The Prayer Courses

Workbook For
“The Lord’s Prayer For Mature Christians”

And Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Lead Us Not
A Warning But No Force
Jesus, as You and I take a look at a situation where You tried to help Peter get ready for a temptation, help me learn how to yield to Your principles. Show me that You told all Your disciples what was going to happen and how they were going to react to it. But, Peter was very much like me and thought he knew himself better than You did. In Matthew 26:31 (NIV) You told them, “This very night you will ALL fall away on account of Me, for it is written: “I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.” Warn me like you warned them; but, help me understand that just like You didn’t force them to accept the warning, you won’t force me either.

A Promise But No Power
Jesus, help me see what self-esteem and self-confidence did to Peter when he replied, “Even if all fall away on account of You, I never will (Mat 26:33).” Teach me that this statement is caused by SELF-esteem and SELF-confidence; show me that Peter lacked GOD-esteem and GOD-confidence. Teach me that if my faith is still in myself rather in God, I will face a temptation that You try to protect me from. Help me see that You would have liked to save Peter from the pain and disappointment he was facing just like you want to do this for me; but, You still DID NOT interfere with Peter’s God-given free will; and, You won’t do it to me either.

Into Temptation
Jesus Will Warn You Through Your Conscience
Jesus, show me why you said to Peter, “I tell you the truth, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown Me three times (Mat 26:34).” Help me see that You weren’t speaking this into Peter’s life, You were trying to get Peter to pray for protection. Teach me that this is the way You deal with me; You will give me more than enough warning so I will be able to pray. Teach me that through it You will give me the power and wisdom I need in order to learn my lessons; and, I will be able to do it WITHOUT having to go through and fail at some great temptation. But, if like Peter, I DECIDE to go ahead and do it my way, help me understand that You will allow me to be led into that temptation.

A Confession Of Faith In Yourself
Jesus, help me not have this self-determination that Peter had when he declared, “Even if I have to die with You, I will NEVER disown You.” And all the other disciples said the same (Mat 26:35). Show me that this is what self-confidence and self-esteem look like; and, that this is why I often find myself in a situation where I feel like God has let me down. I often can’t remember all the warnings and indications that I am about to head in a wrong direction. Show me that God speaks to my emotions and to my mind giving me feelings and reasons why something is wrong; but, I quite simply don’t believe Him. Set me free from these attitudes.

Six Things You Need
Jesus, teach me that I have to DESIRE to be helped out of, be set free from, be protected and delivered from, and led away from A temptation. Teach me that I have to STUDY and know what sin and temptations look like. I have to PRAY, like You did, so I will have the power to resist the temptation. I have to wait for You to give me the faith so I can BELIEVE I have the power to resist the temptation. I have to LOVE myself, other people, and God’s plan enough to not want to hurt myself, others, or God’s plan by yielding to a temptation. And, I have to take FAITH-ACTION and live on the basis of the fact that I have the power to resist that temptation.
Temptation Preparation
Setting Us An Example
Jesus, teach me that when You went with Your disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and You said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray (Mat 26:36),” You were getting ready for the temptation You were about to face; You were applying the ask, seek, and knock principle to Your life. Jesus, show me why You took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with You, and You began to be sorrowful and troubled (Mat 26:37). Show me that Peter got special treatment as You made sure he was close enough to hear what You said and saw what You were doing to handle this temptation You were facing. Help me see that You do this same thing for me all the time.

Advance Preparation For Temptation
Jesus, teach me that when You said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me,” You were instructing them and me on how to win over temptation. Then You went a little farther, and fell with Your face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will (Mat 26:38-39).” You were giving me, Peter, and the two sons of Zebedee (James and John), the assignment of keeping watch with You; but, they failed at their assignment. Teach me that when I fail at keeping watch, I fail with being tempted. Show me that it is what I do BEFORE I am tempted that decides what I do WHEN I am tempted.

A Temptation Prayer
You Will Get Plenty Of Instructions
Jesus, teach me that when You returned to Your disciples and found them sleeping, You addressed the issue of what was going to cause them to yield to temptation. You said, “Could you men not keep watch with Me for one hour?” Help me see that You directed this challenge to Peter because he was going to be facing an even greater temptation. So You asked Peter (Mat 26:40). Help me see how You focused in on Peter, who was about to face a major crisis in his life. Teach me that this is the kind of training and warnings You will be giving me so I won’t have faith in myself. Teach me that right now the Holy Spirit is speaking to me and encouraging me to pray this prayer on a daily basis. Show me that He is doing this so I won’t end up facing something I am not ready for; but, help me understand that I can skip praying, if I want to.

How To Win Against Temptation
Jesus, teach me that this next step You took got right down to the issues of prayer. You said: Watch and pray SO THAT you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak (Mat 26:41).” Teach me why Peter still didn’t respond to Your teaching and warnings even though this was his final warning. Help me see how much his self-esteem and self-confidence were keeping him from realizing he had a need; set me free from self-esteem and self-confidence. Help me not be like Peter and be sure I have issues like this covered. Help me not be like that and feel sure my commitment to You is strong enough to keep me from failing the test. But, if I, like Peter, fail the temptation, help me know that You will give me special care and training to get me back on my feet; however, help me not get into this kind of situation in the first place.

A Prayer Against Temptation
Jesus, I am ready to start being set free from yielding to these and other temptations that hurt me, those around me, and God’s plan. I now pray this portion of this prayer and say: “Lead us not into temptation.” Now help me add any additional prayers and pray over any additional Scriptures that You, Jesus, feel will help me face the temptations in my life.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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