The Prevention Courses
Part 1

Workbook For
“The Belt Of Truth”

Putting On The Belt Of Truth

1. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Not Being Wicked
Jesus, protect me from the wrath of God that is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress The Truth by their wickedness (Rom 1:18). Help me be completely free from godlessness and wickedness; let the belt of truth protect me from all of it.

Keep me aware of what this wickedness looks like that suppresses The Truth. Let the belt of truth keep me out of the myths, fantasy, fiction, and falsehood that are used to create a pretend world with pretend rules and pretend results. Protect me from this place where many in Hollywood live. Show me why a lot of their lives are in major chaos as they live godless, wicked lives. Protect me from the fake glamour, fake fun, fake happiness, and fake success. Help me keep it from infiltrating my home through the media. As Your reveal that they are constantly having destruction in their marriages, families, and lives, let your belt of truth keep me from admiring them. Don’t let me worship them and the lives they live. Teach me that this is the kind of wickedness that suppresses The Truth. Help me put the belt of truth on by not listening, watching, being entertained, and being trained by such lies.

2. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Living In Reality.
Jesus, keep me from being a person who does evil and hates the light, protect me from being one who will not come into the light for fear that my deeds will be exposed. But let me be one who lives by the truth and comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what I have done has been done through God (John 3:20-21). Help me not to pretend, fantasize, wish on a star, live in a dream world, or bury myself in fictional material. Let The Truth take my real life and make it miraculous. Since Satan is currently pounding hard against this piece of the armor of God, help me keep it on at all times. Don’t let me be like my generation who is spending a lot of time living in the lie of worshipping the creation rather than the Creator. Even though, keeping this piece of armor on can be a real challenge, empower me to put my total trust in You.

3. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By GETTING Connected
Jesus, I have been crucified with You and I no longer live, but You live in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in You, the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Yourself for me (Gal 2:20). Jesus, I can see where the power to put on my belt of truth comes from. You are willing to provide me with Your abilities, Your power, Your skills, and Your knowledge. Let my faith from You open my life up to me actually doing this is by means of that faith. Teach me the concept of faith that is also expressed as trust, reliance, and dependency on You, the Son of God. Show me that “Faith in the Son of God” is also clearly expressed in the word “remain.” Reveal to me how remain works.
4. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By STAYING Connected
Jesus, You are the vine; I am the branch. If I remain in You and You in me, I will bear much fruit; because apart from You, I can do nothing (John 15:5). If I remain in You and Your words remain in me, I can ask whatever I wish, and it will be given to me (John 15:7).

Keep me aware of the fact that vines only stay alive as long as they are connected to the branch. Show me that the sap flows from the branch to the vine keeping it alive in the same way Your power keeps me alive. Teach me that the moment it is cut off, the life giving nutrients stop flowing. Teach me that this is the way the belt of truth works. Let Your truth flow into me as the belt of truth. When I REMAIN in You, I am putting the belt of truth on and keeping it on. Help me allow Your words to remain in me. Let the word “remain” help me see how attached I have to be to You and what the Bible says. Make it a permanent trust, reliance, and dependence on You and Your Word. Help me always be looking to You and the Bible for guidance, empowerment, and protection. Show me that this is what remaining looks like; and, that is what keeping the belt of truth on looks like.

5. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On Moment By Moment And Issue By Issue
Jesus, if I have a business deal that requires “a little” lying or misleading someone, help me know that, if this deal is something good for me, I won’t have to lie or mislead. Teach me that if the deal can’t come together without deception, then I know it will hurt me in the long run. Reveal the truth that EVERY area where I use world principles to get something, it will ALWAYS end up hurting me in the long run. Help me remain in You by applying Bible principles all day long; let it bring great success because it protects me with the belt of truth. Let it be the process of me keeping my belt of truth on moment by moment and issue by issue.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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