The Prevention Courses
Part 1

Workbook For
“The Belt Of Truth”

Putting On The Belt Of Truth

1. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Not Just
    Being Truthful
Jesus, You are THE TRUTH; and, the gospel message I present is THE TRUTH. Jesus, I accept that You are telling me THE truth, I believe that since I have heard Your word and believed Him Who sent You, I know I have eternal life and will not be condemned; I have crossed over from death to life (John 5:24). I believe that since this has happened to me, I can live a life in my business, my marriage, my friendships, my family, and with enemies and will be extremely successful. I believe I will live my life by having and keeping on the belt of truth.

Since You are the source of the belt of truth, I believe I am putting You on when I put on the belt of truth. This is making it possible for me to use the belt of truth in a very powerful way. When I am wearing the belt of truth, let them be moments when I share The Truth about You. You are The Truth; Your message is The Truth; and, the Bible is The Truth. Help me always base my thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds on these things; let this cause me to be keeping the belt of truth on.

2. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Being Sanctified
Jesus, SANCTIFY me by Your Truth; Your Word is Truth (John 17:17). Show me how Your belt of truth works as I go about my daily life.
  • Since to be sanctified is to allow You to empower me to only do good things to myself, other people, and Your plan, let You power flow through me in that way.
  • Since allowing myself to be sanctified is to allow You to install Your truth in me, I open my heart to Your truth.
  • Since allowing You to install Your truth in me is to allow You to teach me the Bible, I open my heart, mind, and life to Your Word.
  • Since allowing You to teach me the Bible is to let You help me know what it says (knowledge), know what it means (understanding), and know how it is to be applied to my life (wisdom), I yield to Your training.
Jesus, teach me Your truths in the Bible; let them lead me into a successful life. Help me no longer base my decisions on world knowledge. Rather, help me pattern my business, my marriage, my friendships, my family, my dealing with enemies and competitors, and my life in general on Your systems of truth. Give me Your knowledge, Your understanding, Your wisdom, and Your power; THAT will bring me into a successful life of truth.
3. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Being Set Free
Jesus, empower me to know The Truth, and The Truth set me free (John 8:32). Teach me that, when the Bible says I will be set free by The Truth, it doesn’t mean that not lying to people will set me free. Make it clear to me that it is saying that receiving the message of truth about You, Who are The Truth, will set me free. Reveal to me that freedom flows into my life through Your salvation and all that comes with it. Help me put on the belt of truth through You setting me free.

4. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Being Free Indeed
Jesus, if You, the Son, set me free, I will be free indeed (John 8:36). When You, the Son, set me free, I am free to stop lying to people. But, I am freed from a lot more than that. I am free to do business, be married, have friends, have a family, deal with enemies, and live life with tremendous life success principles; You and Your belt of truth have made me free indeed.

Jesus, free me to be changed in every aspect of my life. Since this belt of truth is made available to me by the Holy Spirit through Your character, let it hold me together, support all of my armor, and keep important aspects of my life and spirituality from falling off.

Jesus, You and the Bible are the kind of truth that sets me free. You and Your Word are known as “the” truth. Teach me that there are a lot of true things in this world; and, they can be described as truth; but, they are not “the” truth. The Truth is from You and it sets me free from issues of my body, cares, worries, problems, difficulties of the world, and satanic attacks of the devil. Help me see that this is a lot different from me not just telling a lie.

5. Putting On The Belt Of Truth By Not Believing THE Lie
Jesus, help me not be one of those people who have exchanged The Truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--Who is forever praised. Amen (Rom 1:25). Show me that just like there are lies that are opposite from that which is true, let me see that there is a type of lie that is the opposite of THE Truth.

Set me free from lies that are opposed to The Truth. Set me free from lies that cause people to worship and serve the creation rather than the Creator. Jesus, the world taught me to believe in myself. This cheats me out of getting the powerful blessings and help I can get from believing in You. The world taught me to have self-confidence and self-esteem. This cheats me out of getting my confidence and esteem from You. The world taught me that when I take advantage of other people, “It’s nothing personal, its just business.” The world taught me a lot of things that sound good but are lies that are opposing Your truth. Help me put on the belt of truth by not believing all these lies of the world.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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