The Submission Courses Part 2

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Life”

I Am Submitting My Life To Jesus Through Believing

I Am Opening Doors To People
Mark 12:31b (NIV) “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus, teach and empower me to love myself in a Biblical way. Help me see that it has to do with me loving what You have done in me and to me. Help me ask myself, who makes me different from anyone else? What do I have that I did not receive? And if I did receive it, why do I boast as though I did not (1 Cor 4:7)? Show me that loving myself isn’t me acting like I made myself better. It is me appreciating what You have done in my life. Make it clear to me that I didn’t make myself into a better person; I have been applying my two tool sets; and, You are doing an awesome job in me. As You do this, help me accept it as a wonderful opportunity for me to identify all Your work in me, appreciate them, and love what they are doing in and to me; show me that I am learning how to love the new me. Teach me that then and only then will I be able to love my neighbor as myself in a Biblical way. Empower me to keep my eyes fixed on You to speak faith into me; help me see that this will help me BELIEVE You are empowering me to obey Mark 12:31b.

I Am Yielding My Life
To Jesus Through Jesus-Empowered Believing

I Am Believing My Way Into Jesus’ Life
As A Child Of God,
I Can Believe My Way Into Remaining Connected To Jesus
Heb 12:2 (NIV) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Jesus, it is true I am suffering from my issues with loss of a loved one. But, help me realize that You suffered in a greater way so I could be healed. Help me understand that Your suffering produced solutions to my suffering. Empower me to start taking advantage of Your sufferings so I can start living The Victorious Christian Life.

I Am Believing I Want This
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live: Jesus, make it clear to me that in submitting my life to You, the fourth thing that is required of me in The Six Biblical Principles is, I must BELIEVE for it. Help me always keep in mind that the Bible is telling me that submitting my life to You has already been credited to my record with God; so, I am starting out with a perfect record. But, You want me to BELIEVE and trust You to empower me to ACTUALLY submit my life to You. Teach me that submitting my life to You is my path to healing from all the suffering I am doing because of my issues with loss of a loved one.

From Credit To Living It
Jesus, help me see that in every problem in life there is ALWAYS a part I played in having the problem. Show me that if God didn’t start me out with a perfect record, all the things I should have done and should be doing and am NOT doing would be held against me. But, since God is already CREDITING a perfect record to me, I can improve in my ACTUAL behavior without fear of God’s rejection. Teach me that my perfect record prevents me from having to keep going over what I should have done. Help me see that when I make a lot of mistakes in my relationship with myself and the people around me, God doesn’t hold it against me. BUT, as I make these mistakes against myself and other people, they and I DO hold them again me. Help me see how this hurts my relationship with myself and others. Empower me to allow You to live through me for awhile. Make it clear to me that You are going to take my problems with loss of a loved one and use them to turn me into a much better person.

From Me Living, To Jesus Living
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me: Jesus, help me go from good people-relationships just being credited to my record, to me ACTUALLY treating myself and other people in a good way. I BELIEVE that my past is completely cleansed, forgiven, and CREDITED with perfection with God. But, I don’t want to just go back and make the same mistakes again; provide me with a new system for living life. Help me allow You to take me into a training and behavior changing system that is incredibly powerful.

Jesus, take me into a training and changing that is VERY different from anything I have ever experienced. Do it by You living the right things in and through me rather than You telling ME how to do it. Live through me in such a way that I will experience things as if I am doing them myself; but with great power and skill. Help me allow You to do the living in my place for awhile. Show me how it is done by me allowing You to take my life, thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds and replace them with Yours. But, make it clear to me that You will ONLY take over moment-by-moment and issue-by-issue. Teach me that each moment, all during my day, I will be deciding whether or not You will live in and through me. As I face each issue during my day, and as You are waiting to see if I am going to allow You to live in and through me, help me not choose to do it myself; help me choose to allow you to do it in and through me.

I Am Deciding To Let Jesus Live In And Through Me
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me: Jesus, teach me that this Scripture is ONLY true for me, if You get my permission moment-by-moment and issue-by-issue. From now on, all day long, each day, You will be waiting to see if I will BELIEVE and trust You for Your input, Your influence, Your methods, and Your way of doing things. Teach me that the only way I will be able to learn how to live as a mature, adult child of God will be for You to show me by You taking the situation and living it in and through me. Show me once again, that by me giving that moment and issue into Your control, I will get a chance to see through Your eyes, feel Your feelings, experience Your thoughts, and be used by You to do God-sized things. Take me into the spirit realm with You and let me learn how to live as a child of God. Show me that this is the most dynamic, wonderful training system in all of existence.

