The Prayer Studies

Prayer For
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sinning Christians”

Your kingdom come,

How To Get The Power Of The Kingdom
1. Develop Desires And Hates
Jesus, when I do something that is really bad, or, when I make the same mistake more than once, help me really WANT to stop doing it. Help me be looking for a way to be set free. In Your parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, the tax collector didn’t accept his mistakes and sins; he HATED the way he was living and the things he was doing. Help me to have that same hatred for all the mistakes, failures, and sins I do. Another thing is, the tax collector didn’t allow them to defeat him. Help me not allow them to defeat me. He brought them to God and allowed Him to deal with them. He DESIRED God’s help; and, he HATED his failures. Give me these same desires and hatred.

Let me go home justified before God. For if I exalt myself, I will be humbled, and if I humble myself, I will be exalted (Luke 18:14).

2. Pursue The Power Of Deliverance
Jesus, I don’t want to keep coming to God with the same problems and failures over and over again. Forgiveness is wonderful; but, being set free from the problem is even more wonderful. I want to, at some point, get the victory over the one or two issues God is causing me to feel guilty about.

3. Yielding To The Power Of Deliverance
Jesus, move me into the place where I can reach out to my heavenly Father and ask Him to put His Kingdom transformation and miracles into this situation. Teach me that I already have God’s Kingdom inside me through salvation. Make it clear to me that Kingdom attitudes, Kingdom character, and Kingdom power have entered into me. They are getting me ready for spending eternity in God’s Kingdom. But, show me that I need to allow this Kingdom to spread into each area of my life where I am having failures and problems. Teach me that it is a process of YIELDING to those things I already have.

What To Do With God’s Character And Attitudes
1. Realize You Have Them, Then Use Them
Jesus, teach me that when I said, Your Kingdom come, as I used this prayer to be born again, I was asking God to not only put His Kingdom in my heart and life, I was asking Him to put His attitudes and character in me. Show me that when I asked, He honored my request; He put His attitudes and character inside me. Help me see that it is His attitudes and character that make ME and the rest of His family and Kingdom such a wonderful thing to belong to. Help me understand that what I am struggling with isn’t a lack of God-attitudes and God-character; I am struggling with realizing I have them and knowing HOW to take advantage of them.
2. Understand God’s Character And Attitudes
Jesus, if I could, I probably would force some people to do what I want. Show me that God CAN do that to me; but, it is His attitudes and character to honor my God-given free will. Teach me that just because I pray this prayer and get all the things I pray for in it, doesn’t mean they take over my life. Help me see that it is because of God’s character and attitudes that they are given to me; and, then He allows ME to decide whether or not I want to use them; and He allows ME to decide how, when, how much, where, and why I use them. Make it clear to me that if I don’t know this principle, they will lay dormate in my life; and, I will probably think I didn’t get them.

3. Compare God’s Character And Attitudes With The World
Jesus, each day, as I pray this prayer, show me that I am giving God permission to put inside me more and more of the things His family and Kingdom stand for; AND, He is giving me all these things I am asking for. But, I am used to things being done the way the world does them. I am expecting God to treat me the way the world treated me.

4. Appreciate God’s Character And Attitudes
Jesus, help me look at the world around me; the world in general and the individual people around me are struggling because of all the sin and evil they are doing to one another. This war has been taking place in my heart and life. I have felt bad things toward others and I have experienced bad things from other. I was and they are being driven, pushed, tempted, lured, baited, and addicted. Teach me that, that isn’t the Kingdom I now belong to; help me understand that things are completely different where I now live. I am IN the world; but, I don’t BELONG to the world.

5. Believe In God’s Character And Attitudes
Jesus, since God’s character and attitudes are in me, show me that if I believe they are there, I will realize that I can choose God’s character and attitudes when I am tempted to react “the way I have always reacted.” Help me see that I may doubt they are in me when I feel the way I have “always” felt. I may doubt they are in me when I react the way I have “always” reacted.

Help me understand that God’s character and attitudes aren’t going to force me to change, He will give me the POWER to stop, pray, and then yield to His power-character and power-attitudes. Help me KNOW that THEY ARE THERE; show me that they are just WAITING for me to CHOOSE to pause. Help me know I have God’s power to wait until I get His character and attitudes to CAUSE ideas and feeling to pop up in my mind and heart; then help me choose them so I will be ready to react.

A Prayer Of Faith In God’s Character And Attitudes
Jesus, I now say: “Your Kingdom come” and I receive the power, healing, and love of God’s Kingdom healing my heart and life. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that I will start getting the benefits that come from being my heavenly Father’s child and being a member of His Kingdom. I confess and believe that His character and attitudes are waiting inside me to use.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sinning Christians” Week One.

Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here next week.

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