The Resource Courses

Workbook For
“Christian Fellowship”

Helping Friends GET Interested In Christianity
Jesus, as I go about my day, I meet people, talk to people, do business with people, and build relationships with people. Empower me to use these contacts for spiritual purposes even more than for human purposes. If I am putting more emphasis on my human needs and interests, help me realize that I am cheating myself and those around me. Let me be helping a few people discover the wonderful benefits of Christianity. Some people will only see me once for a short moment. Others I will spend a lot of time with. Those who cross paths with me for a short moment, help me give them a quick touch from You. Those I will be able to build a relationship with, help me give them a lot more from You.

The Quick Response
Jesus, help me understand that You won’t give me something to say to everyone I cross paths with. But, I ask You to help me know something about certain of those people I am just meeting for a moment. Give me special things to quickly drop into their lives. You know what every one of these people are going through. Help me not require You to tell me why I should say it; but, help me give them some special, spiritual statement during that casual acquaintance. Empower me to KEEP asking You each day to give me things to say; then, empower me to say them. Teach me that the more I keep asking and LOOKING for Your input, the more I will be used to help people who are just passing through my life.

Building A Spiritual Relationship
Jesus, those You give me the opportunity to build a spiritual relationship with, help them be people who are willing to allow me to talk to them about spiritual issues. As I am talking to them about spiritual things, help me be aware of whether or not they are able to understand spiritual concepts. If they can’t understand spiritual things or just want to be my friend and only talk about human and world subjects, then help me know when to move on to someone who will let me talk to them about the benefits of Christianity.
Preparing For Sharing
Jesus, help me get involved in one of the most powerful ways of getting ready for longer term spiritual relationships. Help me develop a list of all the wonderful things You have done for me. Show me how to not only use this list as a way to be thankful and appreciate God, help me start seeing ways of using these things in my conversations with others. Let me become so excited about these miracles, blessings, and breakthroughs, that it helps me want to tell people about them. Teach me that the more I add different things to my list, the more things I have to include in my conversations.

Sharing The Power Life
Jesus, help me go back and study the information found in “The Power Life” courses. Help me go over it so I can be ready to share it with those who want to join You in Christianity. However, help me always understand that it is VERY important that I share how much You have helped me, as I go through these courses. Help me see that the miracles and experiences with my heavenly Father are extremely important information. It lets my unsaved friends hear things I know for a fact are true.

Courses That Help
Jesus, since “The Power Life” study has two parts to it, help me become skillful at both of them. Help me be ready to use these two parts to show my unsaved friends things from the Biblical perspective that are vital. Teach me the first part called: “Learning About The Power Life” courses. Let me be ready to show them the benefits. Teach me the second part called: “How To Get, Keep, Live, And Mature In The Power Life.” Let me be ready to provide them with the instructions for each step into and through their new life. Jesus, without these courses, I and my friends may not have the Biblical steps into salvation. But, help me always keep in mind, as I am taking them through these courses, that my life and my experiences with God are very valuable and helpful. Let these courses and my relationship with You bringing them to a decision to become a Christian.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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