The Discovery Studies

Prayer For
“Finding The Right Method”

The Principle
God Is My Creator
Jesus, make it clear to me that God has a special power that handles the hopelessness issues that control me. Teach me that He uses love to defeat the pain, the stress, the frustration, and the blame I am experiencing. Teach me that the reason I am not my answer is because I am too small and limited for the assignment. If that offends me, help me go outside and look up at the stars. Show me that God made the universe, the world I live on, and He even made me.

The Love-Power Of God For Me
Jesus help me understand that there will always be things and people I can’t resist or control; but, there will never be ANYTHING that God can’t control or do. At first that may not mean much to me; I may see God’s power and abilities as only being for His benefit. Help me get to the place where I understand His love for me. Help me understand why He hasn’t done something already to help me with my situations and my attitudes. Help me see what love has to do with the struggles I am going through. Show me that it is love that makes God everyone’s answer to everything they are going through because He not only has power, He has a deep desire to help me.

My Heart Is Giving Me A WARNING
Jesus, help me realize that my emotional feeling about hopelessness issues is my heart’s way of helping me realize I have a life-problem. Teach me that the pain coming from my emotions is letting me know I need help. Sometimes I am the type person who feels like I can solve anything and don’t need anyone’s help. But, help me see that the fact that I am struggling with hopelessness is adding to my emotional stress and causing me confusion. Help me accept my limitations; help me keep looking at the stars and allowing them to be my evidence that I am smaller and weaker than I first thought. Help me come to the place where I am willing to ask God for His help. Empower me to transfer my faith, belief, reliance, dependency, and trust in myself or other people into God.
I Can Trust God
God IS Love
Jesus, make it clear to me that God doesn’t just HAVE love; He IS love. He doesn’t just feel a love for me; He has taken a love-action so as to demonstrate His love. Help me appreciate the fact that You came and died for me so that I would know there is no one who loves and respects me more than You do. Rather than me looking to myself and other humans to provide me with happiness, You can fill my heart with love.

Jesus, help me understand some things I need to think about and accept:
  • God loves me more than I love myself.

  • He knows everything and can anticipate what I am going to need, long before I need it.

  • He is always with me and is always available to be my protection.

  • He has all power and authority and can, therefore, keep bad things from winning over me.

  • He knows my future and can steer me away from many of those things that would have hurt me.

  • He has all knowledge, understanding, and wisdom; and He uses them to make sure I get the very best of everything.
Jesus, show me that it is time for me to learn how to get God to take my place and work through me so I don’t have to use my own wisdom or the world’s wisdom to meet my own needs. Help me see that if I use the correct methods, He can help me start seeing things from a different perspective so I won’t feel so confused and frustrated about people, circumstances, and life.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“Finding The Right Method” Week One.
Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here next week.

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