The Power Courses Instruction

Prayer For
“How Do I MATURE In The Power Life?”

Working On You As A Christian, God’s Child, And A Kingdom Citizen

Why Am I Here?
Preparing For The Future
Jesus, teach me that forever isn’t just a long time; show me that it is a never ending way of life. When I look back on time and my life, help me see that life here isn’t nearly as important as my eternal existence. Rom 8:18 (NIV) I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Make it clear to me that just like me wasting my time all during my human growing up period, I will pay a price, and just like it will cost me for not being willing to “do what it takes” to develop a career, study and learn all those things I am going to need to be successful in life, and just like it isn’t until I move forward in life that I realize that just coasting, having fun, and wasting time hurts me, so it is in being a child of God for eternity.

Winning In Time And Eternity
Jesus, teach me that studying and applying myself for a career has value; but, You have information and training that is MUCH more important than that. Help me see that most training works on my abilities to accomplish things on this planet and have almost nothing to do with my eternity. Teach me that you have a way for me to be successful in this life and be tremendously prepared for eternity.

Jesus, you used a spiritual illustration to help me see how this life effects my eternal life; help me apply it. Luke 19:17 (NIV) “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’ Teach me that because this servant had properly applied himself in his first assignment, he was elevated to a whole new opportunity in his second assignment. Make it clear to me that he was successful in his first assignment and it MADE him successful in his second. Help me apply this principle to my life so I can be successful in eternity.

An Adult Child Of God
Getting Spiritual Growth
Jesus, show me that it is possible for me to appear to be successful in life and actually be a total failure. Help me decide to NOT accept the world’s definition of success, but to accept God’s definition. Teach me that two people can have money, possessions, positions, popularity, prestige, power, pleasure, and accomplishments. But, one can be extremely successful according to God and the other can be a total failure. One will be successful in this world and in eternity and the other will have failed in both worlds. Help me NOT be a person who loves things and uses people; help me be one who loves people and uses things.

God Works On Relationships
Jesus, teach me that I can be the most intelligent, trained, informed, and skilled person in the world; but, as far as God is concerned, my people skills will decide my eternal destiny. Show me that God deals with who I am in my character and attitudes more than anything else. Make it clear to me that most training is about me being able to succeed at getting money, possessions, positions, prestige, popularity, power, pleasure, and accomplishments. Help me understand that God’s training is about how and why I got all those things. He deals with me and how I treat myself, other people, and His plan. Mat 6:33 (NIV) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these THINGS will be given to you as well.

Learning How To Treat People
Jesus, take me into further training so as to make me an expert on how to treat myself, other people, and God. Teach me that the reason I will be extremely successful will be because I only use win/win systems for all who are involved. Teach me how to treat myself and everyone else with love, compassion, care, and respect. Show me that people will be involved with me because they like me, respect me, and appreciate who I am. Help me see that I won’t ACT like a nice person; I will BE a nice person. I will be real, honest, filled with integrity, and trustworthy.

Working On You Being A True Success
Jesus, take me into studies that will help me connect to all God’s knowlege, foreknowledge of the future, understanding of life and how it all works, wisdom for how to apply all of His supernatural knowledge to my life and the lives of others, and to be empowered to fulfill some of the greatest things known to man. Help me learn how to live my life with You so together I will have and be able to share all God’s truths with others. Let my accomplishments be an incredible blessing to me and to large quantities of people. Let it be unlimited as to what all I will be able to accomplish in eliminating the suffering of hurting people. Let my successes be manifest in meeting my needs and all these people in a powerful way.
“Doing What It Takes”
A Better You Brings Greater Life-Success
Jesus, show me what I need to have happen to me so I can reach my full potential in life. Show me that I need training that helps ME reach MY full potential. Help it NOT sound like I am being trained so I can reach my greatest accomplishments in money, possessions, positions, power, popularity, prestige, and pleasure. But, help me understand that these are products that MUST come out of a person with great attitudes and character. Teach me that the reason I USE these THINGS to love, care for, and help people is because I am being helped to have Your Jesus-philosophy of life. Help me see that when I get to the end of my life, I will have a lot of TRUE friends. MY friends, family, and associates will be people I can count on because they love and respect me for who I am. They won’t just stick with me for as long as they can get what they want and need out of me.

You Are More Important Than Things
Jesus, teach me that the moment I set my goals to be money, possessions, positions, power, popularity, prestige, pleasure, and accomplishments, is the moment I put myself in a subservient place; I become the slave of these goals. Help me stop feeling like I am doing them to make ME happy. Show me that these kinds of goals put my focus on things rather than me. When I joined You, I became one of the most important things in all the world. Teach me that I and the people around me become MUCH more important than all the things in all of the world. Help me receive the way You said it: Mat 16:26 (NIV) What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?

You Need The Power
Jesus, teach me that once I have gone through the power courses and have Your power to do all those things it takes to win at life and eternity, I will be ready to let You show me how to take advantage of that power. Show me that it will be like getting connected to the electric company in my area. Once I have electricity in my home, there are a lot of things I can connect up to it. Help me understand that once I have Your power available to my life, there may be a lot of THINGS I try to connect up to it. Help me hook MYSELF up to Your power. Show me how to first let You help me become the person I need to be so I can do what I need to do.

Being Trained By Jesus
What Do You Need?
Jesus, teach me that once I get connected to Your power, there are a lot of things I can do because of it. Teach me that there are eight major things I need to be trained in.
  1. PRAYER: Help me learn how grow in my ability to talk to God.

  2. RESOURCES: Help me learn how have and use special material that are available to me so I can accomplish all the assignments I face in life.

  3. STRATEGY: Help me learn how to establish and start implementing a life-plan and strategy.

  4. SUBMISSION: Help me bring my emotions, my body, my attitudes, my will-power, my mind, my choices, and my life under Your control so I won’t fail during tough times.

  5. RESISTANCE: Help me learn how to resist all those things that try to keep me from succeeding in life.

  6. PURIFICATION: Help me learn how to get all the contaminants out of my life.

  7. PREVENTION: Help me learn how to avoid issues before they even happen in the first place.

  8. PROTECTION: Help me learn how to protect the people around me until they get trained by You like I am.

Now, explain those things I need for my life so I can more fully understand where You are taking me.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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