The Submission Courses Part 1

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Emotions”

Dealing With The Emotions That Are Hurting Me

Living The Romans Chapter Eight Life
Jesus, teach me the Romans chapter eight life; take me verse by verse through the chapter and use it to teach me how to submit to You and Your Holy Spirit. Because the course, Submitting Your Emotions To Jesus, is my first step into a life of submission, help me learn two things simultaneously. Teach me how to use The Six Biblical Principles; AND, how to submit my emotions to You.

Living According To The Holy Spirit
The Submission Courses
Jesus, help me understand that giving my life over to living according to the Holy Spirit is the way of submission. Teach me that as I submit all seven areas of my life over to You, I will be living according to the Holy Spirit. Help me remember that in these Submission Courses Part One, You are leading me into submitting my emotions, my attitudes and character, my your body to You. Then in the Submission Courses Part Two, You will be leading me into submitting my thoughts, choices and decisions, will-power, and my life to You. Help me keep in mind that the Strategy Courses were step one; and, these Submission Courses are step two in living according to the Holy Spirit.

The Romans Chapter Eight
Steps Into Emotional Submission
1. I Am Free From Condemnation
Jesus, there is now no condemnation because I am in You, my Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). Help me understand that condemnation is a powerful emotional issue; it is a feeling that I have done “something” to separate myself from God. However, make it clear to me that both in Romans chapter seven and in Romans chapter eight I start out with a clean, perfect record with God. I have fulfilled the requirements of Romans 10:8-10: But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is IN your mouth and IN your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you WIL be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and ARE JUSTIFIED, and it is with your mouth that you confess and ARE SAVED.

2. I Am Free From The Law Of Sin And Death
Jesus, there is now no condemnation because I am in You, my Christ Jesus because through You, my Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life SET ME FREE from the law of sin and death. Help me understand that this is my second emotional support! Teach me that The law of sin and death REQUIRED me to use human effort to do good and stop doing bad. BUT, the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. Empower me to apply The Six Biblical Principles to this truth.

3. I Am Accepting My Freedom From The Law Of Sin And Death
  1. DESIRE: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to WANT to be free from the law of sin and death.

  2. STUDY: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to STUDY and learn how to be free from the law of sin and death.

  3. PRAY: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to PRAY and ask for all those things that will help me to be free from the law of sin and death.

  4. BELIEVE: Jesus, I ask You to give me faith to BELIEVE You HAVE given me freedom from the law of sin and death.

  5. LOVE: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to LOVE others enough to be willing to share these truths with them so THEY can be free from the law of sin and death.

  6. FAITH-ACTION: Jesus, I ask You to join me so I can take FAITH-ACTION and live on the basis of the fact that I AM free from the law of sin and death.

4. I Believe The Righteous Requirements
Of The Law Are FULLY Met In Me Based On My Record
Jesus, what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by my sinful nature, God did by sending You, His Own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering for me. And so He condemned sin in sinful me, IN ORDER THAT the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in me, who isn’t living according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit (Rom 8:3-4). Help me accept this as my third emotional support! Make it clear to me that in the previous textbook and workbook, You empowered me to DESIRE to live according to the Spirit, STUDY these verses so I could know how to live according to the Spirit, and PRAY and ask for Your power to live according to the Spirit. NOW, I am looking to You to give me the faith to BELIEVE I HAVE the power to live according to the Spirit.

The Righteous Requirements Of The Law
Jesus, the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in me because I, do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit. Make it clear to me that this happened because You gave me a clean, perfect record with God; and, that CREDITED the righteous requirements of the law BEING fully met in me because my perfect record says I do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit. So, help me accept the fact that I start out with this requirement CREDITED to my record with God.

I Am Accepting That The Righteous Requirements
Of The Law ARE Fully Met In Me Through My Record
  1. DESIRE: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to WANT to accept the fact that the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in ME because I do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, based on my clean, perfect record with God.

  2. STUDY: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to STUDY and understand the Scriptures that say the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in ME because I do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, based on my clean, perfect record with God.

  3. PRAY: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to PRAY for God’s power to accept the fact that the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in ME because I do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, based on my clean, perfect record with God.

  4. BELIEVE: Jesus, I ask You to give me faith so I can BELIEVE the fact that the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in ME because I do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, based on my clean, perfect record with God.

  5. LOVE: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to LOVE others enough to be willing to share these truths with them so THEY can BELIEVE the fact that the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in THEM because they do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, based on their clean, perfect record with God.

  6. FAITH-ACTION: Jesus, I ask You to join me so I can take FAITH-ACTION and live on the basis of the fact that the righteous requirements of the law ARE fully met in ME because I do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit, based on my clean, perfect record with God.

Jesus, teach me that the righteous requirements of the law CAN BE fully met in ME because I can ACTUALLY stop living according to the sinful nature and can ACTUALLY start living according to the Spirit. Teach me how this is possible; show me that as I start TAKING ADVANTAGE of my clean, perfect record with God, I can use my DIRECT access to Him and get His power to be sanctified.

Help me understand that these courses and these prayers are being used by You to empower me to ACTUALLY live out the righteous requirements of the law. And that they are BEING fully met in ME because Your Holy Spirit is giving ME power to not live according to the sinful nature but according to Him, the Spirit. Show me that I start out with this requirement CREDITED to my record with God; then I go through The Six Biblical Principles and start growing spiritually (being sanctified).

