The Power Courses Instruction

Workbook For
“How Do I MATURE In The Power Life?”

Getting Used To Being A Christian, God’s Child, And A Kingdom Citizen

Power Makes The Difference
First, You Had To WANT To Be Born Again
Jesus, let me take advantage of the purpose of HELP eMagazine. Since the word HELP in HELP eMagazine stands for Helping Everyone Live Powerfully, let it apply to me. Help me learn HOW to get the POWER to do the things I need to do to win at life. Let me be willing to learn “How To GET The Power Life,” by You helping me know WHY I need it. Since, power principles are what HELP eMagazine is all about, You had to help me believe that being born again was something I needed and wanted. So, You took me through the first part of “The Power Courses.” The first part of “The Power Courses” started me out with “The Power INTRODUCTION” Courses. There You taught me: “The Importance Of The Power Life,” “The Importance Of Eternal Life,” and “From Power Life To Eternal Life.” Thank You for helping me cooperate with Your objective to help me WANT to be born again.

Second, You Had To KNOW HOW To Be Born Again
Jesus, since You helped me WANT to be born again, You are now taking me through the second part of “The Power Courses.” The second part of “The Power Courses” is called, “The Power INSTRUCTION” Courses. There You taught me: “HOW To GET The Power Life;” in that study, I actually EXPERIENCED a new birth. You helped me “do what it took” to be empowered by You to be born into God’s family and made a citizen of His Kingdom. Thank You for teaching me how to use confessing with my mouth and believing with my heart to “breath” spiritual breath. Thank You for helping me cooperate with Your objective to help me make it successfully into a life in God’s Spirit.

Third, You Had To KNOW HOW To Stay Alive
Jesus, just like a new BORN baby, I had to be kept alive. So, You took me into “How To KEEP The Power Life” for training and care. Thank You for teaching me how to KEEP using the process of confessing with my mouth and believing with my heart to keep “breathing” spiritual breath. Thank You for teaching me how to start studying; this taught me how to EAT spiritual principles. Thank You for helping me cooperate with Your objective to help me stay successful in my life in God’s Spirit.

Fourth, You Had To KNOW HOW To Take Advantage Of The New Birth
Jesus, just like a baby has to not only be kept alive, they need to grow physically, mentally, and in experiences. As a born again child of God, help me not only be kept alive, empower me to grow spiritually. Help me learn how to use all the things I get as a new child of God. To get me started out in the right direction, thank You for taking me through the course: “How To LIVE The Power Life.” I wasn’t born again just so I can exist; teach me about and give me a supernatural life that empowers me to do supernatural things. Thank You for empowering me cooperate with Your objective to help me grow in my skills as a child of God.

Fifth, You Have To Know HOW To LIVE Successfully
Jesus, You want me to be able to take advantage of all the provisions of my heavenly Father. Show me that this will happen as He takes me through: “How To Mature In The Power Life.” Help me see that You are taking me through progressive-training courses on subjects that I need for my present and future. Show me that progressive-training courses increase in depth and advancement like curriculum for grades in a school. Help me understand that my new spirit needs spiritual food and it needs spiritual exercise.

Through “How To Mature In The Power Life,” help me learn how to have relationships with those who haven’t been born again; help me have relationships with people who are going through things similar to me; and help me have relationships with those who are more advanced spiritually than I am.

Teach me that even though I am now a child of God, I still need to continue having business relationships, family relationships, friendships, and other types of personal relationships; but, make it clear to me that You want to show me HOW to have these relationships. Thank You for preparing training and prayers for me so those relationships will be right, good, and righteous. Help me cooperate with Your objective to teach me and empower me to grow into a mature, adult child of God.

Looking At The Areas God Cares About
Jesus, teach me that a relationship with You, myself, other people, the world system around me, my body, and Satan are all covered in the Bible. Show me that God doesn’t get involved very much in things like math, physics, grammar, agricultural training, technology, financial training and a lot of other spiritually NEUTRAL subjects. However, show me that it MATTERS to Him how I USE all of these things to INTERACT with You, myself, others, the world system, my body, and Satan.