I Am Getting Trained For Eternity
Here Is Why It Is Like This
Heb 2:5-8 (NIV) It is not to angels that He has subjected the world to come, about which we are speaking. But there is a place where someone has testified: “What is MAN that You are mindful of him, the SON OF MAN that You care for him? You made HIM a little lower than the angels; You crowned HIM with glory and honor and put everything under HIS feet.” In putting everything under HIM, God left nothing that is not subject to HIM. YET AT PRESENT we do not see everything subject to him. Jesus, help me understand why You can’t trust me with Your great power until You have helped me with my human relationships. Show me that if there is anything that would cause me to use Your power for wrong, bad, or evil, then You would be empowering me make it happen. Help me understand that, that would make You just as guilty as me.

I Am A Trainee
You crowned HIM with glory and honor and put everything under HIS feet: This is your future; this is what Jesus is wanting to train you for; but, before you get all that power and authority, you must allow Jesus to get you ready. Your character and attitudes MUST be worked on. This is why Jesus wants you to allow Him to live in and through you. As you learn how to yield to His love, grace, mercy, and goodness, it is getting you ready for great power and authority. Gal 4:1-2 (NIV) What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. The question is, are you willing to allow Jesus to live in and through you so you can experience a life that can be trusted with all this power and authority?

I Am Inheriting God
Rom 8:17 (NIV) Now if we are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. Inheriting God and the things of God are wonderful! But, sharing in Jesus’ sufferings doesn’t sound like something anyone would want to get involved in. Jesus is going to take you into situations that REQUIRE you doing the right, honest, and good thing. You will have to live according to those things He will be teaching you in the Bible. That means you will have to only get involved in win/win situations. But, your boss, your spouse, your friends, or your associates will want you to do things that don’t qualify as win/win situations. When you allow Jesus to live in and through you, people will criticize you, persecute you, say false things about you, and reject you. Will you still be willing to BELIEVE and trust Jesus with the daily activities of your life? If you get good at using your two tool sets, you WILL!

I Am Living The Jesus Life
I Am Joining Jesus By Applying The Tool Sets To My Problems
John 15:8 (NIV) This is to My Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My disciples. When you allow Jesus to only do right, good, and righteous things in and through you, there WILL be people who want what you have. Just because SOME people get mad, resistive, abusive, and rejective to you doesn’t mean everyone will. Jesus just cares about those who want what He has to offer. He doesn’t want those who don’t accept Him to be able to stop you from getting in touch with those who do. If you are willing to let Jesus do the right and good things in you and then through you, there will be those who also want to learn how to do the right and good things too. They feel the Holy Spirit speaking to their conscience and telling them they aren’t living the right way. But, they don’t know how to stop doing wrong and start doing right; however, you do! So, if you are willing to allow Jesus to take you around and through abusive people so you can get to the willing ones, a large quantity of people will receive Jesus into THEIR lives because of you.

At This Point I Have Two Tool Sets
The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and The Six Biblical Principles are the ways for you to connect to Jesus. As you start BELIEVING and trusting Him, you will start ASKING Him to take the issue you are facing at the moment and help you with it. If someone is asking you to do something that isn’t win/win, you don’t just TRY to resist it; you ASK Jesus to empower you, give you wisdom, and work through you to do it. At that moment, for that issue you put your faith (BELIEVE) in Jesus. You allow Him to help you DO THE RIGHT THING! As you start using these two tool sets, they will help you look to Jesus all during your day.

I Have God’s Love
Remaining In Jesus Means I Do This
Rom 5:5 (NIV) And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out HIS LOVE into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given us. First of all, you have God’s love inside you, that makes a huge difference in your ability to start involving yourself in win/win situations. Second, Jesus is going to take you through a study in 1 Corinthians 13:3-8a that will help you understand what God’s power-love is capable of doing for your human relationships. But, it is vital that you be aware that loving and treating yourself and those around you isn’t optional; AND, it isn’t automatic. For you to submit yourself and remain in Jesus, He requires that you yield to God’s love all during your day.

This Is What It Takes
John 14:15 (NIV) If you love Me, you will obey what I command. When you submit your life to Jesus, you are actually loving Him. When you submit your life to Jesus, you will love Him enough to obey Him. When you submit your life to Jesus you will BELIEVE and trust Him enough to do what He says. Now that you understand that submitting to Jesus means that you will do what He commands, let Him tell you what He commands. John 15:12 (NIV) My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Only by yielding to God’s love, that has been poured into you, will you be able to love others like Jesus has loved you. BUT, it isn’t possible for you to yield to God’s love through you trying to yield to it. This is where you IMMEDIATELY go to The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and ASK Jesus to empower you to yield to God’s love that is inside you.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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