I Accept That The Righteous Requirements
Of The Law Are STARTING To Be Fully Met In My Behavior
  1. DESIRE: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to WANT to start LIVING OUT the righteous requirements of the law so they can be fully met in ME because I am BEING given power to STOP living according to the sinful nature and START living according to the Spirit.

  2. STUDY: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to STUDY and understand the Scriptures so they can tell me HOW to start LIVING OUT the righteous requirements of the law so they can be fully met in ME because I am BEING given power to STOP living according to the sinful nature and START living according to the Spirit.

  3. PRAY: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to PRAY and ask for God’s power to start LIVING OUT the righteous requirements of the law so they can be fully met in ME because I am BEING strengthened to STOP living according to the sinful nature and START living according to the Spirit.

  4. BELIEVE: Jesus, I ask You to give me faith so I can BELIEVE the fact that the righteous requirements of the law CAN be fully met in ME. Teach me how to START LIVING OUT the righteous requirements of the law. This will START them being fully met in ME because I am BEING strengthened to STOP living according to the sinful nature and STARTING to live according to the Spirit.

  5. LOVE: Jesus, I ask You to empower me to LOVE others enough to be willing to share these truths with them so THEY can BELIEVE the fact that they too can START LIVING OUT the righteous requirements of the law. This will START them being fully met in others because they are BEING strengthened to STOP living according to the sinful nature and START living according to the Spirit.

  6. FAITH-ACTION: Jesus, I ask You to join me so I can take FAITH-ACTION and live on the basis of the fact that the righteous requirements of the law are STARTING to be fully met in ME as I GRADUALLY stop living according to the sinful nature and GRADUALLY START living according to the Spirit.

Jesus, teach me that sanctification (spiritual growth) is a PROCESS; it is a GRADUAL change in my ACTUAL behavior with myself, other people, and God. Teach me that salvation and justification are an experience, an event, a moment of birth. Just like I have a moment or time of birth recorded on my birth certificate, so it is with God when I was born again. Help me see that sanctification is like my natural growth. I have to “do what it takes” to mature, grow, and stay healthy physically. And, I have to “do what it takes” to mature, grow, and stay healthy spiritually.

Sanctification Is A Process
1. I Will Have The Typical Problems
Jesus, I have been living my life in the realm of Romans chapter seven. I am either a new or untrained Christian; when I struggle with winning over various problems in my life, make it clear to me that it is because I haven’t fully learned how to live in Romans chapter eight. Show me that this doesn’t mean I won’t have the problems that everyone else has, it means I will be able to face them with Your power and Your Holy Spirit. It means I win over them in many different and powerful ways. You said in John 16:33 (NIV): “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you WILL have trouble. BUT TAKE HEART! I have overcome the world.”

2. I Must Understand Sin And Righteousness
Jesus, teach me that if I am controlled by the sinful nature I cannot please God (Rom 8:8). Teach me what actually pleases God. Help me see that sometimes I have some sort of image of God being One Who has set up some rules that only He can appreciate. However, help me understand that God set up rules that we all appreciate. Explain to me that whether God is dealing with money, sex, business, friendships, marriage, emotions, lifestyles, physical issues, or spiritual issues, He is only dealing with what is good for ME and those AROUND ME. If money, sex, business, friendships, marriage, family, emotions, lifestyles, physical issues, or spiritual issues are hurting me or those around me, then God labels them sins. If they are blessing me or those around me NOW but NOT later, then God ALSO labels them sins. If they are blessing me and those around me now AND in my future, then God labels them righteousness.

3. I Must Understand Freedom THROUGH Control
Jesus, I, however, am controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in me. And if I do not have the Spirit of Christ, I do not belong to Christ. Show me that it would be easy for me to misunderstand this word “control.” Since I have a God-given free will, I am ONLY controlled by the Holy Spirit when I allow Him to. Teach me that I have to ALLOW Him to control me moment by moment and issue by issue. As I am going through my day making decisions, I must decide, at that moment, whether or not I will allow the Holy Spirit to control me. If in that issue I DECIDE to allow the Holy Spirit to control that thought, feeling, word, or deed, then at that MOMENT I am controlled by the Holy Spirit.

4. I Must Know How To Have Freedom Through Free Will
Jesus, teach me that I have an obligation--but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it (Rom 8:12). Make it clear to me that in Romans 7:15 I had the power to do what I wanted even though it seemed like I didn’t. In my Romans 7:15 live I did not understand what I did . For what I WANTED to do I did not do, but what I HATED I did. Show me that my ONLY problem was that I was “trying” to live the Christian life. The Holy Spirit would speak to my conscience and I would “do my best” to obey Him. I would read the Bible or do a study like this and think I was being asked to make the spiritual changes. Make it clear to me that the more I tried to do spiritual things, the more I failed.

Jesus, teach me that the only freedom I experienced in the Romans chapter seven life was freedom from guilt and sin; this freedom came by me receiving a clean, perfect record with God. Even though I failed to do what I WANTED to do that was good and failed to stop doing bad things I HATED, I was still in a right relationship with my heavenly Father. Through grace and mercy, God ALLOWED me to use my God-given free will to WANT and to HATE. And make it clear to me that as long as I used my free will to do that, He kept CREDITING my record with purity and perfection. That kept giving me DIRECT access to God. BUT, NOW I am wanting to ACTUALLY think, feel, say, and do the right things. AND, I am wanting to ACTUALLY stop doing the wrong things; show me that, that takes sanctification (spiritual growth).

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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