The Resource Courses

Workbook For
“Developing Friendships”

Friendship Development Instructions
Diagnosing Friendships
Jesus, train me on how to deal with business relationships that never grow any farther.

Show me how to handle casual friendships where all the person wants to do is talk about the weather, sports, business, other people, and unimportant things.

Guide me in what to do with personal friendships where all the person wants to talk about are their problems. They don’t want ANYONE helping them with those problems; they just want to gripe, complain, and gossip about them.

Give me great attitudes and character when facing sincere friendships where the person wants help but they don’t want it from You. Help me treat those sincere friendships with respect, love, and kindness who want help with their issues and problems; and, they are willing to CONSIDER getting help from You; but, once they give You a try, they decide against You.

Give me patience and sternness as I handle mentoring friendships that are willing to join me in doing HELP eMagazine courses; but, they don’t want to spend a lot of time with it. They say all the right things and give all the right impressions; but, fall short in performance. Guide me with each person so I am able to provide them with all they need from You.

Giving Proper Treatment
Business Relationships
Jesus, in dealing with business relationships that never grow any farther, help me constantly stay in touch with You. Since my time will always be limited, show me that if I am in the wrong place, talking to the wrong person, then I am neglecting the person that You want me to be spending time with. I may like a person very much and see great potential in them; but, if You know they are not yet ready, then help me follow Your leadership.

Casual Friendships
Jesus, within casual friendships there will probably be people who are family members, close friends from school, sports, work, and other places. These may be people I love very much and want the very best for them. However, help me honor their God-given free will just like I would anyone else. Show me that if I push them or give them unusual attention, I am mistreating them and neglecting the people You want me to spend time with.

Teach me that time and effort are always the issue; if You want me to spend time with them building a casual friendship, then it is okay. But, if I am just spending time because they are talking about things I am interested in, then show me that it isn’t a relationship that will build God’s Kingdom.

Personal Friendships
Jesus, with those personal friendships where all the person wants to talk about are their problems, and, You are showing me that they don’t want ANYONE helping them with those problems, empower me to keep talking about You and the things about You. If this damages the relationship where they don’t want to talk to me anymore, then let that be my indication that they aren’t ready yet.

Help me let You decide whether people who are only willing to talk about their problems but won’t accept help are always going to be like this; or, if I just need to keep bringing the subject back to them starting to think about being helped by You, then show me what to do.

Sincere Friendships
Jesus, in those sincere friendships where the person wants help but they don’t want it from You. If they just want advice, opinions, support, or sympathy, help me stay on track with talking about You. If when I try to take them into doing studies with me, they give excuses, resist, or keep delaying the process, show me what to do next.

Jesus, if a person SINCERELY wants help, but, they just don’t yet see You as being their answer, help me lead them into a wonderful relationship with You. If they are afraid of spiritual things, let me help them with it. If they will never want to go in that direction, help me move on. Give me insight so You and I can decide what to do with these people. Help me with questions that will assist me in finding out where they stand.

Jesus, help me with people who are willing to establish sincere friendships; people who want help with their issues and problems and will be willing to CONSIDER getting help from You. If some of these people are on the fence and haven’t decided how they feel about You, help me lead them into a relationship with You. As I try to take them into looking at the Benefits of HELP eMagazine, help me see what their problems are regarding You. But, if it turns out that they don’t want help from You, empower me to NOT BE WILLING TO TRY SOMETHING ELSE.

Mentor Friendships
Jesus in my mentoring friendships prepare me for helping those who are willing to join me in doing HELP eMagazine courses. But, teach me that there will be levels of commitment where some do them on a daily basis and others don’t. Help me be able to deal with their time issues where some of them have a life filled with other things. Lead me into Your training on how to help them establish priorities and assist them in cleaning out distractions. Get me ready to help them with circumstances that attack them, distract them, damage them, and confuse them. As these types of situations are dealt with in The Discovery Courses; train me on being very good at using them.

This concludes
“Developing Friendships” Week Two

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