The Prayer Studies

Prayer For
“The Lord’s Prayer For New Christians”

Our Father in heaven,

Learning To Care About Others
Jesus, before I say these words, help me make sure I am able to say them with meaning from my heart. Help me notice that this prayer includes others besides myself. It starts off with “our” rather than “my.” It would seem like I should be saying this just for myself. However, help me notice that rather than asking for things for “me,” You are having me pray for all of “us.”

You Can Pray For Your New Family
Jesus, as a Christian, God wants me to start caring about everyone. Show me that I am now a part of a special family; teach me how to pray in such a way that I include all of them in my prayers. Teach me that the more I include others in my prayers, the more God meets my needs. Show me that the less I concern myself with others, the harder it is for me to get my needs met through God. Help me start to see that, if it is that important for me to pray for, then it is that important for them to receive.

You Can Give What You Get
Jesus, teach me the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE: If I give, it will be given to me. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into my lap. For with the measure I use, it will be measured to me (Luke 6:38).” Help me understand that when I include others in my prayer for me, I am GIVING to them a gift of prayer for the same things I want for my life.
Father in heaven
God Is Your Father
Jesus, help me start and continue my conversation with God by saying, “Our Father in heaven.” After I prayed this prayer to be born again, from that point on GOD BECAME MY FATHER. Help me regularly spend time each day thinking about the fact that God is NOW my heavenly FATHER. Help me see myself sitting in His lap as I express the issues of my heart.

God Is An Awesome Father
Jesus, regardless of what kind of an earthly father I have had, teach me that I now have a Father Who loves me very much. Help me realize that every good thing that has ever happened to me has come from Him. Help me understand that I am opening my heart up to Him and am giving Him permission to release His love that He has already put in my heart. I believe that God has poured out HIS love into my heart by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given me (Rom 5:5b).

You Growing In Your Relationship
Jesus, since I have already accepted God as my heavenly Father, when I prayed this prayer for making You the Savior, Lord, and King of my life, I am now talking to God in order to build on that relationship. When I call Him my heavenly Father, I am opening up my heart so He can fill it with special emotions. Show me that I am allowing myself to grow in my love for my heavenly Father.

Using Your Mouth And Heart To Grow
Jesus, when I am having problems FEELING a love and closeness to my heavenly Father, help me say: “MY Father in heaven” a few times until I am able to FEEL the relationship grow. Once that happens, show me that I am then ready to start including the rest of my Christian family by saying: “OUR Father in heaven.”

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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