The Resource Courses

Workbook For
“Developing Friendships”

Friendship Development Instructions
Mentor Friendship
Jesus, help me understand that a personal friend will be receptive to telling me their problems; a sincere friend will do that and will listen to my stories about how I went through similar things; but, mentor friends will:
  1. Tell me some of the problems they are going through.

  2. Will listen to my story about all the things I went through.

  3. AND will allow me to tell them what I did to get help.

  4. AND will also be willing to start doing what I did so they can get what I have received from You.
Help me look forward to the fact that when I finally meet them and am able to establish a mentoring friendship with them, that is the time when true friendship begins.

Mentoring Your Friend
Special Features
Jesus, if a person responds to the various parts of my story positively, help me start showing them HOW You did the wonderful things You have done for me. Once You and I feel they are ready, help me be able to invite them to take a look at the Benefits of HELP eMagazine on the website. Let the Special Features section of HELP eMagazine start helping them understand why they need to be willing to get involved in the studies.

Always Be Checking Your Friend
Jesus, empower me to assist them in seeing a way to start getting help with the issues they are going through. As I go over these Benefits, let me be asking them what they think about the various things presented. Help me not just quickly go through the Benefits; give me patience so I will allow them to give me their reactions to as much of these things being presented as possible. Help me ALWAYS be using these things to FIND OUT where You has taken them so far. If they aren’t ready for something, then help me understand that either THEY have decided they don’t want it; or, You decided You aren’t ready for them to be exposed to it yet. Show me which is the case so I will know better what to do next.

Always Be Checking With Jesus
Jesus, if they need to spend a lot of time discussing with me their concerns about the Benefits of HELP eMagazine, then help me remain in that area with them. If they have a negative reaction to or appear to be disinterested in HELP eMagazine, then help me spend time with You finding out what to do from there. Help me see that some people will be willing to share their problems with me, be willing for You to set them free, but they will NOT be willing to “do what it takes” TO GET Your help. Help me know what to do with them.

The Special Features Test
Jesus, make it very clear to me that I AM NOT TRYING TO SELL THEM ON HELP EMAGAZINE. I am just trying to find out whether or not You have gotten them ready for HELP eMagazine. Let everything I do simply be an exploratory effort to find out what You and they have decided on this matter. Teach me that they and You must first solve the issue of what they are ready for and willing to do. That is what the Special Features of HELP eMagazine are all about.

Jesus, teach me that a mentoring friendship develops
NATURALLY from the questions I ask,
from the willingness of the person to answer
those questions, and from their willingness
to“do what it takes” to get Your help.
Checking Rather Than Selling
What Are They Willing To Do?
Jesus, if You want me to ask questions like, “would you like to be helped by Jesus like He has helped me?”, “Would you be willing to take a look at the program that has meant so much to me?”, “Would there be a convenient time for us to get together and take a look at this program?”, then let me know which ones to uses. Or, help me ask any other question You want me to ask them. If they say yes, help me explain to them that it is an internet program I and they can do together in the privacy of their or my home; or, let me explain that it can be done with both of us looking at the same thing but in separate homes. Help me appreciate that if they say yes, You and I will have developed a mentor friend.

What Are You Willing To Do?
Jesus, help me have the time, energy, and desire to personally REVIEW the Benefits in the Special Features section of HELP eMagazine before I meet with them. As I review it, give me prayers to pray about how to best present it to them. Show me that the questions You have been giving me to ask them have helped me get to know them; now it is time for me to see what You want me to do with them next. Help me be totally ready and excited to meet with them to go over the Special Features of HELP eMagazine.

Introducing Them To The Studies
The Benefits Should Inspire Action
Jesus, if my friend responds positively to the Benefits that are being offered to them from HELP eMagazine, then they are ready to start looking at the Introduction to these studies. Help me follow the same procedure of moving slowly through the Introduction by asking them questions that give them an opportunity to tell me what they think about each point. Show me that I am not just looking for problems and disagreements, I am also looking for misunderstandings as well.

Why Are They Being Negative?
Jesus, as I examine my friend, help me see any problems they are having with the benefits and the introductions. Help me see beyond any problems they are having. Help me find out if they are being honest and open with me. Or, are they having problems because of some hidden reason? Teach me that if it doesn’t seem like anything helps them with their problems with the program, then I will need You to help me get down into their heart. Help me understand that many times people don’t share their REAL reasons for why they are being resistive.

Are They Ready But Afraid?
Jesus, prepare their heart so that they will show a readiness and willingness to learn how to start doing these studies with me. Then let us move on into The Discovery Courses. Since this is new to them, help me provide them with the assurance that I and You will be with them all the way through. You have already helped me demonstrate patience, love, and friendship to them. If they are not all that familiar with computers and devices they will be using, let me know how to make it easy for them. And, if it is hard for them to get familiar with this website, empower me to help them with that too.

Have You Covered All The Issues?
Jesus, let me make sure my friend is able to understand and agree with the system that is being presented to them. If they need to discuss schedules, time issues, and what kind of meetings this will require, help me lead them into a good plan. Help me spend as much time as is needed to work out the details for them starting the studies with me. It would be good if I could at least do the first few studies together in the same place, show me ways to work that out. But, if that is not possible, then help me do a practice run that makes them feel comfortable with the system. Let me help them navigate to the study, get acquainted with their record sheet, set up their browser for the next meeting, and then close down. And then let us pray together for Your power in our studies.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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