The Discovery Studies

Prayer For
“Finding The Right Method”

I Am Finding The Right Method
I Am Finding The Jesus Method
Jesus, You have invited me into a special relationship with You. You and I just spent time developing a better relationship. Now I am building on that relationship with You and learning how to cooperate and work with You. Help me understand that You do things in a VERY different way from what I have experienced in human, world training.
  • Help me realize that Your methods are relationship based.

  • They are experienced through Your love for me.

  • Show me that You do Your work from a spiritual rather than a natural process.

  • Make it clear to me that Your power and solutions flow through things like faith, hope, and love.
As I move into this relationship with You, empower me to allow You to teach me things that work in my physical life and in my spiritual life. Let me be open to unlearning some things and be trained in totally new things, so You will be able to work miracles in my issues with hopelessness. Like in the case with Naaman, help me see that I need to get the precise instructions for working with You and following them to the letter.

I Am Following Jesus’ Methods
Jesus, like in the case with Naaman, help me get the precise instructions for working with You. Then help me pray and ask You for Your power to follow them to the letter. Also, help me NOT do what Simon the sorcer did and try to mix my old life with my new one. Help me give up my old methods for living life and ask You for Your power to learn and apply Your methods. There were times when my old methods seemed to work quite well for me; but, help me see that it was an illusion. I wasn’t succeeding; I was heading toward failure in my emotions, finances, physical health, relationships, and spiritual condition for eternity. Make it clear to me that even if I had gained the whole world, I wouldn’t have saved my soul. Mark 8:36-37 (NIV) What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

A Method Based On Relationship
Jesus, sometimes I am very concerned about my issues with hopelessness; and, sometimes I am willing to try most anything to get the help I need. But, teach me that You want me to change that attitude and look to You as my only hope. Teach me that the reason for You requiring this from me is, if I try to mix other methods with Your methods, I will contaminate Your work. Then when Your methods are contaminated, I won’t get the results that You are able to give me. Help me see that this causes me to think that the reason I didn’t get the results was because Your methods didn’t work. But, make it clear to me that the reason they didn’t work was because I contaminated Your methods. There are a lot of things I have tried, believed might help, and am still thinking about trying. However, help me give them all up and JUST trust You and Your methods.

I Have Seen God Work
Jesus, You and I have just spent some time looking at what God is capable of doing as I studied what He did for Naaman and Simon. Help me understand that when I allow God and His Bible to be the final authority in my life, I get the truth about life. Help me believe that only God can truly solve my difficulties with hopelessness. I may experience temporary relief, moments of peace, short term solutions, and ways of working around my issue, but, help me see that only God can give me total and permanent solutions to my difficulties with hopelessness. Jesus, I now ask You to help me fully trust, rely, and depend on You. Help me relax in my relationship with You; help me work together with You and believe that You will bring the solutions I am looking for. Help me understand that as I get one breakthrough after another, my faith and trust in You will grow.

Why Does God Allow Me To Have Problems?
Jesus, You said in John 16:33 (NIV): “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you WILL have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Teach me that when I was saved, born again, and became a Christian, I became a child of God. As a child of God, I became a member of God’s family and a citizen of His eternal Kingdom. Teach me that the reason I was allowed to be born on this planet was so I could decide whether or not I wanted to be a child of God. Help me see that once I decided that I wanted to be born again and be born as God’s child, I inherited God as my Father and became a co-heir with Jesus. But, show me that even though I have inherited God, His family, and His eternal Kingdom, there are a lot of things that are not good about my attitudes and character. Help me understand that If bad attitudes and character were allowed to go into God’s eternal Kingdom, they would damage and eventually destroy God’s Kingdom.

I Am Being Trained As A Child Of God
I Am A New Inheritor
Gal 4:1-2 (NIV) What I am saying is that as long as THE HEIR is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. Jesus, make it clear that I immediately became an inheritor of God’s Kingdom; but, I need training by You to get me ready for God’s Kingdom. Help me see that in a class, the students are challenged, tested, and required to study and learn. In God’s life-classes, I face issues that are quite challenging and difficult. But, show me that they aren’t coming my way to destroy me or defeat me. They are coming my way so as to develop my relationship with You and Your training. Show me that if I allow my problem with hopelessness to motivate me to yield to Your training and power, I will not only be victorious here in my human life, I will be prepared and made ready for living dynamically in God’s eternal Kingdom.

Training Designed For A New Inheritor
2 Tim 2:15 (AKJV) Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Jesus, help me always keep in mind that no matter what I want to be trained in, I will have to study. However, if I study the wrong thing, it will NOT prepare me for reaching my goal. AND, if I am trained by someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about, I will NOT reach my goal. Reveal to me that when I combine the Bible with You and allow You to teach me how to be successful in life, I WILL reach my goal. You and the Bible are the answer to every problem, issue, and difficulty I face. Help me allow You and the Bible to be my final authority; let Your pure teaching and the pure facts of the Bible empower me to win in life and be prepared for God’s eternal Kingdom.

Jesus And His Bible
2 Tim 3:16-17 (NIV) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, SO THAT the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Show me that not only will You help me win over my problem with hopelessness, You will help me win in life. Teach me that through You and the Bible, I am currently being thoroughly equipped for EVERY good work. Let me allow my problems to motivate me to apply myself and fully cooperate with You so I will be more than conquerors through You Who loved me (Rom 8:37). Teach me how to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Eph 6:10).

Jesus And His Methods
Jesus, help me see that Your methods not only involve love, they also deal in power. Teach me that things change without me using the typical efforts, systems, and processes that it would typically take. As I read through the Gospels, show me that You changed people’s eyes so they could see; You changed people’s mouths so they could talk; You changed people’s legs and feet so they could walk; and, You caused dead people to come alive again. As I get more and more involved with You, help me change my expectancies. Help me embrace the supernatural so I will be ready for Your methods. I will typically be looking for You to give me information that I can use in order for my problem with hopelessness to be taken care of. But, You are giving me instructions for how to use power-tools and THEY will make spiritual changes in me. Miracles will take place in my issue with hopelessness.

Jesus And His Power
Jesus, teach me that if Simon the sorcer had received Your power so Simon could decide who he laid hands on, he would have abused those abilities. He would have used them for his own benefits and prestige. Teach me that You offer Your power as a gift; but, You also offers it in righteousness. Teach me that righteousness is me only doing good to all who are involved. As You work on my attitudes and character, empower me to be able to do to others what I would have them do to me (Mat 7:12); and, empower me to be able to love my neighbor as myself (Mark 12:30). Let these two changes in my attitudes and character empower me to share my breakthroughs with others as gifts. Let them help me share You and Your power because I care about other people in an unselfish way.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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