The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“From Power Life To Eternal Life”

Hell Is The Absence Of The Presence Of God
Jesus, help me understand that there can only be two decisions that a human can make: to live with God or without Him. Show me what is it like living in a place where God doesn’t shine forth His character, honesty, grace, mercy, love, and godly attitudes...THAT IS HELL!

Hell Is The Absence Of The Provisions Of God
Jesus, teach me that even if You took away all those things I have studied so far about how great God’s provisions and Kingdom are, if I were to lose all of them but got God, I would still be the happiest person that has ever existed. Make it clear to me that God makes all the difference concerning happiness, joy, pleasure, fun, and a great existence. If I were to remove Him from my life AND MY ETERNAL EXISTENCE, I lose all of those positive things. But, I don’t just lose all those positive things, I am LEFT WITH all of the negative things God has rejected. That’s HELL!

Hell Is All Those Things God Has Rejected
Jesus, help me totally understand that hell is a place where God has removed Himself from IT. When He did that, He left that place a place where it doesn’t have any of the great things He is. Since ALL happiness, joy, pleasure, fun, and a wonderful existence is IN God, then NONE of that is OUTSIDE God. Show me that outside of God are ALL THE THINGS GOD HAS REJECTED. Outside of God is darkness, pain, suffering, depression, hopelessness and helplessness, and misery. Outside of God is where all those things exist that people hate and suffer with. That is called HELL!

Hell Is Where Sin Exists
Jesus, show me that if I decide, during this life, that I don’t want God, then when I die, God honors my decision. If I don’t want to be delivered from my sins, then God cannot allow them into His Kingdom. If I continue to lie, cheat, steal, gossip, hurt others, and do things that are bad for myself and other people, then I am sinning. Since no sin can enter God’s Kingdom because it will contaminate it, I would be quarantined from it. Reveal to me that when Adam and Eve committed ONE SIN, it spread into the whole of mankind. Help me see that one small, little sin CANNOT be allowed into God’s Kingdom or it will ruin the wonderful place I would be going to. Help me see that sin and all its effects only exist outside of God. That’s hell.
We Are All Going To Exist Forever
Hell Is A Choice
Jesus, since hell is the place where people go who have refused to be delivered from sin, then these are people who don’t want God and all He has to offer. Since God has given me a free will to choose which place I want to spend eternity, God honors my decision and ALLOWS me to spend eternity without Him, if that’s what I want. 1 Cor 15:56 (NIV) The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.

Hell Is An Unnecessary Choice
Jesus, Your love compels me, because I am convinced that You, Jesus, died for all, and therefore all died. And You died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for You Who died for them and was raised again (2 Cor 5:14-15). You didn’t just die for the sins of those who accept You, You also died for the sins of those who don’t accept You. No one ends up outside of God where hell is because You didn’t die for their cure. They are outside because they refused Your provisions for them.

Jesus Is The Solution To Hell
Jesus, I thank You that I don’t have to worry about hell, because I can take advantage of the fact that God offers me and everyone else a way out. No one has to spend eternity without the presence of God. Being born again is available to everyone. We can all live and die with the power of God inside us. We can all choose to have everything God has to offer. We can all be delivered from treating ourselves, others, and God with bad deeds (sin). The spiritual disease that God calls sin is the reason my body gets sick, wears out, and dies. It is the reason my relationships, my finances, my emotions, and my spiritual condition fail.

Choose The Solution
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through You, our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:57).

Jesus, help me accept You as my Lord, Savior, and King and I will receive all the provisions and victories that come through being a Christian. I believe You will give me a wonderful life now; and, You will give me an awesome eternity.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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