The Submission Courses Part 2

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Life”

I Am Submitting My Life To Jesus Through Praying

I Am Opening Doors To People
Jesus, You are empowering me to love the Lord my God with all my HEART and with all my SOUL and with all my MIND and with all my STRENGTH.

And You are empowering me to ‘love my neighbor as myself.’

Make it clear to me that there is no commandment greater than these (Mark 12:30-31).” Teach me that loving my neighbor as myself has two major aspects to it; show me that I must love myself in a Biblical way. And, I must love my neighbor in a Biblical way. As the Bible tells me how to love myself and my neighbor AS myself, empower me to, at that moment. PRAY and ASK You to help me obey that Scripture.

I Am Yielding My Life
To Jesus Through Jesus-Guided Praying

I Am Praying My Way Into Jesus’ Life
As A Child Of God,
I Can Pray My Way Into Remaining Connected To Jesus
Jesus, I have been crucified with You and I no longer live, but You live in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in You, the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Yourself for me (Gal 2:20).

I Am Praying UNTIL I Want This
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live: Jesus, in submitting my life to You, teach me that the third thing that is required of me in The Six Biblical Principles is, I must PRAY for it. Once again, let the Bible make it clear to me that submitting my life to You has already been credited to my record with God; but, help me PRAY and invite You into empowering me to ACTUALLY submit my life to You. Help me use praying various prayers to invite You into my situation with loss of a loved one. Let this keep me from having to deal with it alone.

From Credit To Living It
Jesus, teach me that there is a big difference between me having submission credited to my record with God and me ACTUALLY submitting to You. Help me see that me actually submitting to You involves a system where I invite You to teach me how. But, help me also understand that You teaching me how doesn’t just involve You giving me some information. Help me allow You to do the living in my place for a while. Help me let You show me how it is done by me allowing You to take my life, thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds and replace them with Your. But, make it clear to me that You will ONLY take over moment-by-moment and issue-by-issue. So, as I am going about my day, help me understand that You will be waiting to see if I include You or leave You out.

From Me Living To Jesus Living
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me: Jesus, teach me that this is ONLY true, if You get my permission moment-by-moment andissue-by-issue. Teach me that from now on, all day long, each day, You will be waiting to see if I PRAY and ask You for Your input, Your influence, Your methods, and Your way of doing things. Help me see that the only way I will be able to learn how to live as a mature, adult child of God will be for You to show me by You taking the situation and living it in and through me.

Once again, help me see that by me giving that moment and issue into Your control, I will get a chance to see through Your eyes, feel Your feelings, experience Your thoughts, and be used by You to do God-sized things. Take me into the spirit realm with You and let me learn how to live as a child of God. Make it clear to me that this is the most dynamic, wonderful training system in all of existence. Teach me that this is how He is going to bring healing, transformation, and power into my life.

I Am Getting Trained For Eternity
Here Is What Is Going On
Heb 2:5-8 (NIV) It is not to angels that He has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking. But there is a place where someone has testified: “What is MAN that You are mindful of him, the SON OF MAN that You care for him? You made HIM a little lower than the angels; You crowned HIM with glory and honor and put everything under HIS feet.” In putting everything under HIM, God left nothing that is not subject to HIM. YET AT PRESENT we do not see everything subject to him. Jesus, help me see that you have a wonderful future for me; help me submit to your training so I can be the very best in You.

I Am A Trainee
You crowned HIM with glory and honor and put everything under HIS feet: Jesus, teach me that this is my future; this is what You are wanting to train me for; but, before I get all that power and authority, empower me to allow You to get me ready. Help me see that my character and attitudes MUST be worked on. Teach me that this is about an eternal Kingdom; show me that this isn’t just a long time; it is a NEVER ENDING realm of existence. So, make it clear me that God is being VERY picky about who He lets in. Help me see that You are getting me trained in so I will be ready to enter into this eternal Kingdom.

Gal 4:1-2 (NIV) What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. Jesus, You are MY Guardian and Trustee until I am ready to be an inheritor of the Kingdom. Help me see that You are using my struggle with loss of a loved one to teach me the principles for how to live The Victorious Christian Life.

I Am Inheriting God
Heavenly Father, since I am now Your child, then I am an heir--heir of You, God and co-heir with You, Jesus Christ, if indeed I share in Your sufferings in order that I may also share in Your glory (Rom 8:17). Help me see that EVERYONE has to learn how to overcome some kind of difficulty; everyone has an issue like my issue with loss of a loved one. Show me that I am not unique in having this kind of a problem. I just have to be willing to do my suffering with You, Jesus, rather than accepting it or struggling with it alone.

I Am Living The Jesus Life
I Am Joining Jesus By Applying The Tool Sets To My Problems
John 15:8 (NIV) This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples. Jesus, help me to grow in my attitudes and character and share my breakthroughs with those around me; let it bring glory to my heavenly Father. Let me and the people around me start demonstrating the love, generosity, power, grace, and transformation from God. AND, as I learn how to overcome big issues like my issue with loss of a loved one, then I will able to help everyone else with their big issues.

