The Power Courses Instruction

Prayer For
“How Do I LIVE The Power Life?”

Getting Convinced That Your Father, Jesus, And The Spirit Are For You

Seven Questions For You To Answer
Will You Confess And Believe?
QUESTION ONE: Rom 8:31a (NIV) What, then, shall we say in response to this? Jesus, help me allow these seven questions to produce a complete and total faith in God. As I answer each question, help it be a confession with my mouth that I accept the truth of the question. And then, help me believe in my heart that the answer to that question is something that is true of me. Empower me to answer this and the rest of the questions from what I know and believe. Help me open my mouth and give the answer as being the truth straight from God. Help me confess with my mouth that I know these questions are representing the truth. What, then, shall I say in response to this? Help ME say and believe Your truths in response to this.

Is God For You?
QUESTION TWO: Rom 8:31b (NIV) If God is for us, who can be against us? Jesus, empower my response to this “if,” in this question, by accepting my responsibility and making it into a “SINCE.” I now use Your power and say with my mouth and believe in my heart that, “SINCE God is for me, who can be against me?” I am now ready to answer the question with my mouth and believe it in my heart. I am now ready to read this over and over again and pray that it will take a complete hold on my mind and heart. I am now willing to allow God to convince me that SINCE He is for me, NO ONE AND NOTHING can be against me. Help that be what my mouth is saying and my heart is believing all day long, moment by moment and issue by issue. I ask You to help me to talk this way and believe this way all day long.

How Can God Prove To You That He Loves You?
QUESTION THREE: Rom 8:32 (NIV) He Who did NOT spare His own Son, but gave Him up FOR US ALL--how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things? Jesus, help me be ready to accept the fact that since God did not spare You, His own Son, but gave You up for me, He isn’t going to withhold anything good from me. Help me see that You dying in my place proves a lot about You and my heavenly Father’s love. Make me ready to be convinced that if it is something good for me and those around me, God will graciously give me all things. Make me ready to live moment by moment and issue by issue based on this truth so that it changes the way I think and feel all day long.

Are You Ready To Be Criticized?
QUESTION FOUR: Rom 8:33 (NIV) Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God Who justifies. Jesus, make me ready to only listen to the corrections, instructions, rebukes, disciplines, and charges that God makes. Make me ready to take all complements, criticisms, instructions, and opinions of others to God for His evaluation. Make me ready to base the decisions of my life, all day long, on what God approves of. If someone’s charges are threatening my job, my relationships, my wellbeing, or my evaluation of myself, help me only go with God’s evaluation of me.

Who Decides Whether Or Not You Are A Christian?
QUESTION FIVE: Rom 8:34 (NIV) Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, Who died--more than that, Who was raised to life--is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Jesus, who is he that condemns me? You, Christ Jesus, Who died for me--more than that, Who was raised to life for me--are at the right hand of God and are also interceding for me (Rom 8:34).

Jesus, teach me that as long as I want to remain a Christian, no one and nothing can take it away from me. Even if I have done something that seems to indicate that I have caused myself to lose my salvation, help me decide whether I WANT to lose my salvation. Help me accept the fact that I have to WANT to be separated from God in order to lose my relationship. No matter how much I have messed up, keep me willing to go to You and ask You to bring me before God. Help me ask You to intercede for me and get His forgiveness for me. Help me be willing to repent (make a U-turn both mentally and physically) and ask You for Your power to get me headed in the right direction.

WHO Shall Separate You?
QUESTION SIX: Rom 8:35a (NIV) Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Jesus, help me be willing to pray and ask You to empower me to resist any criticism, persecution, isolation, or abuse anyone or group brings against me. Show me that people have to try to convince me; teach me that Satan has to try to tempt me; they can even try to force me; but, I have to give into them; help me never give in. I am the one who decides whether their efforts will be yielded to by me. Help me be willing to keep my eyes on You to assist me in being able to handle all satanic and human efforts to make me give up on You.

WHAT Shall Separate You?
QUESTION SEVEN: Rom 8:35b (NIV) Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? Jesus, help me reject any notion that the reason I am going through all of the bad circumstances is because God is failing, neglecting, abusing, or ignoring me. Empower me to ask You to help me through hardships, so I can come out of them with a greater faith in God and His love. Empower me to refuse to believe that I have done something that has caused God to reject me and turn me over to all these hardships. Empower me to believe that these things would have happened to me anyway; I just had to decide whether I was going to go through them with You or without You.

It’s Time To Be Convinced And Victorious
There Are A Lot Of Ways To Die
Rom 8:36 (NIV) As it is written: “For Your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” Jesus, I face death all day long; I could have died from cold, heat, drowning, poison, stabbing, being shot, falling, being suffocated, being bitten by a snake or spider, being attacked by a vicious animal, had a wreck in a vehicle, had something fall on me, got some deadly disease, and a multitude of other things. I could have died in my mother’s womb, died on the way down the birth canal, or died right after birth; but, I didn’t. Teach me that I have lived so long even though there are so many ways I could have died, because of God!

Help me always consider that, if God hadn’t protected me for all these years, surely something would have killed me by now. Plus, I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for God causing me to exist. Help me always know that only God can take such a vulnerable being like me, who is surrounded by so many deadly dangers, and keep me alive. Help me realize it hasn’t been luck, karma, fate, or my good fortune that I RANDOMLY HAPPENED to escape all these dangers. Help me be convinced that God has kept me alive so as to give me TIME to become one of His children. Now it is time for me to show my appreciation and learn how to grow up and be a mature child of God.

Here Is The New You With Jesus
Rom 8:37 (NIV) No, in all these things we are MORE than conquerors through Him Who loved us. Jesus, I now confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that in all these things I am MORE than a conqueror through You Who loved me.

Jesus, teach me that I have been a very limited, vulnerable, endangered human that lacked ALL supernatural abilities all my life. Then in a moment of time, I prayed Matthew 6:9-13 and obeyed Romans 10:8-10 and BECAME a CHILD OF GOD! BUT, help me understand that I am a NEW born again child of God. I have all the equipment; it is just small, untrained, unskilled, and inexperienced. However, make it clear to me that with all those lacks, I AM a CHILD OF GOD. I AM no longer JUST a human; I became a being who has the genetics of God flowing in and through my spirit. NOW, I AM MORE than conquerors through Him Who loved ME. Show me that this is what all these studies are all about; You want to use them to help me take advantage of who I have become.

It Is Time For You To Be Convinced
Jesus, through Your power I now confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that I AM CONVINCED that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from the love of God that is in You, Christ Jesus my Lord (Rom 8:38-39).

Jesus, help me start adding additional principles to my confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart. Up until now, I have only been led into confessing with my mouth and believing in my heart each thing I encounter in the Bible. Help me gradually be introduced into Six Biblical Principles that expand my confession with my mouth and belief in my heart. As I take a quick look at them, help me not try to change into them on my own. Help me keep using my mouth and heart as my main approach to the Bible. Then show me how to work these six things into my confession and belief.

Jesus, teach me how to get CONVINCED. Teach me that I must DESIRE to be convinced; I must keep on STUDYING on how to be convinced; I must PRAY and ask You to empower me to be convinced; I must ask You to give me Your faith so I can BELIEVE You have MADE me convinced; I must LOVE others enough that I want them to be convinced as well; and, I must take FAITH-ACTION on the basis of the fact that You have made me to be convinced. Teach me how to let these SIX things take me from where I am and take me in the spirit realm where I need to go. Lead me into these six things automatically as You take me through these studies.

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“How Do I LIVE The Power Life?” Week Two

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