The Submission Courses Part 2

Prayer For
“Submitting Your Choices”

I Am Desiring To Submit My Choices And Decisions

I Am Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

I Am Opening My Mind To God
I Am Willing To Submit My Choices And Decisions To Jesus
Jesus, take me into the first step in The Six Biblical Principles is DESIRE. But, as You shown me before, I don’t always automatically DESIRE the right things. There are things I WANT that I don’t want to give up going after. Show me that if You don’t ask me to give them up, then they are okay for the moment. But, if I am basing my choices and decisions on things that You and the Bible are telling me to give up, help me see that the DESIRE to give them up may not come easy.

Jesus, help me to alway remember that my brain and MIND can be reasoned with; show me that it isn’t like my heart. If You give me a convincing argument for an item, my MIND can embrace it and accept it as truth. Use these textbooks to spend a certain amount of time helping me understand what You wants me to learn. Also use them for convincing me that I should accept them into my life. Teach me that if I am unable or unwilling to allow You to get the understanding and DESIRE into me through the textbook, the prayers in the workbook won’t be sincere. Help me be open to the purpose of the textbook. Help me understand the subject and help me receive a DESIRE to get it into my life.

Submitting My Choices And Decisions To The Right Things
Phil 4:8 (NIV) Finally, brothers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE--if anything is EXCELLENT or PRAISEWORTHY--think about such things. Jesus, make it clear to me that my choices and decisions are based on the goals I have set, the plans I have made, and the things I concentrate on. If I am spending my time dreaming, planning, and concentrating on things that don’t qualify for this list, help me see that my choices and decisions will turn out bad.

A Choice And Decision That Is TRUE
Jesus, there are times when I don’t know whether something I am thinking is TRUE. If that is the case, then help me always treat it as an unproven thought. If I “guess” it is TRUE, then help me see that I will be basing my decision on guess work. If someone “told” me it was true but I don’t know it for a fact, then help me realize that I am about to make a decision that fails the list. If I find myself trying to convince myself and others that it is TRUE, then help me see that I am about to make a decision that fails the list. Teach me that I must know for a fact that what I believe to be true is TRUE, BEFORE I choose and make my final decision on the matter.

A Choice And Decision That Is NOBLE
Jesus, teach me that a thought that represents or demonstrates fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals is a NOBLE thought. Teach me that if my thoughts are locked into that which is right, good, and righteous, then my choices and decisions will be beneficial, win/win, and helpful. I will be thinking thoughts that plan ways of being honest, filled with integrity, and moral. But, help me keep in mind that I won’t be able to automatically make decisions that are righteous and noble. I will face situations that will challenge me making honest, moral, and righteous decisions. Empower me to allow You to help me think about ways to avoid wrong, bad, and evil decisions, as I go about my day so I won’t mess up.

A Choice And Decision That Is RIGHT
Jesus, teach me that right as opposed to wrong can often be a wrong decision I made accidentally. However, teach me that good decisions as opposed to bad ones or righteous decisions as opposed to evil ones are decisions made on purpose. Teach me that not every decision I make has to do with righteousness or sin; it will be a wrong choice; but, it won’t be a bad or evil one. Help me understand that God doesn’t just deal with sin and righteousness, He also deals with what is best for me and those around me. He wants me and others to experience His very best. Help me yield my thoughts to God’s best; help me NOT settle for choices, decisions, plans, goals, or strategies that are mediocre.

A Choice And Decision That Is PURE
Jesus, help me see that when something is PURE, it isn’t mixed with anything else. Show me that in that case, my decision doesn’t have some parts of it that are honest, loving, moral, and righteous and also have parts that are dishonest, unloving, immoral, and unrighteous. Show me that a choice or plan can be mostly right, good, and righteous; it can be almost pure; but, it can have a little bit of something that keeps it from being the very best for me and those around me. You want me to let You help me purify my choices and decisions so that every aspect of them are right, good, and righteous. I now ask You to purify my choices and decisions.

A Choice And Decision That Is LOVELY
Jesus, teach me that a plan that inspires love is LOVELY; it is a yielding to choices and decisions that help and assist me in loving myself, others, and God. Teach me that there are also choices and decisions that are based on hate, disrespect, revenge, and all kinds of wrong, bad, and evil. Show me that a lovely decision is one that helps me plan, come up with feelings, and consider ways for demonstrating love for someone. It is a decision that sets me on a path that is based on me wanting to demonstrate love to a person; it gives me a plan that demonstrates that I love them; and it is based on the fact that I have started to feel love for them.

A Choice And Decision That Is ADMIRABLE
Jesus, teach me that a thought that is worthy of ADMIRATION is a thought that I can honor, be pleased with, and can consider worthy of investing my choices and decisions in. It is a form of thinking that has high qualities, good attitudes and character, and is a valuable way of producing quality decisions. If it is ADMIRABLE, it is worth concentrating on, pondering, meditating on, and developing into a goal, a plan, a decision, and then actions.

A Choice And Decision That Is EXCELLENT
Jesus, teach me that a thought that is EXCELLENT, is a thought that excels to the highest levels of quality. If my choices and decisions are EXCELLENT, then I am devoting them to the very best types of accomplishments. Help me see that I am allowing You to give me plans that are God-sized, supernatural, and holy. Make it clear to me that they are decisions that are bigger, better, and superior to any kind of decision I, as a human, could make. Teach me that this requires me to use my mind of Christ to start making spiritual decisions.

A Choice And Decision That Is PRAISEWORTHY
Jesus, I can think about mundane, boring, common, and uneventful things. Or, I can allow You to help me think of things that really motivate me to set goals, make plans, and choose decisions that are PRAISEWORTHY. Since God, the Holy Spirit is inside me, let Him guide me into choices and decisions that produce incredibly wonderful, helpful, considerate, and loving plans and accomplishments. Help me decide to do benevolent things that are quite amazing. Let them be decisions that help me reach my highest potential in righteousness.

Philippians 4:8 Choices And Decisions
Jesus, make it clear to me that it is impossible for me to think like this and make decisions like this on my own. Let it be easy for me to see that this takes me submitting my thoughts, choices, and decisions to You. 1 Cor 2:16 (NIV) “For who has known the MIND of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the MIND of Christ. Help me see that I have Your MIND installed in my MIND; that means I can think Jesus-thoughts, devise Jesus-plans, and make Jesus-decisions. Help me apply The Six Biblical Principles and start thinking Philippians 4:8 thoughts; let Your power-thoughts start popping up in my MIND. Let this empower my choices and decisions so they will start representing God’s will for my life.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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