The Prayer Courses

Prayer For
“The Lord’s Prayer For New Christians”

Your kingdom come,

Making You Into A Kingdom Person
Jesus, make it clear to me that in a very real sense, God’s Kingdom has entered into me. Help that make sense to me right now; help me see that God’s Kingdom is being created by adding one person at a time. Make it easy for me to see that God’s Kingdom is only going to be as great as the people who live there. Show me that if there are murderers, thieves, cheats, liars, and bullies there, then it is going to be a lot like what we have here on earth. I don’t want to join a kingdom where there are wars, pain, suffering, and people taking unfair advantage of one another.

Kingdom Attitudes And Character
Jesus, show me that God is in the process of setting me free from attitudes, thinking, feelings, and deeds that hurt me, other people, and God’s plans for His Kingdom. Teach me that for me to be an asset to God’s Kingdom and all the people around me, I am going to need to allow my heavenly Father to start changing many things about my character and attitudes. Since I can’t change these things in me, help me know that God can and will. I pray that You will let Your Kingdom attitudes and character come into me; help me be an asset to Your Kingdom now.

Heal My Heart
Inviting God’s Kingdom In
Jesus, show me that when I say, Your Kingdom come, I am asking God to not only put His Kingdom in my heart and life, I am asking Him to put His attitudes and character in me too. Teach me that it is His attitudes and character that make His family and Kingdom such a wonderful thing to belong to. Teach me how to live in God’s Kingdom. Teach me that the more God’s Kingdom attitudes and character enter into me, the more power He can trust me with.

Keep Inviting The Kingdom In
Jesus, each day, as I pray this prayer, help me understand that I am giving God permission to put inside me more and more of the things His family and Kingdom stand for. Help me look at the world around me; help me understand that the world in general and the individual people around me are struggling because of all the sin and evil they are doing to one another. Show me that this war has been taking place in my heart and life. I have felt bad things toward others and I have experienced bad things from others.
Ask For More Of The Kingdom
Jesus, I now say: “Your Kingdom come.” Let the power, healing, and love of God’s Kingdom start healing my heart and life.

Heal The Hearts Of My Friends
Change The People Around You
Jesus, make me ready to ask God to bring His Kingdom into the hearts and lives of all the people around me. Let this keep my prayers from being selfish prayers; let it become a prayer for me and everyone else. Let this teach me to always want everyone I know, to receive all the good things that happen to me. Plus, as I continue to use the words “our” and “us” rather than “my” and “me,” let it help to improve the world around me.

Teach me that the more God influences those around me, as I pray for myself and them, the better they will be able to treat me. The more I give these things to others, the more God blesses me for it. Since church is where I and my friends get together and help each other learn how to live Kingdom living, let us live it out in the world where others need God’s Kingdom to come into them.

Adding People To God’s Kingdom
Jesus, let this prayer help me include others in it. Let this prayer invite the presence and power of God into the lives of others. Since God wants me to be used to pray wonderful things into the lives of other people, help me see the importance of praying for bad situations in other people’s lives. Let me pray for them when they get sick, have relational or financial difficulties. But, help me not fail to pray for these Kingdom attitudes and character to come into them. Help me see that when I pray and God starts changing their attitudes and character, they not only get freed from bad things, they get blessed with good things.

Ask For More Of The Kingdom In Others
Jesus, I now say: “Let Your Kingdom come into my friends hearts and minds;” let the power, healing, and love of God’s Kingdom start healing their life.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“The Lord’s Prayer For New Christians” Week One.

Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here next week.

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