The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“The Importance Of Eternal Life”

The Kingdom Is Only Going To Be
As Great As Its Provisions
A New Place To Live Forever
Jesus, help me take a look at the city that is going to be a part of the Kingdom of God. Help me be able to appreciate what it means that God is going to turn the heavens and the earth into new ones. Show me how wonderful it will be for Him to put His own city in the midst of it. Prepare my heart and mind so I can grasp how incredible this is going to be.

A Perfect Place To Live Forever
Jesus, help me see this new heaven and a new earth, help me see the need for the first heaven and the first earth to be passed away, and there no longer be any sea (Rev 21:1). I understand that the sea (ocean) has served as a killer that has taken a lot of lives, that the storms and waves of the sea will no longer drown people. Its salt water and vast distances have also served as a great separator of continents, nations, people, and relationships. Help me appreciate that it won’t take long plane or boat trips to finally get to the other continents. This barrier will be taken away because we will want to all be together.

A Permanent Place To Live Forever
Help me understand that this new heaven and new earth are not going to have the current problems. There will be no rotting, decay, deterioration, rusting, aging, or falling apart. No earth quakes, no areas too hot or too cold, no high winds, and no constant land erosion. There won’t be any weeds, thorns, poisonous plants, or barren deserts. The fruit and nut trees will naturally grow; the vegetables and flowers will automatically flourish. And all this will last forever. I thank You, Jesus, for making me a part of Your new heaven and earth.

No Crime In This City
Jesus, help me see the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband (Rev 21:2). Because You have helped me yield to You and allow You to cure me of sin, I will have Your attitudes, character, and love for myself and others. And, since there will be no lack of any good thing, I won’t need to try to steal, cheat, lie, or mislead anyone. I will have more than enough of everything I need. I won’t be left out, poor, hungry, homeless, or naked.
The City With God’s Special Presences
Jesus, prepare my heart and mind for when we get a better look at this city a little bit later. Reveal to me that the most awesome aspect of this city is the fact that this is a special place for the presence of God. I know that God is bigger and more vast than any special city. Since He is everywhere, it won’t contain Him. However, help me look forward to experiencing His presence in a very special way. Since I am learning how wonderful God is, let this help me want to live where He is.

The City For God’s Special People
Jesus, right now I have a certain amount of contaminates even though I have done what it takes to have them dealt with. These contaminates are keeping me from fully experiencing the presence of God. But, then I will be able to get as close as I want and experience it all. I won’t have confusion, misunderstandings, feelings of loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, fear, depression, or anger.

We And God Will Have The Same Character
Our Change Of Attitudes And Character Prepared Us For This
Jesus, as I read about this loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God (Rev 21:3),” help me understand how wonderful that will be. If I didn’t learn how wonderful You and my heavenly Father are, this wouldn’t mean much to me. If I hadn’t experienced the evil of this world, I wouldn’t have anything to compare God with. But, You have shown me a way of life that is far superior to the way of this world of sin.

Our Change Of Words And Deeds Prepared Us For This
Jesus, no one has been able to love and care for me like God. No matter what system I have come up with, it has always had major flaws. No one has been able to help me get along with others. No one has been able to cure me of these spiritual diseases that create hatred, anger, jealousy, envy, strife, murder, and all the other relational, financial, emotional, and physical problems I face. I have been healed so I can live with God and appreciate His way of life. Thank You for that!

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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