Special Features

Workbook For
“HELP Introduction”

HELP eMagazine
Jesus, I thank You for designing HELP eMagazine in a way so I to go to the area where I need Your help. Guide me to the place in the magazine where it deals with the main problem I am facing and get help there. Even if I have been a Christian for a long time, if I am still struggling with certain problems in me life, let Your principles help me find the answers. Show me that later I will be able to use these answers to help others. Let these benefits encourage me to get involved in desire, study, prayer, believing, loving, and taking faith-action for a life of success.

Daily Spiritual Food
Jesus, I see Christian leaders who are trying to help large quantities of people while suffering in various aspects of their own lives. Help me understand how that happens. Show me that they know and teach the principles; but, they aren’t looking to You for Your help in their spiritual growth. They are trying to live the Christian life by using their own efforts. Help me stay in constant relationship with You.

Jesus, show me that it would be like an athlete, who was trying to play some extreme sport, not making sure they were eating a lot of high quality food. Teach me VERY important procedures for empowering me to LIVE what I learn. Help me face the fact that I can’t live life or the Christian life by my own efforts; You have to empower me to live it.
It Takes Studying And Praying With Jesus
Don’t Stop There
Jesus, make it clear to me that the reason I see Christian leaders and even some Christians around me fail in their relationships with me, themselves, and You is because they have only taken one or two steps into Christianity. Teach me how to start taking very important steps that will change my life.

Go All The Way
Jesus, help me keep in mind that no one can win at being successful in music, sports, business, or life in general by taking one or two steps in that direction. I don’t want a person piloting my plane that has only learned a little bit about flying. I don’t want a surgeon working on my brain who just saw it done on TV. I wouldn’t expect a teacher to do a good job of training me, if they failed the subject themselves.

Jesus Will Take Me There
Jesus, You SUCCESSFULLY lived the life You are teaching and empowering me to live. You know what it takes to live life because You have already lived it. Plus, You are the One Who created this life in the first place. Help me always understand that You and Your Bible are the only way for anyone to win at life.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“HELP Introduction” Week One.

Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here next week.

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“HELP Introduction” Week Two
for next week, select the sentence below.

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