The Power Courses Instruction

Prayer For
“How Do I LIVE The Power Life?”

Getting Used To New Effort, Determination, And Commitment

A New Desire
World Training In Christianity
Jesus, I do not understand what I do. For what I WANT to do I do not do, but what I HATE I do (Rom 7:15). Help me understand that this is normal for me as a new and untrained Christians; I have been trained by the world. All new and untrained Christians try to use their world training to live the Christian life. When I wanted my body to do something in the world, it cooperated with me. If I put my mind to it, I was able to accomplish a lot of things. But, no matter how successful I was in the world, my abilities, skills, talents, and world training couldn’t help me ONLY do right, good, and righteous things to myself, others, and God’s plan. And, now that I am a Christian, world training still won’t help me do them; I need Your training, Jesus.

The Difference Between Agreeing And Doing
Jesus, I now confess that if I do what I DO NOT WANT to do, I agree that the law is good (Rom 7:16). Teach me that I am at the stage where I have read, studied, and learned the laws, rules, and commandments of God. I like the fact that they are telling me to only treat myself, others, and God’s plan with right, good, and righteous things. I want to be this kind of person in my thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds. As a matter of fact, I am giving it my very best efforts; but, my efforts are failing me. I am a new and untrained Christian who, like a baby or young child, have all the equipment, but haven’t learned how to use it YET.

What Does This Mean?
Learning Vital Principles
Jesus, as it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me (Rom 7:17). Now that I am a Christian, I have the right desires; I have all the necessary equipment; and I belong to the right family. But, I am a new born who has a LOT to learn BEFORE I can function as a Christian. So, help me take a look at the parts of this verse in Romans 7:17 and get familiar with them.

Things Are Very Different Now
As it is: Jesus, teach me that this is saying that since I am NOW a Christian, things are different for me NOW. As it is, things are VERY different for me; As it is, the laws, rules, and commandments are now VERY different for me. Show me that even though it is a wonderful way of life, it is all new to me. Help me understand that if things don’t change, then my life will stay the same. If I don’t learn how to live this new life, then I will go on living my old life. The issue is, I need You to teach me how Christianity works. Am I going to have to start all over and apply all new principles? Show me that it is yes and no! Show me that it won’t just be me; You and I are going to set me free from deadly laws, rules, and commandments; and, You are going to get me involved in liberating ones.

Your Body Is Your Problem
As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it: Jesus, teach me that I have had a problem that I wasn’t aware of; and, I have had it for my entire life. Teach me that there are two parts to me; and, they have very different agendas. Make it clear to me that there are NOW two sets of rules, laws, and commandments that are running my life. One group is set up in my body and the other is NOW set up in my spirit. I thought I was just a physical, body-being. Help me understand that I live IN a body, I HAVE a soul, and I AM a spirit. So, when I say something like, it is no longer I myself who do it, I am acknowledging that I am doing something but it isn’t ME doing it.

Your Spirit Is Your Solution
As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me: Jesus, since You have given me (my spirit) a perfect record with God, all my past, present, and future sins have been forgiven. AND, I (my spirit) have been credited with perfect thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds WITH GOD. My spirit WANTS to take advantage of this perfect record and my access to God; but, my body has sin living in it. That sin is still driving my body and giving my spirit a lot of trouble. You and I are going to have to OVERPOWER the sin in my body. For me, my spirit, to start living up to my wonderful record with God, IT (the real me) is going to have to become the DOMINATE influence in my life.
The NEW Christian Life
You Are Being Controlled
Jesus, I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members (Rom 7:23). Show me that the thing I am learning is, I have been and still am being forced to do things against my will; my body, that I live in, is enslaving me even though I am a Christian.

Your Body Is Animalistic
Jesus, help me properly examine my body, show me that it lacks compassion, ethics, or morality. Help me look at the things my body wants and examine what it will do to get them. Help me see that it has laws, rules, and commandments that are different from Christianity. As my body goes about acquiring those things it wants, if it is faced with blockages, diversions, or resistances, help me see what is IT willing to do to get them anyway. Show me that it will cheat, lie, mislead, force, or abuse someone in order to get it. IT will consider doing these things “as long as it doesn’t get caught.” Help me join You in winning over my body.

You Are ALWAYS Free To Decide
You Aren’t Free If You Don’t Have Choices
Jesus, in my inner being I delight in God’s law (Rom 7:22). Teach me that this is where I got born again; a delight, a want for right, good, and righteousness was born inside me (my spirit). And, a hatred for wrong, bad, and evil formed inside me (my spirit). Help me understand that my body HAD TO be allowed to stay the same. It had to provide me with a way out, if I ever want to leave You, salvation, justification, and my new birth. Teach me that my SPIRIT is going to help me see AND EXPERIENCE all the wonderful things of God. But, my BODY is going to remind me of all the things it, Satan, and the world had to offer. This gives my God-given free will choices.

Human Effort Isn’t Enough
Jesus, I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the DESIRE to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out (Rom 7:18). Show me that my body is motivated by a sinful nature; and, my spirit is motivated by a DELIGHT to do what is good. Help me discover that no matter how much I make up my mind, do my best, give it my all, or determine to do the right thing, I will not be able to carry it out.

Jesus’ Training And Power
Jesus, I needed You for salvation, justification, and being born again. And, now I need You to empower me to start doing right, good, and righteousness. Help me realize that I must DESIRE to allow You to help me live the Christian life, STUDY how to do it, PRAY and ask You for it, BELIEVE in my heart that You gave it to me, and then take FAITH-ACTION by first confessing that I have it with my mouth, and then using my body to live on the basis of the fact that I have it.

It’s A LIFEstyle
Jesus, help me realize that as I go through my day, moment by moment and issue by issue I will be deciding whether to go with the desires of my spirit or the desires of my body. I already know how to go with the desires of my body; but, You will have to teach me how to go with the desires of my spirit. If I accidently go with the desires of my body, help me know that my perfect record will cover me. But, if I go with my body ON PURPOSE, help me REALLY want to stay with You and Your salvation. In that case, help me ask for Your forgiveness and repent. Teach me that to repent, I will have to ask You for Your power to stop doing what I am doing and go in the opposite direction.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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