The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“The Importance Of Eternal Life”

He Will Make Sure Everyone Is Treated Fair
1. By Eliminating Wickedness
Jesus, in Your Kingdom, with RIGHTEOUSNESS You will judge the needy, with justice You will give decisions for the poor of the earth. You will strike the earth with the rod of Your mouth; with the breath of Your lips You will slay the wicked. Since the wicked are people who refuse to stop sinning and hurting other people, and since they won’t allow You to cure them of their wickedness, You will eliminate them from God’s family and Your Kingdom (Isa 11:4). Help me be willing to allow You to cure me of all sins and wickedness.

2. By Ruling And Judging With Righteousness
But with RIGHTEOUSNESS He will judge the needy: Jesus, since God views treating people right as a prime issue, help me get this righteousness into my life. Teach me that righteousness is a word that expresses fair treatment so I will know when I have it. Show me that it isn’t just describing an attitude. It isn’t talking about a king or national head doing the best they can. That would leave room for error. Even if a leader didn’t mean to hurt someone, the person still got hurt. Even if the leader’s attitudes were good, it wouldn’t change the damage done to the person. The fact that he just made a mistake still brings about errors in our daily life. Help me be like You are so I can know what is going on and have Your power to make it right.

3. By Ruling And Judging With Justice
With justice He will give decisions for the poor of the earth: Jesus, justice comes from You Who know everything; You never makes mistakes. You will judge the needs of the poor with justice. Finally, true justice will be fulfilled in me and everyone else. Teach me that all those who have done evil things to their fellow human beings and are refusing to allow You to set them free from it, will be kept out of the Kingdom of God. Also, teach me that those who allow You to set them free from mistreating people will be blessed with the healing and prosperity of God. Thank You for seeing to it that all wrong is being kept out of God’s eternal Kingdom.

He Has All Authority And Power
Nothing Can Overcome Jesus’ Kingdom
He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth: Jesus, You are all powerful; You are the King of the Kingdom of God. And, as King, You will have the right to control the whole earth as Your Kingdom; no one will be powerful enough to dethrone You. Jesus, You said, “All authority (power) in heaven and on earth has been given to You (Mat 28:18). You alone, without any help, will be powerful enough to stop anything from hurting me. You are so wise and all knowing that nothing can happen to me without You approving or preventing it. Before something bad happens, You will know about it and prevent it; You have absolute power over all and I am glad.

This Kingdom is never going to end; I am able to join it now and it will be an awesome place for me to live forever.
He Has All Authority And Power Over Difficulties With Hopelessness
Jesus, with this kind of power, wisdom, understanding and knowledge, let it be proof to me that You are more than able to meet my needs. If I go ahead and make You the Lord of my life, You will start many of the benefits of Your Kingdom in my life NOW! Then, as I see You help me and work miracles in my difficulties with hopelessness, I will start allowing You to put more and more of Your character and wisdom in me.

Love Will Influence His Character
Jesus, righteousness will be Your belt and faithfulness the sash around Your waist (Isa 11:5). You are the kind of leader I want governing over the world around me.

Jesus IS Love
Jesus, You wear righteousness and faithfulness like I wear clothing; You make it Your way of life. Even though You have absolute power, You are also a person Who IS absolute love. Your power will always be used to do what is loving, right, fair, and just. It will be the first time I will experience a leader Who will be and do everything with righteousness and faithfulness. You will not only do it for the Kingdom citizens as a group, You will do it for me as a person. All the leaders I have experienced up until now have always had a personal agenda. You will break that pattern and show me what God is all about.

Jesus Is Patient
Jesus, You aren’t ready to close down this current world and governments. This is because I and many people around the world are currently being given an opportunity to choose You as their Savior, Lord, and King. You want to give me and everyone else time to be born again and make You their Savior, King and Lord. Show me that once You end this world order and start Your Kingdom, it will close the door on those who haven’t yet accepted You as their King. So, You keep waiting until You can see that no more will change their mind.

Jesus Gives Everyone A Warning
Jesus, teach me that those who haven’t accepted You as their Lord and Savior are getting a warning. The world government and rules continue to control them. Their prayers go unanswered; their circumstances continue to rule over them; people around them continue to influence and manipulate their plans and goals; they go on making decisions that hurt them; and, their lives keep heading in undetermined directions, as they allow events to control their destiny. But, make it clear to me that soon I will be able to share with others these wonderful things I am learning so THEIR life can change, if they want it to.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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