The Resource Courses

Workbook For
“Praying The Psalms”


Forgive me for my sins, God.

Don’t Ignore It
Psa 6:1 (NIV) For the director of music. With stringed instruments. According to sheminith. A psalm of David. O LORD, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. I know I have done wrong, Lord. I know I deserve punishment for the things I have done. You have every right to be upset with me. I did fail You and sin against Your Word. I am very sorry for having gone against what I knew was the right way to go. You warned me in advance. My conscience was used by You to let me know You were against what I was about to do; but, I did it anyway. I know it was wrong and I ask for Your forgiveness. I also ask for Your anointing power to enable me to never go in that direction again.

Appeal To God’s Mercy And Grace
Psa 6:2 (NIV) Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony. God, I know I don’t deserve Your forgiveness. But, I appeal to Your grace which gives me what I don’t deserve--forgiveness. And, I appeal to Your mercy which doesn’t give me what I do deserve--continued punishment. The consequences of my decision to sin is causing me to feel weak and faint. My whole body is hurting from the guilt and pain of this decision. Please heal our relationship, O Lord.

Experience The Pain
Psa 6:3 (NIV) My soul is in anguish. How long, O LORD, how long? God, my emotions are in pain. I can feel the wrongness of my decision. I can see how important it is to do things Your way. Just the consequences of the decision alone have hurt me in all kinds of ways. Plus, I am suffering because of the silence I am experiencing from You. How long will I need to be punished? How long will this affect our relationship? When can we start communicating as a Friend with a friend. I miss our love relationship.

Know It’s Because Of God’s Love
Psa 6:4 (NIV) Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. Turn Your face back toward me, dear heavenly Father. See me in my repentant state and forgive me. Deliver me from the pain that I have inflicted on myself by my decision. Save me from myself and my immature decisions. Save me because You never stop loving me. I know I can count on Your love. I know You will never give up on me. I know the silence is a necessary punishment because You love me. I know You do everything You do because of Your unfailing love. I am just hoping that the punishment can end soon. I know You know what is best for me; but, I would like to get back where we were together. I love You!

Use Your Body Correctly
Psa 6:5 (NIV) No one remembers You when he is dead. Who praises You from the grave? God, another reason I would like to reestablish our closeness is because it would kill me to not have You. I can’t live without our close relationship. As long as I live in this earthly body, I can praise You and worship You with it. Once my body goes to the grave, I can’t use it to show You how much I love You. Let me live a little longer so I can use my body for worship rather than sin. Let me establish such a love relationship with You that it can be carried on into all eternity.
Feel Sad
Psa 6:6 (NIV) I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. God, I am so sad that I have let You down. It grieves me to realize that I have failed You so many times. Sometimes I feel like I should just give up and stop this constant routine of apologizing, then sinning, apologizing and sinning again. I know that is Satan trying to cut me off from You. The truth is, I can’t live without You. I know I make a lot of mistakes. But, my only hope of growing into a better relationship with You is to keep coming back no matter how many times I fail. So, here I am again. Please set me free from this sadness and these failures.

Realize You Opened The Door
Psa 6:7 (NIV) My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. God, I know I have opened the door to much of the problems I am having. And, I know that I wouldn’t be missing our close relationship at the same time. I admit that it will be much better when I get a closer relationship with You. Having problems with people and not having a very close relationship with You is too much for me. The slightest problems I run into in life become much bigger when we aren’t as close as I need us to be. I can’t promise to stay pure because I lack to power to keep the promise. But, I can draw closer to You so You will draw closer to me. I seek You with all I am.

Be Thankful
Psa 6:8 (NIV) Away from me, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping. Thank You mighty God for hearing and answering my prayer. Thank You for coming close to me. The only way I am going to win against sin and the influences of those who do evil is to have You very active in my life. I seek to have all You have to offer. I don’t just want to have the bare minimum of Your presence. I want to spend so much time with You that we become one. You are more important than anything or anyone else. I want You to be the priority of my life.

Appreciate Grace And Mercy
Psa 6:9 (NIV) The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. Thank You, God, very much for not giving me what I deserve, through mercy. And, thank You very much for giving me Your presence that I don’t deserve, through grace. You are a wonderful God! My heart is filled with appreciation and praise for Your love and forgiveness. Thank You for accepting my prayer.

Trust, Believe In, Rely On, And Depend On God
Psa 6:10 (NIV) All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace. God, I win against temptation and sinning when I put my total trust in You. I win against these things when I spend my time and live my life with You. Life is so much more victorious when we are working together. Help me see this fact and devote all I am to our relationship. You have defeated strong enemies that I had no chance of winning against. Without You, life is horrible. With You, life is a wonderful experience. I seek You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Praise Your holy name.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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