The Submission Courses Part 1

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Emotions”

I Am Submitting My Emotions To Jesus
I Am “Doing What It Takes”
I Am Learning How To Live The Victorious Christian Life
Jesus, help me understand that Romans 7:15-25 has one main message; make it clear to me that human effort, world training, or satanic influence will NOT work in living the Victorious Christian Life. BUT, help me see that as a new or untrained Christian I have ONLY experienced and learned human effort, world training, and satanic influence. If I as a new Christian am properly cared for, my life in Romans chapter seven can be short. Thank you for helping these mature Christians to allow You to work through them so they can IMMEDIATELY start being used by you to lead me into the Romans chapter eight life of the Spirit. Show me how to “do what it takes” to submit my emotions to You.

I Am Getting Jesus’ Help With My Emotions

Things I Need To Learn
Jesus, help me see that You are willing and able to help me with my issue with drugs. But, the problem I face with getting Your help WITH ANYTHING is understanding how life with You works. You are teaching me that there are seven major areas where I need Your help. I need to submit my emotions to You, I need to submit my attitudes and character to You, I need to submit my body to You, I need to submit my thoughts to You, I need to submit my choices and decisions to You, I need to submit my will-power to You, and I need to submit my life to You. SO, since I need submission training in these seven areas, help me understand how to have a successful relationship with You.

The Six Biblical Principles

I Am Establishing A Successful Relationship With Jesus
  1. DESIRE: Jesus, teach me that You honor my God-given free will all the time; You will only do what I DESIRE You to do. Empower me to DESIRE to submit my emotions to You. I now pray and ask You to help me WANT to submit my emotions to You.

  2. STUDY: Jesus, help me understand that You will only use Bible principles I am familiar with; if I haven’t STUDIED and learned a Bible principle, You won’t use it. Empower me to STUDY and learn how to submit my emotions to You; which is what I am doing now.

  3. PRAY: Another thing you need to know is, He won’t help you with anything you don’t PRAY and ask Him to help you with; you have to pray and invite Him into helping your submit your emotions to Him.

  4. BELIEVE: Jesus, empower me to learn how to wait for You to give me the faith I need so I can BELIEVE and be sure You HAVE given me Your power to submit my emotions to You. Help me fix my eyes on You, the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Heb 12:2). Teach me that once I know and feel that You HAVE given me the power to submit my emotions to You, I am ready to move on.

  5. LOVE: Jesus, empower me to do EVERYTHING based on God’s LOVE. Teach me that if I try to get You to help me with submitting my emotions for selfish reasons that are only beneficial to me, You won’t do it. I now pray and ask You to empower me to be willing to share my breakthroughs with others, as I start submitting my emotions to You.

  6. FAITH-ACTION: Jesus, empower me to ACTUALLY do it! Teach me that if I know how to submit my emotions to You, understand what it means to submit my emotions to You, and know how to apply to my life the process of submitting my emotions to You, but I don’t do it, I will fail; I must take FAITH-ACTION.

The Fruit Of The Spirit
Nine Emotions For Me To Yield To
Jesus, show me that once I start living on the basis of The Six Biblical Principles, I will start experiencing a greater degree of Your power-relationship. Teach me that this power-relationship with You will help me yield to the emotions of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Teach me that these are the Holy Spirit’s power-emotions that You are wanting to put in me. They are what You want me to submit to so I will have emotions that empower me to live The Victorious Christian Life.

I Am Bearing Emotional Fruit Naturally
Jesus, empower me to “bear” these emotional fruit: Gal 5:22-23 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Help me see that a little peach tree doesn’t have to DESIRE to bear peaches because it doesn’t have a God-given free will. But, it does have to absorb nutrients and water from the soil, power from the sun, and carbon dioxide from the air. And, it is going to need someone to protect it from diseases and bugs. If it does get all these things in proper proportions, at the proper time it will bear peaches BECAUSE IT IS A PEACH TREE.

I Am A Child Of God
Jesus, teach me that desire, study, pray, believe, love, and take faith-action are The Six Biblical Principles that I need in proper proportions. 1 Cor 6:19 (NIV) Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? You are not your own. Make it clear to me that since the Holy Spirit is in me, if I get all my spiritual needs met, I WILL bear the fruit of the Spirit. These emotions WILL flow out of me because they ARE in me. Empower me with the Holy Spirit’s DESIRE, empower me to STUDY the Bible, empower me to PRAY to God, empower me to BELIEVE I have what I have been praying for, empower me to LOVE others enough to share my breakthroughs with them, and empower me to take FAITH-ACTION. Help me see that, that will be my next step into submitting my emotions to You.

I Have Emotions To Live By
Jesus, help me see that if I start my day with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, I will be able to face problems and difficulties with great power. If I am depressed, discouraged, frustrated, angry, upset, or feeling hopeless, I will face even my good days with weakness and inadequacies. Teach me that the power-emotions of the Holy Spirit not only help me in eternity, they help me succeed now.

I Am Yielding To The Fruit Of The Spirit
I AM A Child Of God
A peach tree doesn’t have to do special things to produce peaches; it produces peaches because it is a peach tree. You don’t have to do anything special to produce the fruit of the Spirit, you just have to yield to them. You are a child of God, you CAN allow them to flow in through you naturally. But, because you have a God-given free will, as a Christian, you can resist them. You have the God-given right to yield to depression, discouragement, hatred, frustration, anger, fear, doubt, and helplessness. You don’t have to automatically produce the fruit of the Spirit, you can CHOOSE to submit to other emotions.

I Am Using The Six Biblical Principles
Jesus, help me see that the POTENTIAL for producing the fruit of the Spirit is already in me. But, as I go through my day, I can face an issue and decide to submit to the fruit of the Spirit; or, I can submit to negative emotions.
  1. Teach me that when I pray and ask You to give me the DESIRE to submit to the fruit of the Spirit, You will empower me to resist negative emotions and yield to the fruit of the Spirit naturally.

  2. Teach me that the more I STUDY the Bible, the more I learn how to allow the fruit of the Spirit to flow naturally through me.

  3. Teach me that the more I PRAY and ask You to help me yield to the fruit of the Spirit, the more I am empowered to keep negative feelings out.

  4. Teach me that the more I fix my eyes on You for faith that I already have the fruit of the Spirit in me, the more I BELIEVE I can just submit to them.

  5. Teach me that the more I yield to LOVE, the more I will share the truths about the fruit of the Spirit with others.

  6. Teach me that the more I take FAITH-ACTION, the more I automatically yield to the fruit of the Spirit moment by moment and issue by issue.

I Am Getting Progressive Training
Jesus, help me understand that I am going to be exposed to The Six Biblical Principles all through these courses. As I get more skill in using them, I will do an even better job of exposing my emotions to You and yielding to the fruit of the Spirit. Show me that since this is my first Submission Course, I will be a little bit unsure, confused, and limited in my experiences with The Six Biblical Principles. But, help me just keep moving forward and I will get empowered to use them with supernatural power and skill.

This concludes
“Submitting Your Emotions” Week Two

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“Submitting Your Attitudes” Week One
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