The Resistance Courses Part 1

Workbook For
“Resistance Through Faith”

Four Lifetime Processes
Keeping The Body Door Closed
Rom 12:1-2 (NIV) Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your BODIES as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this WORLD, but be transformed by the renewing of your MIND. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD’S WILL is--His good, pleasing and perfect will. Jesus, You empowered me to take the four steps into closing all three doors of my body, the world, and the devil. Help me realize that as long as I continue this process for the rest of my life, I will walk in the light, as You are in the light.

Jesus, help me see that the objective of all the rest of these courses is to help me get better at keeping these doors closed. Show me that this course is helping me with one of the most important aspects of my spiritual life. You went to Your home town and the Bible says: Mat 13:58 (NIV) And He (You) did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. Help me see that faith makes miracles in my life possible; and, a lack of faith blocks them off.

My Four Lifetime Assignments
Faith Is A Part Of Doing What It Takes:
  1. Offer your BODY as a living sacrifice. Jesus, teach me how to keep offering my body as a living sacrifice through the power of faith.

  2. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this WORLD. Give me faith in You so I will be empowered to cease living like the world lives from now on.

  3. Be transformed by the renewing of your MIND. You are empowering me to yield to You; that means I believe YOU are renewing my mind as a lifetime process.

  4. Be able to test and approve what GOD’S WILL is. I believe You are giving me the ability to test and approve God’s will moment by moment and issue by issue.

My Body Has Been Holding Me Back
Human Beings Can Become Children Of God
I Am A Spirit Being: Rom 7:22 (NIV) For in my inner being I delight in God’s law. Jesus, make it clear to me that this is me, a spirit being! Teach me that when I was born again, I, a spirit being, was given a wonderful desire for righteousness. This verse describes my big change in attitude toward God and His righteousness. I WANT to only do good to myself, other people, and God’s plan. BUT, make it clear to me that my body did NOT get changed; it MUST have this Romans 12:1-2 treatment. These four assignments were vital for providing me with body-submission.

My Body Is Trying To Imprison Me: Rom 7:23 (NIV) But I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. Jesus, show me that this is the problem I have been having with my body, the world, and the devil. By me presenting my body as a living sacrifice, You and I took authority over it. For as long as I tried to live the Christian life without doing what Romans 12:1-2 told me to do, I, as a spirit being, remained a prisoner of the law of sin at work within the members of my body.

Jesus Heard My Cry: Rom 7:24 (NIV) What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Jesus, show me that when I started crying out to God for help like this, that is when He saw to it that I got the kind of help You are giving me through this time of study and prayer. You are taking me through training to not only help me win over my body, the world, and the devil, You are training me for living the victorious Christian life. That is a life of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith and faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23).

Being Born Again
1. Human Beings Can Become Children Of God
Jesus, teach me how to live in the supernatural world as a child of God. Teach me that the Romans 12:1-2 four assignments are bringing healing into my life so I can be free from some major debilitations. Make it clear to me that my body has been holding me down; it has been fighting me and my Christian life.

Jesus, help me always keep in mind that I was allowed to be born on this earth as a human for the major purpose of giving me a chance to decide whether or not I wanted to become a child of God. The only way to become a human was to be born one. And, help me see that the only way I could become a child of God was to be born a human and then be BORN AGAIN as a child of God. Since I decided to accept You as my Savior, Lord, and King, that made me a child of God.

2. Children Of God Can Become Victorious
Rom 8:37 (NIV) No, in all these things we are more than conquerors THROUGH Him Who loved us. Jesus, once I decided that I did want to be a child of God and let You empower me to be BORN AGAIN, show me that, that opened the wonderful opportunities of me being, a trained, experienced, successful, mature child of God. Eph 4:14 (NIV) Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Help me see that this is where You are now taking me! Use Your child of God training with Peter and Your other disciples to help me be trained.

Permission, Power, and Responsibility
Children Of God Can Become Skilled
Mat 14:26-29 (NIV) When the disciples saw Him (Jesus) walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It's a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.” “Lord, if it's you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. In this instance, Jesus, You were teaching Peter and Your other disciples a very important lesson about faith and doubting. Help me learn this lesson too.

Human Beings Like Peter Can’t Walk On Water
Jesus, even though a human can’t walk on water, teach me that a child of God under Your training can. One minute Peter couldn’t walk on water, the next minute he could. One word from You and Peter was able to walk on water. After the word “come,” Peter had Your permission, Your power, and the responsibility.

Jesus, make it clear to me that Your permission is vital to all of Christianity; teach me that I may have a Scripture in the Bible that tells me that I can do certain things. But, as a disciple (trainee), I am under Your authority and leadership. Your power doesn’t come in me until You have given me permission. But, once it does, help me understand that I then have a responsibility to obey. Show me that permission, power, and responsibility are three major issues in my Jesus-training.

My Relationship With Jesus’ Training
Jesus, show me that if You hadn’t said “come,” Peter could have stayed in the boat with the rest of the disciples. BUT, once Peter asked for PERMISSION; and, You said: “come:”
  1. The word “come” gave Peter the PERMISSION to get out of the boat.

  2. The word “come” gave Peter creation POWER to walk on water. Help me see that either Peter or the water had to be changed through Your creation word so Peter could walk on it.

  3. The word “come” gave Peter the RESPONSIBILITY to get out of the boat, walk on the water, and COME all the way to You.

The Characteristics Of Power
Jesus, when You said, “come,” help me see that, that gave Peter the power to get out of the boat, walk on water, and come to You. Without that power, Peter would have been UNABLE to even get out of the boat. He would have been too afraid. But, with Your power, that came through the word “come,” Peter got out of the boat as his first step in faith and obedience. And, once he obeyed (accepted his responsibility), Your creation power was already there to enable him to walk on water.

The Characteristics Of Obedience
Jesus, help me understand that when Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and started coming to You, he was yielding to Your power by accepting HIS responsibility to do what he was given permission to do. Teach me that once I ask for something and get it, it comes with certain requirements of me. I have to live on the basis of the fact that You DID answer my prayer. I have to live on the basis of the fact that I HAVE the thing I prayed for. Teach me that, that is accepting my responsibility, that is obedience, and that is FAITH-ACTION.

The Characteristics Of Doubt
Jesus, once You said “come,” Peter no longer could fail to get out of the boat, walk on the water, and come ALL THE WAY to You. “Come” meant come to Me. Teach me that, that became a responsibility on Peter’s life. Help me realize that this is what confuses a lot of Christians. When I read the Bible:
  • Help me know the Bible presented that truth in creation power to me.

  • Help me know how to do what it takes to live it.

  • Help me know when I have permission.

  • Help me know when I have power.

  • Help me know when I don’t have faith; and, help me get Your faith.

Faith Built On A Relationship
Jesus, help me see that Peter had a faith and trust relationship with You for a long time. He had seen Your creation power words over and over again. He knew that when You said something, that is the way it is. Things are the way You say they are. Things do what You tell them to do. Teach me that, that is the same way I am when I start reading the Bible. Help me find out that the Bible is a book of power. Things are the way the Bible says they are. Things do what the Bible tells them to do. I can do whatever the Bible tells me to do, PROVIDED I GET YOUR PERMISSION. Show me that, that is why You and the Bible hold me to such a high standard. I am a child of God!

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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