The Submission Courses Part 2

Workbook For
“Submitting Your Life”

I Am Learning How To Submit
My Life To Jesus Through Faith-Action?

I Am Opening Doors To People
I Am Taking Love-Action
Mark 12:31b (NIV) “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus, empower me to love myself in a Biblical way and love my neighbor in a Biblical way through ACTION. James 2:15 (NIV) Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, FAITH by itself, if it is not accompanied by ACTION, is dead. Help me be able to see and feel needs, pain, and problems beyond myself. Help me see that the world sees a need in a person and tries to exploit it. Show me that the greater the need typically means they charge more money. If it is a life and death need, I can expect to be charged so much that, if I don’t have insurance, I will have to sell everything to get help.

I Am Demonstrating My Love
Jesus, help me understand that to love my neighbor as myself is to see how I would feel if I were in another persons situation. First, help me love myself in a Biblical way by really appreciating what You have, are, and will be doing for me. Then help me take that self-love and apply it to the people around me. Mat 7:12 (NIV) So in EVERYTHING, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Let it be that the more I want the great things of God done to me, the more my love for my neighbor is broadened and strengthened. Rom 5:8 (NIV) But God DEMONSTRATES His own LOVE for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus, You made major sacrifices for me BECAUSE You were able to identify with my needs. You wanted me to have what You have so much that You gave up Your comforts, position, and pleasures to do what it took to help me.

I Have A Win/Win Lifestyle
Phil 2:4 (NIV) Each of you should look NOT ONLY to your own interests, but ALSO to the interests of others. Jesus, let Biblical love give me the ability to make wise decisions. Help me come up with ways of being able to meet everyones needs that are involved in a situation. Help me evaluate all the needs in a group and devise a plan for not leaving anyone out. Help me produce fair, just, and caring systems and plans that make sure no one is cheated, preferred, left out, or treated better. Let me and the people around me be blessed as I yield to God’s love, power, and wisdom. Let FAITH-ACTION be a type of ACTION through me that shows people how much we are ALL loved by God. Through this type of love, help me want to be set free from my struggles with spirituality so I can help others with these types of problems.

Different From Human Action?
I Am Doing Things Through Faith
Heb 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see. Jesus, teach me that faith is a spiritual tool, ability, or power that comes from You for the spirit realm; I have a “faith” that is human; and, is actually a confidence or conviction that has been produced through repeated success. Show me that if I have been able to jump over a fence many times in the past, I “believe” that I will be able to keep doing it. Help me see that I have developed a self-confidence in that achievement.

Jesus, teach me that real faith comes from You; You control it, dispense it, and withhold it in accordance with God’s will. Help me see that if something isn’t good for me or the people around me, then You won’t give me Your faith so I can BELIEVE for it. Help me want Your faith to BELIEVE for thing so You can give it to me. Help me know that faith for things is available to me so You can give it to me. Help me get faith for those things I need so I can Live The Victorious Christian Life.

Why Do I Apply The Six Biblical Principles?
Jesus, make it clear to me that it is useless to DESIRE something, if I am never going to get it. It doesn’t do any good to STUDY and learn a whole bunch of information, if I am never going to be able to apply it to my life. It is futile for me to keep PRAYING for something, if God is never going to answer any of my prayers. I am wasting my time, if I look to You for Your faith to BELIEVE something if all I do is get my hopes up and then get disappointed. Christianity is empty if I LOVE and care for other people’s needs, and you don’t provide me with the resources to help them. Teach me that my MAIN reason for basing my life on the first five Biblical principles is so I can take the sixth Biblical principle, FAITH-ACTION, and live on the basis of the fact that I HAVE it.

Jesus, teach me that the first five Biblical Principles are all about changing, blessing, transforming, and empowering my life. Empower me to take advantage of these first five Biblical principles. Then respond to me as I yield to them by joining me in FAITH-ACTION. As I apply The Three Keys To All Of Christianity to them, let powerful things start flowing from You into me. Empower me to allow You to help me with the FAITH-ACTION step so all those things I have needed will start showing up in the moments and issues of my life.

