The Power Courses Instruction

Prayer For
“How Do I KEEP The Power Life?”

Living Without Truth
Parental Care
Jesus, as a human, I have already lived a lot of years; I have tried a lot of things, believed a lot of things, learned a lot of things, and experienced a lot of things. I have built relationships, lifestyles, careers, habits, and have even developed some addictions. God gave me a chance to see what life is like without Him. Now You are ready to show me what life here and in eternity can be like with God. I have used my God-given free will to run my own life; now I am being given a chance to live it under God’s supervision; show me that this is like being under parental care.

No More Trial And Error
Jesus, if we simply ignored the fact that a baby needs a lot of adult supervision, what would a baby be willing to eat, do, breath, and experience that would hurt or kill them? They would approach life as if there weren’t anything that was dangerous, poisonous, life-threatening, or wrong. They would neglect vital things, try deadly things, and have a belief system that allowed them to try anything at least once. There would be no warnings, no guidance, no training, and no protection. Teach me that, that is the way I have been running my life. It has been without spiritual, parental supervision. Help me except God’s supervision in my life.

Minimal Training
Jesus, most people who have influenced my life have been involved in MANY things that they shouldn’t be involved in. They have believed things that weren’t true. They have learned a lot of the things they know through trial and error methods and can only tell me what they have found out so far. And, since I have had the same attitudes they had when they ran their life, I have listened to them and THEN went out and did what I thought was best for me. That caused me to learn the hard way JUST LIKE THEM. But, help me see a whole different way of life. Let me take a look at what I will need to do to have all the information, principles, guidance, and help I need.

Living With Truth
Taking Care Of Your Spirit
Jesus, teach me the main pieces of spiritual equipment I am to learn how to use. Show me that it will be like a baby learning how to use their human lungs, eyes, ears, neck, mouth, hands, and feet. You are helping me start to learn how to use my spiritual lungs, eyes, ears, neck, mouth, hands, and feet. But for now, my heavenly Father is just requiring that I learn how to do two spiritual things, using two pieces of spiritual equipment. Help me keep in mind that this is the first time I have been faced with this assignment. Help me be patient with myself and my new, born again spirit.

What Makes My Human Mouth And Heart Spiritual?
Jesus, teach me the principle that if one person uses their human body to do right, good, and righteous things, they are using their physical equipment for good. And, teach me that if another person uses theirs to do wrong, bad, and evil things, they are using their physical equipment for bad. Show me that the way they use their body makes it either sinful or Christian. I didn’t need a special experience like salvation to use my body in a sinful way. This was because every one of my human ancestors all involved themselves in sin and passed the spiritual disease on to me. But, You have NOW empowered me to make my mouth and heart capable of being used as spiritual equipment for doing right, good, and righteous things.

Speaking And Believing The Truth
Learning How To Use Your Mouth And Heart
But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming (Rom 10:8). Jesus, I have been using my mouth for all kinds of things. Some of the things I said with my mouth were okay; some of the things I said, were wrong; some of the things I said, were bad; and some of the things I said, were actually evil. Now I am going to learn how to use my mouth to say things that help, heal, bless, and make me and those around me successful.

I have also been using my heart for all kinds of things. I have been listening to all kinds of people; some of them I believed because I trusted them; others I believed because they said what I wanted to hear. Then out of all this personal selection of information, I developed those things my heart is running my life with. It makes me feel bad when I break, bend, or ignore one of the things my heart has been assigned to enforce. Teach me that its job is to make sure I live according to those things I have told it to enforce. It believes that these are the truths of life; and, if one of them is ignored or misapplied, it believes that it will hurt me. But, show me that many of the things in my heart may not be TRUTH; but, my heart believes them to be true and enforces them.

Finding Out What The Truth Is
Jesus answered, “I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6). Jesus, I can’t speak the truth or believe the truth, if I don’t know what the truth is. You are now my source of truth; You have committed Yourself and established Yourself in such a way that You CANNOT lie. AND, since You know everything, You know what is true and what is a lie. So, when You tell me something, it is the total truth even if examined from all perspectives and possibilities. You have thought of everything and boiled it down to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Teach me that I can base my beliefs and words on it. BUT, I have to get my heart to accept these truths AS TRUTHS.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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