The Prayer Studies

Prayer For
“The Lord’s Prayer For Sinning Christians”

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

A Lot Of Wills To Deal With
God’s Will, Your Will, Your Body’s Will, Satan’s Will,
And Other People’s Wills
Jesus, help me realize that there are five wills that I have to deal with every day. And, in the fifth will, which is other people, there are a whole lot of wills trying to be exerted on me. This makes me feel the pressure from a lot of other, outside influences, and that is often overwhelming. Help me through the Bible; let it condense all these wills down to just one. Help me be able to separate myself from all wills that are trying to hurt me. Let this help me be free, be relaxed, not be overwhelmed, and be able to make my own decisions. Show me how to reduce all these wills down to just one. Help me only trust my will to Your will and make them one.

Two Wills Inside You
Jesus, in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members (Rom 7:22-23).

Jesus, help me understand that there are two wills inside me; show me that there is my will and there is the will or desires of my body. Make it clear to me that if I don’t realize this, it will be very confusing to me. It has been confusing when I find myself WANTING to do something and yet NOT WANTING to do it at the same time. I even find times when I do things I don’t want to do. Teach me how this is possible.

Your Two Wills Are Two Doors
For in my inner being I delight in God’s law: Jesus, help me understand that once I was born again, my inner being became my door into identifying with God. Help me realize that this inner being is actually the real me; I am a spirit being. And, as a spirit being, I have a mind, a heart, and a God-given free will. I never die; I have the ability to hear from God; and, I am the one making the final decisions of my life.

But I see another law at work in the members of my body: Jesus, make it clear to me that I live in a body; and, my body is animalistic, has needs, has drives, has survival techniques, and is the door into being able to hear from Satan. Show me that the world makes sense to my body; eternity, God’s Kingdom, and God’s family make sense to my spirit.

Three Types Of Influences
Jesus, teach me that my spirit-will and my body-will make their decisions as to what I and my body want. As I am exposed to thoughts and feelings inside myself, and as I am exposed to ALL KINDS of voices outside me, teach me that there are actually only three issues I have to make a decision on. Help me be able to decide whether they are neutral, good, or bad. Help me take ALL the influences that are coming at me and put them in these three categories. Then let that procedure keep me from being overwhelmed by all the opinions, “opportunities,” and demands that are being made on my life.

Your Body’s Decisions
Jesus, show me that neutral, good, or bad are interpreted differently by my body. Help me not allow my body to influence my decisions. Keep me from joining it and thinking about MY creature comforts, MY physical pleasure, MY future security, MY financial resources, MY sexual gratifications, and MY companionship. Teach me that my body, the world, and the devil all think these things are GOOD. They don’t think about these things as it relates to right or wrong, good or bad, righteous or evil. Help me not see things from a self-centered perspective; help me see these things from the view point of how they will affect others. Keep me from USING people and LOVING money, possessions, positions, power, prestige, popularity, pleasure, and accomplishments; this would be because I see these THINGS as good.

You, Your Spirit’s Decisions
Jesus, give me an awareness that I am going to exist forever somewhere. I have a youthfulness that I feel no matter how old I get. Help me understand that this is because the spirit-me never ages. As I get older, my spirit goes right on dreaming about doing things my body can no longer do. Help me see it the way You put it: “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak” (Mat 26:41b).”

Help me allow the spirit-me to influence my decisions; let me be thinking about life after death; give me an eternal perspective. Help me want to live this life with goals, plans, skills, wisdom, and success that set me up for eternal life, Kingdom living, and a great relationship with my heavenly Father. Empower me to USE money, possessions, positions, power, prestige, popularity, pleasure, and accomplishments and LOVE people; let this be because I see relationships as being good.

Satan’s Decisions
John 10:10a (NIV) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: Jesus, make it clear to me that the MOTIVES of the devil and the world are wrong, bad, and evil. Help me see that the devil uses lies, temptations, deception, misleading, and pressure to steal and kill and destroy me. Help me understand that the world is trained and motivated by Satan’s procedures and techniques. Show me that my body is foolish enough to trust, look to, and want to get involved with the devil and the world. It sees what they offer and likes what it sees. Help me realize that what the world has to offer is like a baited trap that an animal is lured into. Teach me that bait has a good thing that is used to lure my body into wrong, bad, and evil traps.

Jesus’ Decisions
John 10:10b (NIV) I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full: Jesus, make it clear to me that Your MOTIVES are to do right, good, and righteous things to me and to help me do them to others. Show me that You use truth, grace, mercy, love, transformation, power, and eternal life. Help me resist the desires of my body so I can close the door to the world and the devil. Help me yield to the desires of my spirit so I can open the doors to You and the things of God.

Praying For God’s Will In Your Life And The Earth
Jesus, I want to get a victory in one certain area of my life, and, I am asking for God to join all of His will to all of my will for all of my life. So, I now say these words: “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” I now ask for God’s will to be done in all the earth by saying: “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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