The Power Courses Instruction

Workbook For
“How Do I KEEP The Power Life?”

Getting Good At Spiritual Life

Keeping You Spiritually Alive
Jesus’ First Priority
Jesus, thank You for making my spirit alive by praying Your prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. By You taking me through praying each part of it, You gave my spirit vital equipment that formed it into God’s likeness; and then You made me ready to be BORN again. That was so I could start using my spiritual equipment to breath, eat, speak, learn, move, and grow in the spirit realm. Now that You have done all that to and for me, help me see that it is Your first priority to help me stay alive. So, You have provided me with spiritual parents who MUST do all it takes to help me continue to LIVE.

A Parent’s First Responsibility
Jesus, help and empower my spiritual parents to start showing me all the things I will need. Let them show me so I can not only stay alive, but be extremely successful here on earth and in eternity. Now that I am a new, born again child of God, help these spiritual parent show me how to get involved in this new LIFE. Equip them to train me how to get good at taking advantage of the POWERFUL spiritual provisions God has made available to me.

Teach me that the thing that helps keep a baby alive is that pain they experience when they need to breath. Also, that hunger and thirst they feel causes them to cry out for food and drink. That is the key for me to keep breathing and eating. For me to be a healthy child of God, help me yield to spiritual hungering and thirsting. Show me that there are some desires I need to develop so I can be a powerful, healthy, and successful child of God. Empower me to experience hunger and thirst for those things I need; or, I won’t be willing to keep breathing and eating. And, I won’t cry out (pray) for these things every time I feel a little weak and powerless.

Your Responsibilities
Feeling A Need To Breath And Eat
Jesus, help me keep doing what Romans 10:9-10 tells me to do. Then I will be breathing in and out. Help me keep doing what 2 Timothy 2:15 tells me to do. Then I will be eating all those spiritual things I need as a spirit being. It says: 2 Tim 2:15 (AKJV) Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Remind me what causes a baby, child, teenager, or adult to keep breathing and eating. Help me keep in mind that there is a special message sent to them from their body that tells them it is time to breath and time to eat. I ask You to give me those spiritual messages that keep me breathing and eating.

No One Is Going To Make You
Jesus, make me one of those who are blessed because I hunger and thirst for righteousness, and when I do, I will be filled (Mat 5:6). My body INSISTS that I breath, drink, and eat; this may cause me to assume that, that is the way it will be with my new born again spirit. But, let one of the first things I learn about my heavenly Father be that HE honors the free will He gave me. Since I am a human as well as a new born again spirit, I, as a human, have the RIGHT to decide whether or not I will allow my spirit to desire to breath, eat, and drink the things from the spirit realm. I now know You won’t force me; so, I ask You to give me that hunger and thirst for these things.

Jesus Is Trying To Help You Desire It
Jesus, teach me that the reason so much time was spent on helping me understand all the benefits of becoming a Christian, was because I had to come to the place where I WANTED to be born again. Thank You for letting “The Power Courses Introduction” help me see and desire to be a Christian, a child of God, and a citizen in His Kingdom. Now, through IT, create a hunger and thirst inside me. Use the three courses, “The Importance Of The Power-Life,” “The Importance Of Eternal Life,” and “From Power-Life To Eternal Life” to help me DESIRE all God has to offer.

You Can’t Make Yourself Desire
Jesus, help me learn another thing about God: Show me that Christianity isn’t about what I can do for God; it is about what God can do for me. Teach me that just like parents are responsible for a baby’s wellbeing, my heavenly Father, You, and my human spiritual parents must respond to my “cries” for help. But, help me keep in mind that all that working together with God can only OFFER and PROVIDE me with those things I need. I have to breath, eat, and exercise my spiritual muscles; I am NOT being forced to do these things. Help and empower me as I pray about all these issues in my workbook. As I do, EMPOWER me to keep desiring to breath, eat, and exercise my muscles.

Learning About Power
The Power Isn’t Desire
Jesus, show me that I now have the power and permission from God to start living my new Christian life. I am now a Christian with all the rights and privileges of a child in God’s family and a citizen in His Kingdom. The Lord’s prayer has EMPOWERED me to be born again. It is empowering me to be able to breath by obeying Romans 10:9-10 on a regular basis. I will find the power to tell others that I believe You are Lord and that I have made You my Lord. I am able to believe that God raised You from the dead and am able to tell others that You are alive. But, help me be regularly asking You to give me the DESIRE to do these things.

Praying For The Desire
Jesus, take me into the two things I need to start doing in order to begin living a powerful Christian life. God has opened my spiritual eyes and empowered my mouth so I can start doing those things Christians do. This is because Jesus has made me excited about my new life. You are offering me the opportunity to allow this new power to help me get a deep hunger and thirst for breathing and eating. If I find myself struggling with sharing with others the two things that started me breathing, help me see that it is vital that I spend time praying and asking You to help me “breath.”

Spiritual Assistance For Keeping You Alive
Jesus, if living this Romans 10:9-10 breathing process seems to be putting pressure on me, teach me why. It may be because I am having spiritual “respiratory” problems; or, I may have “labored” breathing issues; I may need special assistance from You with this breathing problem.

Learning About Grace And Mercy
Having Difficulty Breathing
Jesus, just like when a baby is struggling with breathing, they are connected to oxygen so as to facilitate their own efforts. It isn’t left up to them; we accept our responsibility to do everything we can to keep them alive. Show me that even though it is my responsibility to try to live Romans 10:9-10 on a regular basis, if I am having trouble breathing, You will keep me alive and breathing by a special spiritual breathing “tube” called grace and mercy.

Breathing For You
Jesus, when someone stops breathing and we don’t have any special breathing equipment available, we use mouth-to-mouth respiratory assistance to breath for them. You anticipated the fact that I will be struggling with various of my assignments for staying alive spiritually. So, You have allowed me to stay connected to You; this connection is kind of like a spiritual umbilical cord; it is similar to the one I had with my mother before birth. However, my human umbilical cord got cut at birth; but, that didn’t happen to me when I was born again. Teach me how to stay connected while learning how to do parts of it all myself.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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