Special Features

Prayer For
“HELP Introduction”

The Resistance Part Two Courses
Living Victoriously Through Resistance Part Two
Jesus, help me see that after I have taken the first three courses, there will still be four more things You will need to teach me about resisting things that are trying to sabotage my life.

The Resistance Through Commitment Course
Jesus, if I don’t allow You to produce Your power-commitment in me, I will fold under pressure. Life is going to try to take me down; it is going to try to push me in wrong directions. If I don’t allow You to empower me to be committed to being the very best, it will be easy for my body, other people, the world’s philosophies, and the devil to trip me up.

The Resistance Through Truth Course
Jesus, You alway tell me the truth; I don’t get much truth from the sources I usually trust. People tell me what they know I want to hear. They tell me things they want me to hear. And I base my life on things that are failing everyone. I see the devastation in the world and in the lives of the people around me; but, I frequently follow in their footsteps. You will be teaching me in this course, how to resist fake philosophies, ideas, principles, and concepts. Plus, You will start building my life on the TRUTH.

The Resistance Through Love Course
Jesus, You have a power that doesn’t look like it would be very strong. Sometimes love looks to me like something that make me very vulnerable. Show me that love is a powerful weapon that You will teach me how to use. You and it will empower me to use it against some of my most powerful and deadly enemies.

The Resistance Through Renewal Course
Jesus, so many Christians are trying to ACT like Christians. But, You have made me into a being that doesn’t have to ACT. Help me see that being a Christian is a powerful weapon against all that comes my way. When I get to this course, teach me who I am in You. And, show me that, that helps me do what I wasn’t capable of doing before. Teach me that renewal isn’t being remodeled or improved; it is a powerful transformation that has made me more than conquers in You.
The Purification Courses
Living Victoriously Through Purification
In these courses Jesus, help me understand that You will show me what mixture and contaminants can do to me. If I have a little poison mixed in with my good food, I can see that, that isn’t a good thing. Help me realize that these training issues are vital for keeping me from being almost successful, almost victorious, or mostly a winner.

The Purification Through Exposure Course
Jesus, help me yield to the Holy Spirit’s convictive works. Whe I get to this course, teach me that the Holy Spirit is typically pointing out ONE area where I need improvement. Show me that when I experience the guilt of seeing something in my life that is contaminating and hindering me, I can try to hide it, justify it, explain it away, or allow You to set me free from it. Help me see that exposure to the Holy Spirit and You will help me get cleansed so I can FULLY and completely succeed.

The Purification Through Transparency Course
Jesus, my ability to hide things that I think, feel, say, and do from people causes me to have things in my life that I shouldn’t. The fact that I can get by with thinking or feeling anything I want to makes it look like I am okay. However, even if the person I talk about behind their back doesn’t find out I said it, show me that I still didn’t get by with it. What I think, feel, say, or do is a representation of who I am. If things I think, feel, say, or do are wrong, bad, or evil, it hurts me as much or more than it does those I think, feel, say, or do to or about them. Jesus, when I get to this course, help me open my heart and mind to You so I can be set free from all these things.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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