The Prevention Courses
Part 1

Workbook For
“The Full Armor Of God”

Four Major Aspects Of Spiritual Growth:
1. Jesus, in the first study, General Spiritual Growth, You helped me with my will as it related to my lines of communication. You showed me who or what I had been listening to and who and what I needed to be listening to. Then you taught me that my will was WHY I was listening. I thank You for helping me deal with my God-given free will. Thank You for teaching me how to WANT to love You and the things of God; and, thank You for teaching me how to WANT to hate the things of the devil. As General Spiritual Growth divided into two parts and, therefore, produced two studies, You helped me in two very important areas of my will and desires:

      a. You taught me how to WANT to open four doors of
          communication with God and then how to open them.
         (Right things I needed to be constantly wanting and allowing
         to enter into my life - Study One).

      b. You taught me how to WANT to close three doors of
          communication with Satan and how to close them.
         (Wrong things I was WILLINGLY allowing to enter into my life
         - Study Two).

         I thank You for teaching and empowering me
        to control my will and the communication doors of my life.

2. Jesus, in the second study, Sanctification Spiritual Growth (Study Three), You dealt with things that were already in my life. You helped me with habits and addictions that were contrary to the plan of God. I thank You for teaching me how GET the things of God and how to GET RID OF the things of Satan.
3. Jesus, in this third study, Preventative Spiritual Warfare (Study Four) help me have an open and receptive heart and mind. In this type of spiritual growth help me and empower me to win over all those things that are trying to get into my life that I and You don’t want in there. Deal with this spiritual growth by means of helping me get on, keep on, and skillfully use the full armor of God. Teaching me how to KEEP the things of God and how to REMAIN FREE from the things of Satan.

4. Jesus, prepare my heart and mind so You and I can examine the fourth aspect of spiritual growth, which is Ministerial Spiritual Warfare (Study Five). Get me ready to be taught spiritual warfare in behalf of others. Help me learn those things I need to know now so I will be who I need to be.

Jesus, I ask You to let me be ready to be taken all the way into spiritual growth and success. Let it be done so You and I can protect, defend, and deliver others from satanic attack and satanic domination. Get me ready so You and I can be on the front line of defense for those who can’t protect themselves. Get me ready so You can teach me how to protect others and how to join You in training them to protect themselves through You.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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