The Discovery Studies

Prayer For
“Finding The Right Method”

I Am Continuing To Find The Right Method
I Am Discoving How To Work With Jesus
Jesus, I invite You to be a part of all the easy things I do AND all the difficult situations I face. I invite You to be together with me all the time. Empower me to include You in all I think, feel, say, and do. Teach me that, this is the kind of relationship close friends have. Help me learn how to include You in ALL my efforts and ALL the aspects of my life so that You and I can have a special and powerful relationship. Give me one that helps me live the kind of life I have always wanted to live. Start this part of my relationship with You by dealing with my struggles with life. But, as You have already explained to me, You want to so help and heal these struggles that they turn into exciting areas of my life. It will be exciting to be set free from life issues; but, help me see that the greatest aspect of my relationship with You will be when You take something painful and replace it with something very exciting.

Jesus, teach me that this next tool set, The Six Biblical Principles, draws me into a cooperative relationship with You. Teach me that through these principles I will be working with You to live the way You want me to live. Teach me that there are six things that are important to You; AND, as You and I apply these six Biblical principles, I will be cooperating with and yielding to You with my life. Empower me to allow You to help me take The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and couple them with these six principles so great things can happen. Teach me that I will have learned and submitted to things that You have been waiting for from me. Explain what it is You require of me so You and I can more forward in a dynamic way.

I Am Finding The Right Method
For Working With Jesus
Jesus, make it clear to me that the problem I face with getting Your help WITH ANYTHING is understanding how life with You works. Teach me that The Six Biblical Principles are six things that I MUST understand about You. They are vital to me learning how my relationship with You works. Help me understand these six things so I can have great success in my relationship with You.
  1. Help me DISCOVER that You honor my God-given free will all the time; You will only do what I DESIRE You to do. If there is any area of my issue with life that I don’t WANT Your help, You won’t help.

  2. Help me DISCOVER that You will only use Bible principles I am familiar with; if I haven’t STUDIED and learned a Bible principle, You won’t use it. If there is any Scripture that would help me with my issue with life but I haven’t learned and am using it, You won’t help me take advantage of it.

  3. Help me DISCOVER that You won’t help me with anything I don’t PRAY and ask You to help me with; I have to pray and invite You into my situation with life. If there is any area of my issue with life that I don’t PRAY and ASK You for Your help, You won’t help.

  4. Help me DISCOVER that I have to wait for You to give me the faith I need so I can BELIEVE and be sure You HAVE given me Your power to win over my issues with life. If there is any area of my issue with life that I don’t wait on You to speak faith into me, I won’t be able to BELIEVE that You have already given me the answer to my prayer.

  5. Help me DISCOVER that I have to do EVERYTHING based on God’s LOVE. If I try to get You to help me with something that is selfish and only beneficial to me, You won’t do it. If there is any area of my issue with life that I WANT Your help but it all about me, You won’t help.

  6. Help me DISCOVER that I have to ACTUALLY do what You tell me, if I know what You said, understand what You said, and know how to apply what You said but don’t do it, I will fail at life; I must take FAITH-ACTION. If there is any area of my issue with life that I have waited on You and You spoke faith into me that I have the answer to my prayer but I don’t take FAITH-ACTION, I won’t be able live on the basis of that answer from God.
Jesus, empower me to start living on the basis of these six Biblical principles so I can start experiencing a greater degree of Your power-relationship. Let this power-relationship with You set me free from problems and issues that are trying to defeat me.

The Six Biblical Principles
Once again Jesus, teach me that The Six Biblical Principles are: DESIRE, STUDY, PRAY, BELIEVE, LOVE, and FAITH-ACTION. Teach me that if any ONE of these six things are missing in me, then You won’t help me with any of those things I need and want. Teach me that these are six things You consider mandatory to my relationship with You. Help me see that they establish whether or not I am a candidate for Your help. Show me that I am leaving the world of Satan and moving into Your realm. Show me the difference between You and these six things and the devil and these six things. You require these six things because You are honoring my God-given free will. As I will see, Satan doen’t care about or honor my free will.

Satan And The Six Biblical Principles
Satan And My DESIRE
Jesus, help me see that Satan doesn’t care whether I DESIRE something or not. He wants to trick me into giving up my God-given free will. Teach me that, that is what my struggle with life is all about; it can take away my ability to choose whether I want to do or feel a certain way or not. It can force me, drive me, and lure me into doing, thinking, and feeling things that hurt me. Satan promises me extreme pleasure, a goal, or a relationship that he causes me to think will make me happy. But, once I open that door, the extreme pleasure, the goal, or the relationship takes away my God-given free will in that area of my life. This can happen as an effort for me to try to self-heal another area of my life.

Satan And STUDY
Jesus, help me see that I don’t have to STUDY and learn how to get good at having problems with life. But, with You I have to be willing to apply myself, STUDY and learn Biblical principles, and get familiar with the truths that will set me free from these problems. Show me that with Satan, sin is crammed down my throat. Teach me that sin is like weeds; I don’t have to work to keep them alive. They plant themselves; they are strong and weather resistant; when I pull them up, if I leave some of the root still in the ground, they will grow back. Help me compare this with my vegatables. They have to be cared for in very special ways to make them grow. Teach me that this is the way with righteousness; it has to be DESIRED, STUDIED, PRAYED over, BELIEVED in, LOVED, and taken FAITH-ACTION with.

Satan And PRAYER
Jesus, help me see that Satan doesn’t wait until I come to him in PRAYER and invite him into my life-situations. He tempts me, lures me, baits me, and traps me. He pursuses me in an effort to get me to sin and do wrong, bad, and evil things. He uses other people to try to trick me into thinking I am going to get one thing but I end up with another. But You wait for me to invite You into my issues of life. When I PRAY, I am letting You know You are invited into each issue I PRAY for.

Jesus, show me that I don’t have to BELIEVE there is a devil; as a matter of fact, make it clear to me that Satan is much more effective in the lives of those who don’t BELIEVE he exists. I don’t have to BELIEVE in Satan’s honesty, interity, or fairness. None of these things are true of him. But, with You, I HAVE TO BELIEVE that You are telling me the truth. When I read the Bible and when You speak into my mind, my heart, and my conscience, I must trust and BELIEVE You are being honest with me. Help me understand that none of that is necessary if I establish a relationship with Satan.

Satan And LOVE
Jesus, show me that I don’t have to “LOVE my neighbor as myself” as a child of the devil. Satan wants me to hate my neighbor and hate myself. He wants me to be selfish, self-centered, and unaware of the needs of others. He doesn’t want me to see things from other people’s perspectives. He doesn’t want me involved in win/win systems. However, You insist on LOVE; You require me to LOVE myself and LOVE my neighbor as myself. Help me understand that God even gives me HIS LOVE so I can do these things with great success and power.

Satan And Taking FAITH-ACTION
Jesus, FAITH comes from You; Satan doesn’t want me taking ACTION based on FAITH You have spoken into me. He wants me to take HUMAN ACTION or SATANIC ACTION. Help me totally realize that Galatians 5:19-21 gives me the list of ACTIONS Satan wants me to take: The ACTS of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery (excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures); idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21). I now ask You to set me free from these types of ACTIONS.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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