Special Features

Prayer For
“HELP Introduction”

The Prevention Courses
The Living Victoriously
Through Prevention
Part One Courses
Jesus, show me that once I have allowed You to help me get rid of those things that have been hurting me and preventing me from being successful in life, I am ready to learn how to keep wrong, bad, and evil things out of me and my life.

The Full Armor Of God Course
Jesus, You have provided me with powerful protective spiritual equipment. It guards and protects me from things trying to get into my life. When I get to this course, teach me what the six protective pieces of powerful equipment are; and how they lay out like armor. But, help me see that they are made of the material You have provided me. Rather than some kind of metal, they are spiritual material that can’t be penetrated by the missiles of wrong, bad, and evil coming against me.

The Belt Of Truth Course
Jesus, You told me that if I learn what the truth is, it puts me in a possition to be set free. In this course You will teach me that the truth can not only set me free from those things that bind me, it can keep me free from those things that are trying to get in to bind me.

The Breast Plate Of Righteousness Course
Jesus, help me always remember that righteousness is me only doing good to myself, other people, and God’s plan. You use righteousness to crowd out the unrighteous things in my heart, my mind, and the behavior of my life. In this course You will be teaching me how to use righteousness to keep the unrighteous thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds out of me.

The Living Victoriously
Through Prevention
Part Two Courses
Jesus, help me understand that in these courses You will continue to show me what protection can do for me. After the other three courses, there will be four more areas of my life that need protection. I need protection over my feet so I will only go where I will get the very best for me. I need protect that can be moved around in my life so I can defend my in any direction. I need protection in my mind so I won’t be susseptible to thoughts and feelings that confuse and mislead me. And, I need protection through an ability to attack things that are trying to defeat me.

The Shoes Of The Gospel Of Peace Course
Jesus, I have gone places where I shouldn’t have gone. I have walked into situations that once there, I couldn’t get out. I have been pushed into places where I didn’t want to go. In this course You are giving me the training and power to be able to resist and win over temptations, pressures, and lies that would have fooled me. These shoes will give me the power to not only resist going in the wrong direction, I will have the power to go in the directions that are the very best for me.

The Shield Of Faith Course
Jesus, like the shield that warriors used in Roman times, I have a piece of armor that can go on my arm and shield me from all kinds of missiles that are trying to penetrate my defenses. My spiritual shield of faith can be moved into any area of my life where I am being attacked. It is the armament that is mobile and beneficial for all areas of my life. When I get to this course, train me how to use it to its best capabilities.

The Helmet Of Salvation Course
Jesus, since my heart and mind are the control center for who I am, what I think and feel, and where I exercise my God-given free will, when I get to this course, help me have great protection. Show me that if this area is vulnerable, I can be damaged in a great and terrible way. Make me aware that Satan’s greatest desire is to infect my heart and mind. When I get to this course, teach me how to get and keep the helmet of salvation on. Let this help me maintain my identy, free will, and join You in plans for my future.

The Sword Of The Spirit Course
Jesus, since the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit are the only movable items in my armor. When I get to this course, do a lot of work in this area so as to help me get great skill, expereience, and abilities in moving them into the proper positions. Teach me that the sword is my ability to go beyond defence and literally attack those things that are trying to hurt me. Help me understand that it is empowered by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. When I get to this course, lead me into ways of attacking the enemies of my life.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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