God REALLY Cares About These Principles
Jesus, teach me how to USE THINGS and LOVE PEOPLE, rather than LOVING THINGS and USING PEOPLE. Help me understand that through You I get benefits, blessings, rewards, and successes that come from how I USE THINGS such as education, money, possessions, positions, popularity, prestige, power, pleasure, and accomplishments. Help me also understand that without You I get discipline, punishment, failure, disappointment, pain, and suffering that come from how I USE, ABUSE, and MISHANDLE PEOPLE through education, money, possessions, positions, popularity, prestige, power, pleasure, and accomplishments. Change how I feel about these things.
You Need Jesus’ Training And Power
Jesus, help me realize that things in Christianity work very different from what I am used to. The way my body works, the way I interact with You, myself, others, and the world around me are all approached in a tremendously different way. Teach me that the things I routinely did with no problem will now not work like they did before. Since I was trained by the world, Satan, and my body to do everything myself, show me that I was limited by human power, skills, talents, and ingenuity.

Jesus’ Training And Power Makes The Difference
Jesus, teach me that life with You or without You is like the difference between me doing everything with my body, or, me using various tools, machines, and electronic devices to do them. Help me think how limited I would be if I didn’t have any tools, machines, or electronic devices to aid me in completing my daily tasks. Help me look around me for a while and see how many hand tools, machines, and electronic devices I use during my day. Show me that, that is the way life is without You and all Your provisions available to me. Also teach me that just like I had to learn how to use all those tools, machines, and electronic devices, so I will have to learn how to cooperate with You and all Your provisions; that is why I must study the Bible.

Six Things You Need
To Mature As A Child Of God
The Six Biblical Principles
  1. DESIRE: Jesus, empower me to WANT to go beyond just doing everything myself. Help me see the benefits of moving from the limited world of the natural realm into the incredible power and potential of Your realm.

  2. STUDY: Jesus, since I MOSTLY only know what the world, my body, and the devil have taught me, I need Your help. If it hadn’t been for the Holy Spirit speaking to my conscience for most of my life, I wouldn’t even know the difference between right and wrong. NOW that I am coming into a way of life that I have VERY little knowledge, understanding, or experience with, I have a lot to learn. Teach me that if I try to live my new life the way I have always done things, I will fail. Help me be willing to study and learn a whole new way of living my life.

  3. PRAY: Jesus, I have learned how to ask for things from other people; and, I have learned how to look to myself for being able to accomplish things. But, now I have to learn how to look to You for all those same things. At first I won’t see the need for praying and asking You to help me with things I have always taken care of myself. But, teach me that without this communication of prayer between me and my heavenly Father, I will be at the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, at the wrong time.

    Help me see that I NEED to be connected to God’s knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom. Show me that only through Him will I BE SURE I will only get good things.

  4. BELIEVE: Jesus, help me learn to trust, believe in, rely on, and put my dependency on God. I have learned to believe in myself, in certain other people, in physical procedures and techniques, in principles, in concepts, in philosophies, and in training from the world. Teach me how to believe that my heavenly Father is totally trustworthy. When I know I CAN get something, accomplish something, or take care of something by using my own physical abilities, training, and procedures, it is hard not to just go ahead and get it done. But, if I really trust and believe in You, I will wait for You to guide me in what, when, how, where, who, and why; help me do that.

  5. LOVE: Jesus, I have myself at the top of my list of priorities. Lead me into caring JUST AS MUCH about others. I may try to care about others; but, if my needs are in some way interfered with by other’s needs, my needs trump their needs. Teach me how to wait on You to show me how to establish win/win situations, solutions, and procedures in ALL my decisions and activities.

  6. FAITH-ACTION: Jesus, help me learn how to get faith from You so I can know WHEN I have the answer to my prayers. Speak faith into me so I can KNOW that I am trained, empowered, and qualified to accomplish various feats of life. Teach me that just because I know I have the power, the training, and the equipment to do something, doesn’t mean I am using it. Show me that faith-action is a way of living life in cooperation with You. You and I will be taking faith-action so I can live on the basis of the fact that I have everything I need to accomplish a certain thing in life.
Help these six things to be GRADUALLY installed in my life so I will be able to accomplish things far beyond anything I was able to do without You. Help me keep in mind how limited I would be without tools, machines, and electronic devices. I ask You to help me see how limited I am without You and all Your provisions, principles, and power.

You Experience Three Major Provisions Of God
By Living In Cooperation With Jesus:

Your Circumstances Will Supernaturally WORK OUT For Your Good
Jesus, I believe in my heart and am now confessing with my mouth that I know that in all things God works for my GOOD because I am one of those who love Him, and I am one of those who has been called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28).

Your Needs Will Be Supernaturally Met
Jesus, I believe in my hearth and am now confessing with my mouth that my God will meet all my needs according to His glorious RICHES in You, my Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).

Your Abilities Will Be Supernaturally Enhanced
Jesus, I believe in my hearth and am now confessing with my mouth that I can do EVERYTHING through You Who gives me strength (Phil 4:13).

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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