The Prevention Courses Part 2

Workbook For
“The Helmet Of Salvation”

Why Should We Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
By Only Listening To God?

1. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Gives Us A Relationship That Protects Us
Heavenly Father, since the creation of the world Your invisible qualities--Your eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that I am without excuse (Rom 1:20). Like Adam and Eve, I have had incredible proof of Your love. You gave them a beautiful body, a beautiful garden, and a beautiful world filled with wonderful provisions and creatures. Satan had done absolutely nothing for them. Like them, it should be easy for me to decide who I should love, trust, and listen to. Help me not be like them and make my decision based on my intellect rather than all that proof. Teach me that my helmet stays on or comes off based on what I think, believe, and feel. Teach me that trusting in Your proof builds a relationship that keeps my helmet on and that protects me.

I make the same mistake as Adam and Eve; I allow people, who have done nothing to prove their love for me like You have, to teach me, influence me, and lead me. Not only have You given me my body, my life, and a world to live in, You have further demonstrated Your love. But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8). Help me have love and appreciation for You that empowers me to keep my helmet of salvation on. Teach me that I keep it on when I only allow Your information to enter my brain, mind, will, and heart. If anyone says anything that is different or contrary to what You say, I am to allow my helmet to block it off. THAT IS THE RELATIONSHIP THAT PROTECTS ME!

2. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Gives Us His Holy Spirit
Jesus, when I am led by the Spirit of God I am a son of God. For I did not receive a spirit that makes me a slave again to fear, but I received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him I cry, “Abba, Father.” The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am God’s child. Now if I am a child, then I am an heir--heir of God and co-heir with Christ, if indeed I share in His sufferings in order that I may also share in His glory (Rom 8:14-17). Help me be willing to face any persecution, resistance, or abuse that comes because I only listen to You.

3. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Makes Us His Child
Jesus, because I am led by the Spirit of God I am a son of God: If I ignore Who God is, I will find it hard to only listen to Him. Help me do what Adam and Eve didn’t do so I can keep my helmet on. No one has done more for me than God. No one has done what it takes to EARN my love, appreciation, respect, and trust but You. No one has done what it takes to PROVE to me that that they love me more than I love myself but You. Only You are going to lead me into all the great provisions of God. Since the Holy Spirit is ready to lead me into a love relationship that makes me a son of God, let that alone be enough to make me willing to keep my helmet on.
4. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Heals The Emotions In Our Heart
Jesus, I did not receive a spirit that makes me a slave again to fear, but I received the Spirit of sonship: I face major issues in this world; and, You have told me these things, so that in You I may have peace. In this world I will have trouble. But empower me to take heart! You have overcome the world (John 16:33). You have proven Your love for me by giving me Your peace. I can face the challenges of life with peace and the power from You. That is a good reason for me to only listen to You and keep my helmet on.

5. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Is Our Father
Jesus, by the Holy Spirit I cry, “Abba, Father”: The intimacy I am able to feel for the Father is provided to me by Your Holy Spirit. I know I am His child. The Spirit Himself testifies with my spirit that I am God’s child. The Spirit enables me to cry out to God with terms of endearment. I am now able to cry out, Abba, Father and express a deep feeling of closeness and love for Him. And, I have been equipped with a great love that can be released out of my heart to God. This gives me the proof and the power to only trust and listen to God. I thank You for that proof and power.

6. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Gives Us A Relationship That Is Generous To Us
Jesus, since I am a child, then I am an heir--an heir of God and a co-heir with You: If I will allow myself to be convinced that God is my only source of truth, I will keep my helmet of salvation on; help me do that. Because, that will keep all information that is contrary to God and His Word out of my heart, mind, will, and brain. Then from that point on I will start inheriting God and all His has to offer. I will inherit everything in a joint or co-relationship with You.

7. We Should Keep Our Helmet Of Salvation On
Because He Gives Us A Love That Empowers Us
Jesus, hope does not disappoint me, because God HAS poured out HIS love into my heart by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given me (Rom 5:5). Teach me that this is a two-way experience. Help me experience God’s love in a special way. Help me thereby be enabled to reciprocate that intimacy. As You help me grow in my love relationship with God, let me grow in my desire to please Him. Help me want to do those things that He likes. Help me want to not disappoint Him. Let this two-way relationship with Him make it clear to me how God feels about the things I am doing. Let His heart be in close contact with my heart.

Let my helmet of salvation make it obvious to me when I have done something that damages the relationship. Let me also know when I am being pleasing to Him. Let this love relationship empower the helmet of salvation to work. Let my love for God cause me to resist anything that would damage my relationship with Him. Let the things that are pleasing to God automatically be let into my brain, mind, heart, and will. Now, it is just a matter of spending time with You; empower me to spent a lot more time with You.

This concludes your studying and asking Jesus for all these truths in
“The Helmet Of Salvation” Week One.

Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have learned and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here next week.

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