The Prayer Courses

Workbook For
“The Lord’s Prayer For New Christians”

But deliver us from the evil one.

The Source Of Wrong, Bad, And Evil
Jesus, make it clear to me that most of the pressure I am experiencing to do wrong, unloving things to myself and the people around me come from the evil one, Satan. Also make it clear that most of the bad things that happen to me come from him. Show me that bad “luck,” difficult circumstances, and temptations to do wrong things typically come from him.

A Bad Influence On Our Thoughts And Feelings
Jesus, “deliver us from the evil one” is usually an easy thing to pray. I want to be delivered from the evil one. However, help me realize that many of the thoughts I have popping up in my head to do wrong are from him. Make it clear to me that they are NOT my thoughts or feelings; they ARE evil thoughts from the evil one. Satan is trying to get me to do things that will hurt me, those around me, and God’s plan. Satan has the right to offer me these thoughts and feelings. But, help me always be aware that God has given me the right AND THE POWER to refuse them.

Here Is The Temptation Rule
Jesus, teach me that no temptation has seized me except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. But when I am tempted, He will also provide a way out so that I can stand up under it (1 Cor 10:13). Teach me that God is protecting me from temptation and the evil one with three rules:
  1. What is common to man: Make it clear to me that Satan CAN’T tempt me with some strange thing that no one has ever heard of before. The Bible is giving me lists and information on EVERY possible thing Satan will try to trick me with.

  2. Beyond what you can bear: Make it clear to me that Satan is NOT ALLOWED to tempt ME with something or so many things that they are too hard for me. Help me always be aware of the fact that the temptations Satan sends at me will ALWAYS be something I will have the training, power, and relationship with You to resist.

  3. Provide a way out: Make it clear to me that all I have to do is ALWAYS be watching. Help me STAY alert for Satan’s tricks, temptations, and traps. If the Holy Spirit gives me a check in my chest, if I feel like something isn’t just right, if a friend tells me they are concerned about something, empower me to IMMEDIATELY bring it to You for examination. If I find myself not being open and ready to bring it to You when You or someone challenges me concerning an issue, help me see that, that is a VERY GOOD indication that I am being tempted by the evil one.
A Lot Of People Are Being Protected
Jesus, help me understand that when I pray “Deliver US from the evil one,” I am asking God to not only deliver me but to deliver all the other people on earth from him. “Deliver US” is including all of them in my prayer. If they will receive God’s answer to my prayer, their life will become as meaningful and blessed as mine will continue to become.

A Prayer Of Deliverance
Jesus, this is my heart’s desire; I now pray these words and say: “Deliver us from the evil one.”

You Have Just Increased Your Abilities
To Talk To Your Heavenly Father
Pray This Regularly
Jesus, help me realize how wonderful this training has been to me. You have just empowered me to ask my heavenly Father to help me live the Christian life in a better and more powerful way today. He is now answering my prayers as I start my day. Help me be LOOKING for the good things that God WILL be sending my way, as I continue to pray this DAILY prayer.

Experience This Regularly
Jesus, help me realize that being a Christian doesn’t keep all bad things from happening to me. But, it does allow the miracles of God to come my way as God solves them. Rom 8:28 (NIV) AND I KNOW that in ALL things God works for the GOOD of me who loves Him, who has been called according to His purpose. Show me that it also empowers me to stay in peace and trust in God by knowing that somehow, someway God is going to come through with a miracle.

Notice This Regularly
Jesus, sometimes it seems hard for me to feel peace and trust. But, help me understand that the more I start NOTICING the miracles, the more I will be able to believe that God will ALWAYS come through with another miracle. Show me that as I experience more and more miracles from God AND begin NOTICING these miracles, I will start saying: “He always has and He always will come through for me.”

Train For This Regularly
Jesus, I thank You for all those You have helped be committed to helping me experience all the blessings and provisions of God. I thank You that the main problems I will run into either have been covered or will be covered in the courses on this website. If I ever need to go back to a previous course and read over it again, help me become aware of my need.

This concludes
“The Lord’s Prayer For New Christians” Week Two

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so you will be able to come back and start
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sinning Christians” Week One
next week.

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