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.”

Where Do You Get Your Advice?
You can get advice from people who are having all the same problems you are; you can listen to people who don’t know any more than you do about solving them. Nicodemus was smart; he looked for someone who knew what they were talking about; people frequently don’t do that. He saw that Jesus knew because He was different. He understood that no one could perform the miraculous signs He was doing if God were not with him.

Jesus, sometimes I get my advice from people who are having all the same problems I am. Sometimes I listen to people who don’t know any more than I do about solving them. Help me break that pattern. Help me be smart like Nicodemus. Help me get my advice from You Who know what You are talking about. Help me understand that no one could perform the miraculous signs You were doing if God were not with You.

Facing The Choices
Like the billions of people currently on this planet, Nicodemus had seen Jesus help all kinds of people with some of the worst problems he had ever seen. In some very evil countries, Christians are being killed, if they don’t denounce Jesus. Thousands of them have refused to save their own lives by denouncing Him. Why? Because they know Jesus made this universe; and they know He made them. They know Jesus has the power to solve those things that aren’t working for you.

Jesus, I know Christians You have helped with some of the worst problems I have ever seen. Help me realized that You had to be sent by God or You wouldn’t have been able to do all those things You did in the Bible. Help me realize You are Someone Who knows what You are talking about. Help me confess that You made this universe; and You made me. Help me confess that You have the power to solve those things that aren’t working for me.

Trusting Jesus
Suppose you had a lot of money and were looking for a bank to put it in. What would be the main thing you would want to know? Could you trust them? That is the same issue you are dealing with about your life. It is the only life you have. Who can you trust to help you make the best of it? Nicodemus was trying to see if Jesus was someone he could trust; that is what you are doing. That is good; because, your prayers are opening the door for Jesus to be able to work miracles in your life. As you keep praying these prayers, you keep inviting Him in to your situation.

Jesus, my main concern is, who can I trust? Help me see Your character and attitudes that prove You are trustworthy. Since this is the only life I have, I want to be sure to put my trust in someone who can help me make the best of it. Help me do like Nicodemus and see if You are someone I can trust. Help me believe that You are able to work miracles in my life.

Governing Laws
You Keep Being Arrested
In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. Before Nicodemus could ask Jesus his first question, Jesus answered the most important one. He needed to know, how does someone become a part of God’s Kingdom? Why do you need to ask that? What does God’s Kingdom and being born again have to do with the issues you are facing? The things that are messing up your finances, relationships, emotions, and physical condition, also mess up your access into God’s eternal Kingdom.

Jesus, help me see that there a lot of things I don’t know about my life here on earth. I don’t know why You put me here. I don’t fully understand what happens to me after I die. I don’t know how what I am doing here affects what happens to me in eternity. Help me understand those rules, principles, and issues that bring clarity for me.

Changing Laws And Rules
A lot of the rules and laws of the kingdom or nation where you were born are the same ones God has. They have to do with how you treat people. But, God is willing to empower you to live His laws. The world is only willing to fine you, punish you, or imprison you, if you break theirs. If you are born again, you come under the rules and laws of God’s Kingdom. When He empowers you to live His rules and laws, you live a life that is more than good enough to please the world.

Jesus, teach me that if I am born again, I will come under Your Kingdom’s rules and laws. You offer better laws and rules; and, You help me live them. Show me that the laws I am currently living under, are controlling what kind of life I am allowed to live. Help me understand that I can change kingdoms and be brought under a whole new governmental system.

Changing Kingdoms
There are people who have been miserable for years because of the policies and rules of the company they are working for. If they think that is their only option, they keep suffering. You have a better option. God’s Kingdom has laws, rules, and policies that make it possible for you to be free from financial, emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual problems. He is able to help you find the right job, the right attitudes toward life, the people you can trust, the health and healing you need, and the spiritual power to live better than you have ever lived before.

Jesus, show me You have knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom that You will share with me. Rather than having to rely on my own information, abilities to process that information, and not knowing how it will turn out in the long run, You help ideas and feelings come in my mind and heart that guide me into those things that are best for me.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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