The Prevention Studies
Part 1

Prayer For
“The Belt Of Truth”

Keeping The Belt Of Truth On Through Sanctification
Jesus, help me breakdown 2 Corinthians 10:5 and see how to stop being upset when the belt of truth resists some of the things that are wrong I watch, read, hear, and feel. Help me with the breakdown and unpacking of this verse as I continue over this week’s studies and prayer.

1. Keeping The Belt Of Truth By Casting Down Imaginations
Jesus, teach me what it means to go about casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and be bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of You (2 Cor 10:5 AKJV).

Jesus, help me continue to breakdown and unpack 2 Corinthians 10:5. Help me see clearly how upset I get when the belt of truth resists some of the things that are wrong that I watch, read, hear, feel, and want to do.

Jesus, I acknowledge the fact that
I am literally taking the belt of truth off
when I want to expose myself to
non or anti-biblical things.

2. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By
Casting Down Imaginations Through Your Eyes
Jesus, since my eye is the lamp of my body, let my eyes to be good so that my whole body will be full of light. Help me realize that if my eyes are bad, my whole body will be full of darkness. Help me also realize that if then the light within me is darkness, how great is that darkness (Mat 6:22-23)!

Jesus, help me stop getting upset when Your concepts mess with my times when I need to sit down and relax. Help me use the times relaxing in You when I am wanting to be entertained, have fun, and turn my brain off. Help me realize that these things do affect my real life. Show me that I can’t put them into a special category in my brain under “fiction.” Teach me that when I fall to some temptation to sin, I won’t believe how easy it was to give in to temptation. When I create these situations myself, help me not wonder why God didn’t do what He promised by protecting me.

3. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By
Casting Down Imaginations Through The Way Out
Jesus, teach me that no temptation has seized me except what is common to man. Keep me aware that God is faithful; and that He will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear. But when I am tempted, He will also provide a way out so that I can stand up under it (1 Cor 10:13).

Help me not look on the couch in front of the TV and see my belt of truth laying there. Help me not take it off and leave it home and get zapped at the office. Let Your belt of truth protect me from a temptation coming that I wasn’t able to resist and I couldn’t find any way of escape. Show me when this temptation was resistible, when I had the way of escape available to me. Reveal to me that it was at home when I was sitting in front of the TV. Let me see that the way of escape was the remote control.

4. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By
Casting Down Imaginations Through Quality
Jesus, join me in thinking about the quality of my belt of truth I am wearing. Show me that having my belt of truth on or off isn’t the only issue. I can have a thin, small belt of truth that doesn’t cover many issues. Or, I can have a wide, thick belt of truth that is ready for anything that comes my way. Empower me to learn as much Scripture as I can. I now pray and ask You to help me apply it to my life. Let me put my faith, trust, reliance, and dependency on You to do what You said You will do.

5. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By Casting Down
Every High Thing
Casting down ... every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God: Jesus, help me take this moment where You and I take a look at my “real life” belief system. Let it not be different from my church belief system. Teach me that “high things” are well known and accepted things that everyone who is anybody knows to be true. Deliver me from “high things” that are the business practices at work that don’t line up with the Word of God. Set me free from “high things” that are world training that I put in the place of what You teach. Help me not take my belt of truth off by using a “high thing” to reject a truth from the Word of God.

6. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By Casting Down
Every High Thing In Your Decisions
  • Jesus, I accept the fact that, when the Bible tells me to do one thing and I say: “God gave me a brain ...” and do something else, I have just created a high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Help me not try to use my brain and mind to deceive me into do anti-biblical things.
  • I accept the fact that, when the Bible tells me to do one thing and I say: “EVERYONE does it that way” and do something else, I have just created a high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Help me not use common practices of the world to justify my disobedience to Your Word.
  • I accept the fact that, when I am doing a special business deal and the Word of God tries to sabotage the whole thing, and I say: “Hey, God knows I am only human, no one’s perfect,” I have just created a high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Help me not try to use my weaknesses as an excuse for disobeying Your Word.
  • I accept the fact that, when I say: “I am not sure that Scripture really applies here” and do something I don’t know FOR SURE it is Your will, I just created a high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Help me not make a decision or take an action until I know for sure what Your will is.
Jesus, keep me aware that any truth-resisting statement or decision will take me down that path of high things. Let me always know that when I take this type of approach, that is when I take the belt of truth off and lay it aside. I accept the fact that high things are supposed to be cast down and that Your Word is supposed to be put in their place. Help me use this truth to keep me knowing that this is how the belt of truth is kept on.

Jesus, I confess that the more I take the truth of God
that I read and study in the Bible
and hear preached and taught,
and then apply it to my life,
that is when I wear the belt of truth more often.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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