The Submission Courses Part 1

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Attitudes”

Using The Six Biblical Principles
To Bring Healing To My Heart
Jesus, empower me to keep using The Six Biblical Principles. Help me keep in mind that DESIRE is vital because You won’t do anything I don’t want You to. Teach me that STUDYING the Bible is vital because You won’t use any truths to set me free that I haven’t learned. Teach me that PRAYING is vital because You won’t do anything for me that I don’t ask for. Teach me that BELIEVING is vital because You won’t do anything I don’t believe You are telling me the truth about. Teach me that LOVE is vital because You won’t do anything for me that is selfish. And, teach me that FAITH-ACTION is vital because You will be very upset if I don’t put everything in to practice that You tell me, I have.

Mat 7:24 (NIV) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Jesus, make it clear to me that it takes six things for me to take Your words and put them into practice. I have to DESIRE to put them into practice. I have to STUDY and learn how to put them into practice. I have to PRAY and ask You to help me put them into practice. I have to fix my eyes on You for the faith so I can BELIEVE I have the power to put them into practice. I have to LOVE others enough to help me “do what it takes” to put Your words into practice. And, I have to take FAITH-ACTION which is me “putting Your words into practice.”

Mat 5:8 (NIV) Blessed are the PURE IN HEART, for they will see God.

I Have A Pure Heart
Jesus Is Flushing Out My Contaminants
Jesus, help me understand that during this study, You aren’t working on my wrong, bad, or evil issues that are already in my life. You are concentrating on helping me yield to right, good, and righteous things. When I am washing out a container, some of the debris will automatically come out just by running water over it. But, frequently I will have to use some soap and some scrubbing to get the rest of the contaminants out. So, for right now, help me concentrate on just yielding to those things You want in my life. Help me see that later You will help me with those stuborn issues that are already inside me that take some special work to get out. As You help me see the benefits of all these wonderful things You are offering me, help me LET GO of things I am currently allowing to exist in me.

My Goal
Mat 5:48 (NIV) Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus, if I took a class and learned a whole lot of things; but, when I was tested, they asked me a lot of questions about things I didn’t learn, it would be possible to fail a class that I actually learned a lot from; but, with You, this isn’t possible. The world uses a phrase that says, “the sky is the limit.” To them this means it is unlimited as to what can be accomplished. Teach me that through You, I have been given a record with God that is PERFECT; show me that, that is even higher than the sky. There have been assignments that I have felt were impossible; so, I didn’t even try to accomplish them. So, teach me that even though perfection is something I will never reach in this life, if perfection is Your limit, then I can press forward without fearing I will ever be held back.

I Am Getting A Perfectly Clean Heart
Jesus, in most assignments I am given, I start out with not having accomplished any of the assignment. I start out from scratch and then go on from there. But, teach me that with You, I start out with perfection being credited to my record with God. Since that gives me DIRECT access to God and all He provides, help me see that I start growing spiritually; I start ACTUALLY living things that before I was only credited for. Teach me that this is like entering a class and being given an “A+”. Help me understand that the only way for me to diminish that “A+” is to not fulfill all the assignments. But, because I am starting with an “A+” I am one of the Instructor’s top students. This gives me special privileges and DIRECT access to the Instructor.

I Have A Pure Heart Through Grace And Mercy
Jesus, it doesn’t sound like it; but, teach me that this is a person who has a pure heart: Rom 7:15-19 (NIV) I do not understand what I do. For what I WANT to do I do not do, but what I HATE I do. And IF I do what I do not WANT to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the DESIRE to do what is good, but I CANNOT carry it out. For what I do IS NOT the good I WANT to do; no, the evil I DO NOT WANT TO DO--this I keep on doing.

I Have A Pure Heart In My Record With God
Jesus, teach me that when I am the person in Romans 7:15-19 I have a pure heart through salvation and justification. Help me see that this is because I now have the WANT and the HATE that being born again gave me. Show me that as long as I have the WANT and HATE DESIRE, God credits a pure heart to my record with Him. Teach me that this is like a young child; I know they don’t have the training, skills, talents, and abilities to act like an adult; so, I give them grace and mercy. Even though they are doing a lot of things wrong, I love them, forgive them, and consider them “perfect” in my sight.

I Am Getting A Pure Heart In My Behavior
Jesus, teach me that salvation and justification put a pure heart on my record with God; teach me that sanctification (spiritual growth) puts a pure heart in the thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds of my behavior. Make it clear to me that You have credited me with perfect attitudes and character. But, help me see that I and the people around me don’t see my actual behavior that way. Explain to me how I am going to take the perfect attitudes and charater on my record with God and get it activated in my life with myself and others.

Jesus, help me DESIRE to keep wanting to do good and hating to do wrong, bad, or evil. Let that push me forward toward the perfection of a pure heart. Help me STUDY the Bible and learn how to progress toward this purity. Empower me to PRAY and invite You into helping me move forward in living this pure-heart life. Help me fix my eyes on You until You give me the faith to BELIEVE YOU are joining me in heading toward that perfect purity. Help me yield to God’s LOVE so I can be powerfully motivated to treat myself and other people with a pure-heart behavior. And, empower me to take FAITH-ACTION as I join You in yielding to Your power to ACTUALLY live out this pure heart more and more.

I Cannot Stay There
Rom 6:15 (NIV) What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Jesus, help me not be a person who reads Romans chapter seven and tries to justify, excuse, and forgive myself for staying there. Help me not learn that God started me out with a perfect record and then read Romans chapter seven and decide to remain in that failing life. Help me not start WANTING to keep on sinning; help me not start liking having a pure heart credited to my record with God while sinning. Help me not lose the WANT and HATE: For what I WANT to do I do not do, but what I HATE I do.

Jesus, make it clear to me that if I loses my DESIRE to do what is right, good, and righteous, I am no longer a true Christian. Help me realize and want to know that God gave me this perfect record so I can have DIRECT access to Him and all His provisions. Help me realize and want to know that He gave me DIRECT access to Him and all His provisions so I could grow spiritually. Help me realize and want to know that He is empowering me to grow spiritually so I will be a mature, adult child of God. Make it clear to me that I must apply The Six Biblical Principles to my life so I can move from the Romans chapter seven life to the Romans chapter eight life.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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