The Resource Courses

Prayer For
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation”

Your kingdom come

Birth Makes Growth Possible
Jesus, my friend was just born into God’s family and into His Kingdom. But, help me understand that their birth just made it possible for them to start growing and improving. Show me that just like a human baby isn’t capable of doing much to influence their new world, my friend isn’t either; there are some important things that need to happen to them first. Teach me that just like God limits human babies’ abilities so they can’t do damage to the planet until they learn some people skills, this is the same way things are done in being born again. Help me understand that before my friend can enter into God’s Kingdom, God’s Kingdom is going to have to enter into them. Even though that may not make a lot of sense to my friend right now, let me help them be patient with the concept and it will gradually come clear to them.

Kingdom People
Jesus, help me make it clear to my friend that God’s Kingdom is only going to be as great as the people who live there. If there are murders, thieves, cheats, liars, and bullies there, then it is going to be a lot like what we have here on earth. There will be wars, pain, suffering, and people taking unfair advantage of one another. Help me show them that Christians MUST be set free from such attitudes, thinking, feelings, words, and deeds. Help me explain to them that for them to be an asset to God’s Kingdom and all the people there, they are going to need to be changed. BUT, help me show them that they can’t change these things in themselves; however God can! He can get them ready for His Kingdom and eternity by putting the character and principles of His Kingdom in them.

Qualify Me For Your Kingdom
A Prayer For Kingdom Attitudes And Character
Jesus, if my friend is able to understand the importance of their attitudes and character to be changed, and if they want to allow the character and principles of God’s Kingdom to enter into their personality and emotions, then let me have them say the words: “Your Kingdom come;” help me help them understand that this is a prayer. They are asking their new Father to put His Kingdom into their mind, heart, and life.

Born To Grow
Jesus, help me explain to my friend that Your prayer is a series of requests they are making to God, their heavenly Father. Help them understand that as they say each phrase of Your powerful prayer, it literally transforms that area of their life. Help them understand that just like “my Father in heaven” transformed them into a child of God, this next set of words will start changing their attitudes and character. This will start getting them ready to live in God’s eternal Kingdom. This will get them started taking advantage of their new spiritual life and get growth taking place. Make it clear to them that they are learning how to breath, eat, exercise, express themselves, get rid of bad things in their life, and develop relationships.

Instant And Then Gradual
Help me teach them that when they say, “Your Kingdom come,” they are asking their new heavenly Father to start putting His Kingdom in their heart and life. They are giving Him permission to put all the things His Kingdom stands for inside them. But, help me teach them that this isn’t as instant and total as being born again just was. Help me show them that just like a human baby is born at an exact moment, so were they. And just like from that point on the human baby’s physical, mental, emotional, and social growth gradually started taking place, so will they GRADUALLY start growing spiritually as a child of God.
An Instant Relationship With Gradual Growth
Help me teach them that when they say: “Your Kingdom come,” they are inviting their spiritual Parent to start feeding them with spiritual words, principles, concepts, and truths from the Bible. They are giving Him permission to start filling them with the spiritual food, care, protection, love, and training they will need as a spiritual being. They are inviting Him to grow them into a person who is good enough, healthy enough, and clean enough to be a citizen of His Kingdom. Help me explain to them that this forms a parent/child relationship that lasts for time and eternity. That parent/child relationship is formed instantly after they say these words. Then the benefits of that relationship produces gradual growth over the rest of their life.

Qualify Others For Your Kingdom
Growing And Maturing In Love
Jesus, help me be able to explain to them that by using the words “our” and “us” in their prayer, they are also asking God to bring His Kingdom into the hearts and lives of all the people on this planet. Help me teach them that this isn’t a selfish prayer; it is a prayer for them and everyone else. Help me explain to them that You are teaching them to always want everyone else to receive all the good things that happen to them.

Guide Them Into Praying For Others
Jesus, help me make it clear to them that another thing they must pray is for is their new heavenly Father to:
  • Speed up the process of giving everyone the good news message about His Kingdom.

  • Allow others to try His Kingdom out.

  • Give others time to make a knowledgeable decision about His Kingdom.

  • Allow others to make their final decision concerning God’s Kingdom.

  • Give everyone the eternity they have chosen to have.
Help me lead them into praying for these five things as well.

Freedom Of Choice
Jesus, since it is important for me to teach my friend that those who have chosen Jesus will spend eternity with God in His Kingdom, help me share this truth with them. Help me explain that those who have chosen to exclude Jesus from their life here will spend eternity without God. Help them understand that just like choosing to experience all Jesus has to offer is awesome, excluding Jesus leaves a person with a horrifying existence. But, if they show their friends Jesus’ cure and they reject it, then it isn’t their fault they are going to experience this horrifying existence in eternity. We are praying for their friends together and God is answering our prayers and giving them all the information they need to make the right decision.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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