The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“From Power Life To Eternal Life”

All These Things Have Been
Presented To Help You
Being Born Again Makes You God’s Child
Jesus, as Christians pray for me that God helps me use all this information to decide to make You the Lord, Savior, and King of my life, help me yield to the answers to their prayers. Help me study how to be born again so those studies can take me into the answers to my struggles with alcohol; and that’s what I want and need. I am seeking God’s help with it; and that is wonderful! But, help me keep in mind that God will only do what I allow Him to do for me. Also, help me keep in mind that He will only do these things for those who are His children. Show me a way for me and Jesus to solve my problems with alcohol WHILE I am “doing what it takes” to get His help.

Being God’s Child Makes Healing Possible
Jesus, use my issues with alcohol to further show me how wonderful and powerful Your Christianity is. Help me become a child of God and God will immediately be willing to start providing me with this healing. As a matter of fact, my healing from my struggles with alcohol will be a part of my salvation experience.

Being God’s Child Makes Power Available
Jesus, show me that up until now I would have failed at any assignment I would have been given. I could have been told to do a lot of things in order to be delivered from my problems with alcohol and I wouldn’t have had the POWER to fulfill them. I would have wanted to do those things I was being taught to do; but, I would have found myself constantly making mistakes and failing to live up to the requirements. This would have frustrated me and caused me to suffer from the failures. But, if I move on to the next step and start studying on how to be saved (born again), I will receive the necessary POWER to start “doing what it takes” to be free from my struggle with it.

Being God’s Child Makes God Possible
Jesus, teach me that through the POWER provided through salvation (being born again), I will find myself with the abilities to accomplish those things I have always wanted to do. Those things my conscience has been telling me that I should be doing, YOU will empower me to fulfill.
Being God’s Child
Makes Good Attitudes And Character Possible
Jesus, teach me that those things my conscience has been telling me that I should quit doing, I will start having the power to quit. God will even show me wonderful things I didn’t know were available to me. He will give me the necessary strength to add these wonderful things to my life as well.

Are You Interested?
DESIRE To Learn How
Jesus, people are praying to my heavenly Father asking Him to use this study, on the benefits of becoming a Christian, to help me DESIRE to move on to the next step. Let the fact that I am being shown these awesome things that are available to me, help me WANT to learn how to be born into God’s Kingdom.

STUDY To Learn How
Jesus, as I go into this next study, let it help me move forward into powerful changes that I will love and enjoy. My challenges with alcohol have caused me to start seeking help. This has brought me to a life that will not only free me from difficulties with alcohol but will give me much more than I can dream of or hope for; and, I thank You for that.

PRAY To Learn How
Jesus, help me keep asking You to open my heart and mind and empower me to be receptive to all I study and learn. I ask You to show me what it is going to take for me to become a child of God. Help me believe that He will answer my prayers and help me apply Scriptures that tell me how to be born again.

Are You Ready To Take The Next Step?
If you have decided to move forward in God and all He has to offer you, then go ahead and select the “Select This To Go To The List Page” sentence below. It will take you to the step-by-step process of getting the liberating power of salvation. It will explain to you what you will need to do to experience God’s forgiveness and healing in your life. You will be on your way to a new life that empowers and trains you on how to overcome the issues you are having with alcohol. If you have any questions or doubts that you need to talk to us about, send us an email and we will do our best to help you with them. We are praying for you and the problems that are hurting your heart. God bless you abundantly, The HELP eMagazine Staff.

If You Are Interested In The Way To Enter God’s Kingdom,
Select The Words Below For The Next Step

This concludes the course,
“From Power Life To Eternal Life.”
And it concludes the series,
“The Power Courses Presentation.”

Be sure to fill out your “My Power Growth Record” sheet
so you will be able to come back and start the next series called,
“The Power Courses Application.”
Next week, you will be starting the course,
“How To Get The Power Life.”

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the reading material list for
The Power Courses Application

The Power
From Power Life To
Eternal Life
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Eternal Life” words above.

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