The Submission Courses Part 2

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Will-Power”

I Am Using Faith-Action To Submit My Will-Power

I Am Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

I Am Opening My Strength To God
I Am Submitting My Will-Power To Jesus
Jesus, empower me to be willing to take the sixth step in The Six Biblical Principles. Help me be willing to take FAITH-ACTION with every aspect of your life. Make it clear to me that the Six Biblical Principles are ALL pointing to FAITH-ACTION. Teach me that the fourth step of BELIEVING is the moment when I KNOW You have given me the thing I have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for. But, help me understand that FAITH-ACTION is the moment when I can actually start practicing living it in my life. Use BELIEVING to let me know I have it; then use FAITH-ACTION to empower me to live it. Teach me that until I join You through FAITH-ACTION, this wonderful thing I have been DESIRING is only credited to my record with God.

James 2:17 (NIV) In the same way, FAITH by itself, if it is not accompanied by ACTION, is dead. Jesus, You said it this way: Mat 7:24 (NIV) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Help me understand that FAITH-ACTION is required of me; but, You used my DESIRE, STUDY, PRAYING, BELIEVING, and LOVING to bring me to this dynamic place where You and I start living on the basis of the fact that it is finally ready for me to live. Help me totally understand that it is a moment of blessings, rejoicing, thanksgiving, and doing something I was never able to do before.

I Am Submitting My Will-Power To Jesus Through Faith-Action
Jesus, teach me that You are putting FAITH in me for KNOWING that I can from that moment on take actions that are pleasing to God. Help me understand that as I go through my day, I need to know that God is pleased with the way I feel, the way I am thinking, the way I am talking, and the way I am doing things. Help me realize that all day long, the Holy Spirit is giving me feelings that indicate how I am doing. If I feel a feeling that indicates I made a mistake, then that is the moment for me to change what I am saying or doing. If I feel His approval, then I can keep moving forward. Teach me that this requires me to practice listening to the Holy Spirit speaking to my conscience.

Jesus, help me remember that I have been experiencing the Holy Spirit’s influence on my conscience for most of my life. However, since I didn’t have Your power to obey those indications, sometimes I would try to respond to them; but, other times I would resist them. Teach me that this resistance hardened my conscience and taught me how to ignore the Holy Spirit’s influence on my conscience. Help me now apply The Six Biblical Principles to my conscience and get Your help to bring it back into a good, healthy conscience. Take me through the system of healing my conscience.

I Am Learning How To Stay In Touch
1 Th 5:17 (NIV) pray continually. Jesus, help me understand that this Scripture is telling me to focus my attention on what the Holy Spirit is saying to my conscience. Teach me that this isn’t the only meaning of this Scripture; help me see that it actually is asking me to be in constant communication with God. But, You are using it here to help me get my conscience back in good working order.

Jesus, to pray continually is my DESIRE! Teach me that the first thing is, I have to DESIRE to start listening to my conscience again. Since I now have Your power to DO want the Holy Spirit is telling me to do, show me that I can start DESIRING that it get healed; then it can start telling me when I am doing things that are right or wrong.

Jesus, teach me that to pray continually is what all my STUDY is about; show me that I am learning how to be in constant contact with You. Teach me that in addition to my conscience, You are causing ideas to pop up in my mind and feelings to come into my heart. Help see that these won’t be like the subjects and issues of my conscience. Teach me that my conscience ONLY deals with right and wrong, good and bad, righteousness and evil. You will be giving me ideas that WILL be right, good, and righteous; but, they will be ideas and emotions that help me know what to do, how to do it, when to do it, where to do it, and why to do it. Use the things I have learned in the Bible and help me use them in my frienships, marriage, business, and in meeting new people.

3. PRAY:
Jesus, teach me that to pray continually is the goal of my communication with You, I need to be constantly PRAYING and asking You what is the best action to take for the moment. Teach me that this is where I think things like, “Jesus, what should I do in this situation.” Rather than just trying to come up with an idea myself, or, rather than just going around asking other people what their opinion is, help me consult You. Teach me that it is okay for me to ask myself and other people; but, I need to allow You to be my final authority for what actions I should take; empower me to yield my will-power to Your will-power.

Jesus, empower me to be able to pray continually. Teach me that this is why You are speaking faith into me; You want to empower me to be constantly BELIEVING for everything You and I are doing together. Show me that it is important for me to not get stuck in constant inactivity. Help me see that it is good that I am asking, waiting, and looking to You. But, there must either be a moment when I realize You aren’t giving me faith for something because it isn’t God’s will for me to do it, or, You give me faith and I become empowered to BELIEVE I have the answer, the power, the skills, and the wisdom to do the right, good, and righteous thing.
Jesus, waiting on You to speak faith into me requires me to know what Your answer is. If You are having me to wait because it isn’t time yet, then I need to just be patient. If I am waiting and You have already told me “no,” then my waiting won’t change Your mind. If I am waiting because Your are testing me to see if I will go ahead and do it without You, empower me to not DO ANYTHING until You give me the faith to BELIEVE.

5. LOVE:
Jesus, teach me that to pray continually is what LOVE is all about; help me not take actions that aren’t win/win for everyone involved. Teach me that a lot of the time I find myself waiting for Your faith because I am about to take an action that isn’t win/win. While I am waiting for You to speak faith into me, help me go over my ideas, plans, goals, dreams, and desires to see if there is anything in them that God isn’t pleased with. Teach me that this is the best way for me to find out WHY I am having to wait for Your faith; show me that often it is because of a LOVE issue.

Jesus, teach me that to pray continually means that as I join You in FAITH-ACTION, I am constantly talking to You about each move I make. Help me see that it is so easy to get Your faith to believe, get an okay from my conscience through the Holy Spirit, or get an idea popping up in my mind from You and then run with it. Show me that this causes me to leave You and go do it on my own. Make it clear to me that FAITH-ACTION is a relationship with You; You and I must be working together. Help me understand that FAITH-ACTION is for me to learn how to become a mature, adult child of God. Show me that this is a procedure of using spiritual tools, methods, principles, and actions IN THE SPIRIT REALM.

Once I Get A Brilliant Idea
John 15:5 (NIV) I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man REMAINS in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; APART from Me you can do nothing. Jesus, when I get a wonderful idea from You concerning an action I should take, that is just the beginning of my relationship with You. The way I take the action, the the motive I have for taking it, the way I involve other people, and the way I carry it out, all need Your input. However, help me keep in mind that the excitement of getting a brilliant idea can send me off on my own.

Rom 1:21 (NIV) For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Jesus, taking a wonderful action after much dreaming, goal setting, researching, and allowing You to guide me through it all is a great thing. You and I have put together something that has a lot of potential. Show me that now it is time to appreciate all You have done to bring me to this place.

Jesus, teach me that FAITH-ACTION isn’t just formulating a dream or a goal that is completely approved by God. It isn’t just putting together a plan that only God could have come up with. Help me see that it is also a FAITH-ACTION of praise, worship, thankgiving, appreciation, and fellowship. Help words to flow out of my mouth to God and to the people around me that express the individual aspects of getting to this place. Help me notice, identify, and acknowledge each thing God does for me; show me that doing that brings about a greater result from each action I take. Help me keep some kind of mental or written record of these miracles, blessings, brilliant ideas, and circumstancial enhancements that God did for me.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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