The Power Courses Instruction

Prayer For
“How Do I KEEP The Power Life?”

The ABC’s Of Christianity
It’s A Simple System
But what does it say? “The word is near you; it IS in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming (Rom 10:8): Jesus, help me realize that the important thing for me to notice is, this is the way Christianity works. Teach me that moving successfully, navigating with skill, ending up where I wanted to go, and knowing how I did it is very important in any realm, life, or science. I am being taught how to get my spirit from point “A” to point “B” in the physical and spiritual world.

The Word Is Near You
Jesus, when I am hunting for something that someone else knows where it is, as I move around the room, they might say, “You’re getting warmer.” If I want to know how to be turned into a child of God, made a citizen of His Kingdom, given a new heavenly body, and spend eternity in a new heaven and new earth, and I find out that the way is near me, I know I am close. Once I applied Your prayer and Romans 10:9-10 and WAS born again, I took advantage of the word being near me. But, learning this principle is like learning my alphabet; it wasn’t just for that class or that grade in school. I needed those letters for the rest of my life. Help me see that this is the way Matthew 6:9-13 and Romans 10:9-10 are.

It IS In Your Mouth And Your Heart
Jesus, since it is in my mouth and in my heart, then it can’t get much closer than that! But, if no one told me that all I had to do was use my mouth and heart to get the process started in becoming a child of God, it would be near but not close enough. So, You helped me find out the truth about it. NOW, You are explaining to me that since I HAVE become a child of God, the way to navigate my spirit life IS IN MY MOUTH AND WITH MY HEART! Make it clear to me that my mouth and heart are going to be two of the most valuable tools or spirit/body pieces of equipment I have.

Help me understand that for the rest of my life here on earth, if I keep on studying (feeding my spirit), I will learn how to use this truth in Romans 10:9-10 to influence ALL I say with my mouth and believe with my heart.

Confessing And Believing
Rom 10:9 (NIV) That if you CONFESS with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Rom 10:10 (NIV) For it is WITH your heart that you BELIEVE and are justified, and it is WITH your mouth that you CONFESS and are saved.

Jesus, since my mouth and my heart are the way I got started being a child of God, teach me that they are the way to grow and mature as a child of God. Teach me that faith in my heart and confessing that faith are going to not only be me breathing in and out, but, they will be the way I do everything I do.
  1. I will not only be confessing with my mouth that You are Lord, I will be confessing every TRUTH You give me.

  2. I will not only believe with my heart that God raised You from the dead, I will be believing every TRUTH You give me.
Help me understand that this keeps me breathing and USING that spiritual air of truth. Show me that just like breathing isn’t just an exercise, it brings oxygen into my body that it USES to make eating, living, moving, growing, and accomplishing things possible, spiritual breathing makes it possible for me to USE all the truths of the Bible so I can grow and mature as a child of God.

Confessing The Lord And Believing The Resurrection
Jesus, just like breathing air and breathing out carbon dioxide are something that has to be done constantly, and just like powerful and wonderful things are happening in my body when I do that, confessing that You are Lord and believing that God raised You from the dead is the foundation that I build on all of the rest of my spiritual life. Since You are my Lord and Lord of all existence, let that help me admire, appreciate, respect, love, and allow myself to be influenced by You. Since You are risen from the dead, help me know that when I pray to You about every issue I have, make me sure I am praying to a living God. Teach me that the process of believing and confessing and the truths I am believing and confessing will transform my life.

Will You Start Practicing?
Are You Willing To Make Mistakes?
Jesus, show me that all those sounds when a baby is jabbering, gurgling, cooing, crying, laughing, and making other strange sounds are the baby practicing. I may just think they are being cute; but, the fact is, they NEED all that practice so they can learn how to use their verbal equipment to EVENTUALLY talk. Help me be willing to practice confessing to people that You are my Lord while being willing to make mistakes, willing to fail to succeed, and willing to embarrass myself. Help me be willing to keep trying so I can keep getting better at being a child of God. Show me that if I am willing to mess up and embarrass myself, then I WILL grow.

Spiritual Support Is Like Parental Encouragement
Jesus, just like I help a baby learn how to use their physical equipment to learn to talk, crawl, and walk, by empowering them with food, drink, warmth, protection, diaper changes, cleaning, sleep, and love, and just like I also set them good examples by encouraging them to say, “dada” and “mama,” and just like I respond to their successes with great appreciation, excitement, and acceptance, teach me that, that is what my heavenly Father, You, my Savior, and my spiritual leaders do for me. WHILE I AM PRACTICING and doing some pretty “infantile” things, You will be proud of me. You will bless me, empower me, appreciate me, encourage me, and love me with a supernatural love.

Spiritual Empowerment Is Like Physical Strengthening
Jesus, help me understand that every time I step out and tell people that I believe You are Lord over everything, You will help me feel stronger, more courageous, more capable, and more skilled. Just like exercise makes my muscles sore, and just like lifting weights is a resistance against them, people’s resistance to my confessions and beliefs will strengthen my spiritual muscles.

Teach me that the more resistance I experience from people, the stronger I will get spiritually. You will help me understand and appreciate all the resistance, criticism, and rejection I get from some people. You will be proud of my determination, bravery, and boldness. You will let me know that I am becoming a great success as a child of God. I pray and ask You to help me be willing to practice on people SO I CAN GET GOOD AT CONFESSING AND BELIEVING.

Spiritual Practice Is Like Physical Training
Jesus, the more a baby practices, the faster they learn how to communicate. The more they try to crawl and walk, the sooner they learn how. Show me that if I don’t get out there and practice letting people know that You didn’t stay dead, I won’t learn how to confess and believe. And, if I don’t learn how to confess and believe, I won’t be able to share any of the other TRUTHS You teach me. Teach me that it will always be my heart and mouth that will keep my spiritual air flowing in and out of my spiritual lungs.

Constantly Taking Spiritual Breaths
Jesus, help me be proud, thankful, excited, and bold about being a Christian. Help me never be ashamed of the fact that You are Lord and that You are my Lord. Help me never forget and never stop talking and believing what the Bible says about the process of being saved, born again, and being a Christian.

Rom 10:8-13 But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That

     1. If anyone confess with their mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and

     2. If anyone believes in their heart that God raised Him from the dead,

they WILL be saved.

For it is with
their heart that they believe and are justified, and it is with their mouth that they confess and are saved. It saved and justified me with You; and, it WILL save and justify those around me. They WILL be born again and be empowered to start all over with their new life, if they are willing to do what I did.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“How Do I KEEP The Power Life?” Week One.

Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here next week.

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