At This Point I Have Two Tool Sets
Jesus, make it clear to me that I now have two tool sets, which are: The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and The Six Biblical Principles. Help me always be aware of these two tool sets; when I read the assignments that are constantly being given to me from the Bible, You, and the Holy Spirit, help me see that they will let me know what to do. Teach me that I will know how to use these tools to stay attached to You. I will know how to start looking to You for everything I need in life. I will know how to gradually stop consulting myself and other humans; I will learn to always include You in my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions through ASKING.
While I Am Remaining In Jesus, I Must Do This
Jesus, take me through Romans 6:12-19 where I am going to be exposed to numerous assignments. Then, after I am exposed to them, lead me into powerful, specific prayers that GET these assignments fulfilled in my life. Make it clear to me that if I feel ANY pressure, feel fear, become overwhelmed, or feel inadequate, I am yielding to thoughts and feelings that are pressuring me as a human. I am thinking that I am being asked to full that Biblical assignment with MY abilities, skills, talents, and world training. Teach me that if I feel faith, assurance, peace, and excitement, then I am moving into remaining in You; my eyes are fixed on You. Help me not allow the pain and concern I have that is being caused by my difficulties with loss of a loved one take my eyes off of You.

I Am Submitting My Body To Jesus
Desire, Study, Pray, Believe, Love, And Take Faith-Action
Jesus, empower me to not LET sin reign in my mortal body so that I obey its evil desires (Rom 6:12). Help me always keep in mind that once the Bible tells me WHAT my assignment is, I have to know HOW to “do what it takes” to get it done. Teach me that if I don’t IMMEDIATELY apply The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and The Six Biblical Principles, I WILL use human effort and world training to TRY to not LET sin reign in my mortal body so that I obey its evil desires.

Jesus, empower me to not OFFER the parts of my body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather empower me to OFFER myself to God, as one who has been brought from death to life; and empower me to OFFER the parts of my body to Him as instruments of righteousness (Rom 6:13). Help me see that in order for me to not OFFER the parts of my body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, I am going to have to apply ASKING, SEEKING, and KNOCKING to my DESIRING, STUDYING, PRAYING, BELIEVING, LOVING, and taking FAITH-ACTION. Make it clear to me that these are my two spiritual tool sets for LIVING The Victorious Christian Life. Teach me that these tools will bring the RESULTS I am looking for that I wasn’t able to get through any other system.

I Am Using My Tool Sets
Jesus, teach me that sin shall not be my master, because I am not under law, but under grace (Rom 6:14). Help me see that it is only by the grace of God that I have such powerful tools like The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and The Six Biblical Principles. I have a clean record with God that made me not under law, but under grace. But, show me that the main reason God gave me that perfect record was so I could gain possession, training, and power to use these tool sets so that sin shall not be my master. Teach me that law would make ME responsible for gaining the victory over my problems with loss of a loved one; grace makes YOU responsible for my problems with loss of a loved one. I am responsible for using the two tool sets; but, You are responsible for the miracles and healing.

I Am NOT Using Human Effort And World Training
Jesus, help me answer this question: “What then? Shall I sin because I am not under law but under grace?” Then give me this answer: By no means (Rom 6:15)! Help me not be like some Christians who are sinning because they don’t know about Your tool sets. Keep me from TRYING, DETERMINING, PROMISING, and failing. Help me NOT try to learn from my mistakes; help me NOT try to get other Christians to hold me accountable; help me NOT use the process of self-forgiveness; help me NOT act like I am doing fine while hiding my sins; help me NOT decide that I am just in process and maybe someday I will do better; and, help me NOT use a lot of other HUMAN techniques. Also, help me NOT be one of those who have decided that sinning is a normal way of life and that I just have to accept the fact that “no one is perfect.”

Jesus, empower me to know that when I OFFER myself to someone to obey him as a slave, I am a slave to the one whom I OBEY--whether I am a slave to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness (Rom 6:16)? After I have tried everything I know how to apply to my issues of sinning and my issues with things like loss of a loved one, help me NOT give up and just “do the best I can.” Show me that some “accidently” apply ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK by reading their Bible, going to church, listening to Christian music, doing devotions, and hanging around mature Christians. But, they don’t do it based on training, obedience, and spiritual growth. They just happen on to them and don’t know why they get SOME breakthroughs and not others. Let me learn Your principles so I will know WHY I am getting results and so I can help others get results as well.

A Form Of Teaching
Jesus, thanks be to God , though I used to be a slave to sin, You have empowered me to wholeheartedly obey the form of teaching to which I was entrusted (Rom 6:17). Teach me that the form of teaching You are causing me to be exposed to, not only helps me strategically take the necessary steps to victory, I am able to know why I succeeded. And, I know how to help others take the Biblical steps so they can win. Show me that if I don’t why or how I am winning, then I can’t give others Your form of teaching. Empower me to study to show myself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15 AKJV).

The Three Aspects Of Freedom
Jesus, make it clear to me that I have been SET FREE from sin and have become a slave to righteousness (Rom 6:18). Now, take me back to the three forms of freedom. Teach me that salvation made me free by GIVING me forgiveness for my past sins. Justification made me free by GIVING me forgiveness for my present and future sins. Help me keep in mind that THEY provided me a perfect record with God for as long as I have the Romans 7:15 WANT and HATE. Show me that, THAT want and hate are able to motivate me to the third aspect of freedom through sanctification or spiritual growth. Teach me that, that is where I skillfully, strategically, and powerfully apply my tool sets to each and every spiritual issue I face.

I Am Changing Systems
Jesus, put this in human terms because I am weak in my natural self. Just as I used to OFFER the parts of my body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now empower me to OFFER them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness (Rom 6:19).

Jesus, just like I used human effort and world training to help me OFFER the parts of my body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, empower me to use ASKING, SEEKING, and KNOCKING on DESIRING, STUDYING, PRAYING, BELIEVING, LOVING, and taking FAITH-ACTION, to OFFER them (the parts of my body) in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.

Help me see that it took some training from other sinners, television, internet, magazines, books, and my own human trial and error process to learn how to OFFER the parts of my body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness. And, help me see that it is taking training from You for me to learn how to OFFER them (the parts of my body) in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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