The Prevention Courses
Part 1

Workbook For
“The Belt Of Truth”

Keeping The Belt Of Truth On

1. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By Reading The Gospels
Jesus, since putting on and keeping on the full armor of God is all about exposure, help me put on and keep on Your belt of truth by me constantly being exposed to The Truth. Let me be constantly exposed to the whole Bible as The Truth; and, let me also be constantly exposed to You as The Truth. Let the building of a faith relationship with You be greatly assisted by letting the Holy Spirit take me through Your life and ministry found in the Gospels. Let Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John help me get to know You on a closer and more intimate way. Let the Holy Spirit show me how You act, how You think, how You talk, and how You want to live Your life in front of me. Let Your example through the Gospels help me cooperate with You as You starts living Your life in and through me. You are my ultimate example of how to put on, keep on, and use the belt of truth.

2. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By Learning How Jesus Lived
Now Jesus, help me take a look at some important questions and be able to answer them correctly.
  • How did Jesus arrive at various decisions? Jesus, help me learn through the Gospels how You arrived at all Your decisions.
  • Where did Jesus look for help? Jesus, teach me where You always looked for getting the help You needed.
  • Who did Jesus seek advice from? Jesus, teach me who You sought advice from.
  • On what did Jesus spend His time and money? Jesus, teach me on what You spent Your time and money.
Jesus, since the belt of truth is put on as I follow Your words and examples, help me learn these important things through the Gospels. Empower me to yield to Your way of life that I see in these Gospels. Help me put on Your life and patterns in the area of The Truth.

3. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On Through Percentages
Jesus, empower me to set my mind on things above, not on earthly things (Col 3:2). Since putting on and keeping on the full armor of God is also about percentages, help me face the issue of how much of a percentage of time, effort, and money I spend with You and the things of God. Help me compare it with how much of a percentage of time, effort, and money I spend with the issues of this world. Keep me from being offended when the things of God start to challenge my fun, pleasure, and entertainment. Since the belt of truth is designed to resist the philosophies of the world, help me start comparing my daily activities with the Word of The Truth. Keep it from upsetting me, keep it from especially upsetting me when the belt of truth starts resisting the “real” activities of my life.
4. Keeping The Belt Of Truth On By Obeying Jesus
Jesus, You told me that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery (Mat 5:32). But, many times I have sat in front of a TV and lived vicariously with someone having an affair. I justify it because their spouse is a total jerk that mistreats them all the time. When the program shows the abused spouse finding a wonderful person who understands them, loves them, and treats them with respect and I know where this is going to lead, I watch it anyway.

Even though this couple doesn’t kiss or have sex at first, I find myself feeling desires of wanting them to. As I watch a simple friendship that is very enjoyable and extremely meaningful, I start thinking that they were made for each other. Because the program shows that they are both married to total jerks, I find myself justifying this budding relationship. Even though they are both already married to someone else, I find myself not wanting them to obey Your Word. As I watch the days and weeks go by and they continue to meet and really enjoy each other’s company, I put myself in their unbiblical relationship.

The program causes me to disagree with the Bible by taking me to their respective homes and see their two totally jerk spouses reach a whole new level of jerkdom. As I watch one of those special “friendship” meeting while their faces are close together and they start moving their lips toward the kissing position, I don’t think: “Hey, wait a minute! You both are married! You shouldn’t do that!” I find myself thinking: “Go ahead and kiss. You were made for each other. After all your spouses are total jerks.”

Help me stop watching things that are reshaping my Biblical principles. Help me keep my belt of truth on by only watching things presenting The Truth. Keep me aware of the fact that television, the internet, fictional books, Hollywood philosophies, and many magazines all live in the world of fiction. Show me that there are things I watch, listen to, and read that I would not be willing to read to the people at church, show on the overhead screen at church, or play on the speakers at church. Help me realize that they wouldn’t be appropriate in the church-life setting. And, keep me from feeling that they are okay in my “real” life setting.

Since the belt of truth was designed to resist anything that contaminates my life, help me accept that it will typically resist things that contradict the Word of God shown on TV, on the internet, printed in books and magazines, and presented over the radio. But, since it only resists them if I want them to be resisted, help me not expose myself to things that change my desires away from Your Word.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“The Belt Of Truth” Week One.

Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here next week.

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