The Prayer Courses

Workbook For
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sinning Christians”

But deliver us from the evil one.

1. Know Where Bad Thoughts And Feelings Come From
Jesus, make it clear to me that most of the pressure I am experiencing to do wrong, unloving things to the people around me come from the evil one, Satan. Also, help me understand that, most of the bad things that happen to me come from him. Show me that the bad “luck,” difficult circumstances, and temptations to do wrong things typically come from Satan. Help me with the big issue of how my life will go from now on; show me that my success or failure will all be dependent on WHO I listen to. Help me only listen to You.

2. Have Eyes And Ears For Jesus
Jesus You said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear (Mark 4:9).” Give me ears to hear Your voice. In Genesis 3:1-7 I see Eve listening to Satan; she talked to him, reasoned with him, and finally yielded her life to him. Help me realize that when I see or hear something I shouldn’t be looking at or listening to, I have a choice. Empower me to turn my head and eyes or move my ears away from it. When I am thinking something I shouldn’t, I have a choice. Empower me to not continue to think about it; help me focus my thoughts on You and Your Word.

Resisting Satan
1. Realize That Being Tempted Is Normal
Jesus, when I start thinking about something I am being warned by God about, empower me to not keep planning how I can do it without getting caught. Empower me to immediately go to The Lord’s Prayer and get the power to resist. Teach me that being delivered from the evil one isn’t a matter of keeping him from being able to talk to me in my thoughts and feelings; it is a matter of me being empowered to resist and win against him, when he does.

2. Realize That Not Taking The Way Out Is Sin
Jesus, no temptation has seized me except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. But WHEN I am tempted, He will also provide me a way out so that I can stand up under it (1 Cor 10:13). Help me always look for, find, and take Your way out.

3. Realize That Hearing From Jesus Is Normal
Jesus, teach me that my way out is to always stay inside You and allow You to always remain inside me. Teach me that this is done with my ears, eyes, thoughts, and feelings. Those things I look at, those things I listen to, those things I think about, and those things I allow myself to feel will decide whether I stay inside You and You remain inside me, and whether I win or lose against Satan.

4. Accept That Jesus Is Your Way Out
Jesus, You are the vine; I am the branch. If I remain in You and You in me, I will bear much fruit; apart from You I can do nothing. Teach me that the way for me to remain in You and You to remain in me is to keep my eyes, ears, thoughts, and feelings focused on Your things and away from the things of the world. Make it clear to me that You have given me the power to focus on whatever I want. That means that if Satan says something, I have the “right” to listen; but, it also means that I have the POWER to stop listening and focus in on what You have been saying to me.

Free To Choose
Free To Choose Satan
Jesus, show me that if You, the Son set me free, I will be free indeed (John 8:36). Help me understand that I have always had a God-given free will; but, Satan didn’t honor it from the moment I committed my first sin. I had it; but, Satan didn’t give me opportunities to exercise it. He drove me, lured me, enticed me, tempted me, addicted me, and created habits in me; I became a SLAVE to sin.

Free To Choose Jesus
Jesus, teach me that since I have been born again, You allow me to think for myself. Satan is allowed to tempt me, my body is allowed to remind me of my past, and the world is allowed to invite me back; BUT, I now have the power to choose Your ways of living. You set me free; but, not from being presented with alternate choices. You knows it doesn’t do any good for me to have a free will, if I don’t have choices. You have given me the freedom to start my life over again; help me start it over with You being my guide and my power.

To Think Or To Pray
1. Don’t Just Consult Yourself
Jesus, show me that the way I ended up with the problems, circumstances, relationships, and habits was, they came from me consulting my own self. I analyzed everything; I decided who I would listen to, what I agreed with, what I wanted to learn, what I wanted to be, and how I was going to live my life. BUT, in the process of making all these decisions, Satan, people, circumstances, the world system, and my body DEMANDED certain things of me. If I was going to survive, I had to yield to things I really didn’t want to. Now You have given me back my freedom to start thinking for myself again. Help me use this opportunity to decide to listen to You.

2. Let Jesus Join Your Decisions
Jesus, help me realize that this is my assignment: I am to submit myself, then, to God. Then I am to resist the devil, and he will flee from me (James 4:7). Show me that each decision I make, all during my day, is dependent on whether I try to decide what to do with my mind or I try to decide by asking You what YOU want me to do. I can think my way through the day; or, I can submit myself to You by praying my way through each day; I am now free to make that choice.

Help me keep in mind that me making my own decisions by myself is how I got into my past sins; and, that is also the way I got into this current situation. I am free to just consult myself; but, I have the freedom and the power to invite You into all my decisions. Teach me that moment by moment and issue by issue I decide to pray about it or think it through on my own. Make it clear to me that You have all knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom. If I pray and include You in my decisions, I get all that information and power made available to me.

3. A Prayer To Include Jesus
Jesus, this is my heart’s desire; I want to remain in You and You to remain in me. So I now pray these words: “Deliver us from the evil one.”

New Power And Training
Jesus, help me realize that I have just asked for and received my heavenly Father’s forgiveness for these current sins I have committed. I have been given 1 John 1:8-10 to help me repent of each sin I committed. I have been given the power to find the way out of the situation I am in. I have been given the power to look for, see, and use the way out of any new temptations that come my way. And, I have God now answering my prayers as I start my day. Help me be looking for the good things that God will be sending my way, as I continue to pray The Lord’s Prayer DAILY.

Noticing Supernatural Circumstances
1. Notice The Bad Being Forced Into Good
Jesus, help me realize that being a Christian doesn’t keep all bad things from happening to me. But, it does allow the miracles of God to come my way as God solves them (Romans 8:28). Help me see that it also empowers me to stay in peace and trust in God by knowing that somehow, someway He is going to come through with a miracle.

2. Be Looking For The Good
Jesus, even though at first it will be harder for me to feel peace and trust. Help me see that the more I start noticing the miracles, the more I will be able to believe that He will ALWAYS come through with another miracle. Show me that as I experience more and more miracles from God AND begin noticing these miracles, I will start saying: “He always has and He always will come through for me.”

Jesus, empower me to allow these miracles to build my peace and trust in God. Let it help me face really scary, challenging, “impossible” things that look like I am going to have to sin in order to handle them. Empower me to believe and trust God; make it clear to me that He will help me know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28). Empower and train me to do it God’s way so I will get the Romans 8:28 results every time.

This concludes
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sinning Christians” Week Two

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