Jesus, I have been bring my difficulties with spirituality to You and allowing You to help me with them. Through my DESIRES to be set free from these difficulties, You have been teaching me that there are powerful tools that bring the results I have been looking for. As I head in the direction of being set free from spirituality, make it clear to me that I am actually being equipped with tools, systems, methods, and principles that work on EVERYTHING.

FAITH-ACTION Is Based On Faith
Jesus, make it clear to me that when You speak faith into me, that is the moment when I get the answer to the DESIRE I have, the STUDY I have done, and the PRAYER I prayed. When You speak faith into me, that is You telling me, okay, you now HAVE that thing you have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for. But, help me see that having something and using it are two different things. Help me take FAITH-ACTION so it won’t just lay dormmate in my life; or, it stays in the spirit realm and never is manifest in my physical life.

When You speak faith into me, help me take my responsibility and ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK for being able to yield to that faith. Teach me that BELIEVING is the product of faith; show me that it is a supernatural ability that I can’t take advantage of on my own. Help me see that my biggest problem with Your provisions is, once I get one of them, I want to take it from there.

Faith In Jesus Is A Relationship
John 15:5 (NIV) I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man REMAINS in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.

Empower me to BELIEVE what You said here in John 15:5 that apart from You I can do nothing. Let my faith, trust, reliance, and dependency be TOTALLY locked into You. Help me not just BELIEVE that I must get those things from You that I am DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for, and then once I get them, I try to leave You and go use them on my own. Teach me that this is like a machine that I put money in, push a button, get the product, and then go use that product however I want. You want a life, a relationship with me; You don’t want a machine relationship, a business relationship, or a platonic relationship with me. As You set me free from my struggles with spirituality, help me so appreciate it that I maintain a close relationship with You.

Remaining In Jesus Produces Faith
John 15:7 (NIV) If you REMAIN in Me and My words REMAIN in you, ASK whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

Jesus, show me that if I WISHED to get even with someone, I would NOT be allowed to apply the passage, ASK whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This would be because wishing to get even with someone isn’t remaining in You. Help me “do what it takes” to submit my life and remain in You, so THEN I can ASK whatever I wish, and it will be given to me. Help me submit my life and remain in You so I can have a relationship that is close and intimate. Help me not just USE You to get what I want; empower me to love You, respect You, trust You, and BELIEVE in You. Help me BELIEVE in You like this so I will be ready to receive Your faith so I can BELIEVE I have those things I need.

What Is Faith-Action?
Jesus, teach me that faith-action is living on the basis of the fact that You have told me that I HAVE that thing I have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for. Living on the basis of the fact is where I JOIN You and allow You to either live it through me, or, help me take advantage of it. Show me that if I desperately need a car, then when You supply me with that car, I am to start using it the way You want it used. Help me see that I don’t just thank You intensely and then use it however I want to use it; that isn’t a relationship. You and I use that car for those things that put You and me in the right place, at the right time, doing and saying the right things, to the right people. Teach me that this is me submitting my life to You; this is me remaining in You so I can ASK whatever I wish, and it will be given to me.

I Am Letting Bible Examples Teach Me Faith-Action
Jesus, help me see that You made sure that large quanities of people’s lives were documented so I could look at them and see how I should live. Help me understand that it is a good thing to get the principles down in my mind, it is a good thing to embrace them with my heart, and it is a good thing to have You speak faith into me so I can BELIEVE I have it. But, help me understand that You are trying to do in and through me by means of FAITH-ACTION so it will be easier for me to cooperate with You. For the rest of this study and prayer time, take me through the lives of people recorded in the Bible. Show me where the pitfalls are, where the successes are, and where I can start ASKING You to shape my life in the right direction.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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