The Prayer Courses

Workbook For
“Talking With Your Heavenly Father”

Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
Jesus, I lack wisdom, and, I now ASK God, Who gives generously to me without finding fault, and I believe it will be given to me (James 1:5). Teach me that to have a knowledge of God’s truth is to be aware of what He said. To have an understanding of God’s truth is to have the true meaning of what He said. And, to have wisdom of God’s truth is to know how to apply what God meant to your life. Show me that I can’t understand the meaning until I know what the truth is. And, I can’t wisely apply it to my life, if I don’t know what God’s truth means. Thank You for Your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

It Is A Supernatural Wisdom
Jesus, make it clear to me that the wisest people in all the world do not know anything in comparison to God. Help me understand that He has knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, and wisdom that are greater than all humans put together. Let me discover that God is willing to help me live on the basis of His information, His understanding of how things really are, and His abilities to take all that information and understanding and apply it wisely to my life. So, I ask You to fill me with Your knowledge, understanding, and wisdom on a continuous basis. I ask for it to flow into me like a river all day long every day.

It Is A Life-Transforming Wisdom
Jesus, help me find out that all I have to do is start asking God for these things; and, if I do, He will respond to me by giving them to me. Help me discover that taking classes and getting trained help me be able to do things I wasn’t able to do before. Show me that after training, people are able to be doctors, pilots, teachers, scientists, and all kinds of other professions. Show me that I can allow myself to be trained by God; and, I will learn how to live a successful, victorious life as a righteous doctor, pilot, teacher, scientist, or any other kind of profession.

Getting Permission
Why Do We Need To Pray For Wisdom?
Jesus, if someone does something to me without my permission, I am offended; I feel like my rights have been violated by that person; I am thankful that God made me like that. I am thankful that He did it because He wants me to be a free individual that is able to decide the course of my own destiny. Make it clear to me that He waits until I give Him permission BEFORE He starts supplying His information, understanding, and wisdom to me.

Why Do We Need To Want Wisdom?
Jesus, as I enter into a program with HELP eMagazine and with You that spends a lot of time trying to help me see how wonderful the things of God are, help me appreciate it. Rather than me being told what to think, what to believe, and what to do, You and the Bible will be trying to help me WANT to receive what God has to offer. Help me appreciate the fact that You will be providing me with prayers I can use to let God know I want His help. Show me that when I pray and ask for something, I am giving God MY permission to provide me with those things BECAUSE I WANT THEM.
God’s Generosity
Your Prayers Limit God’s Generosity
Jesus, help me understand that one of the reasons I suffer and lose at life, and, one of the reasons it seems like God isn’t willing to do anything about it is, because I haven’t given Him permission to do those things for me. Teach me that what God actually does is, put together major systems, provisions, and supplies; but, they are only available to me if I ask for them.

It’s All Free
Jesus, teach me that by only having to ask for the provisions of God makes them free; but, having to ask for them makes them permission based. Help me understand that if the only people who get all the provisions of God are people who ask for them, then the only people who have them are people who want them. Help me start praying and asking God for things, so I can find God to be very generous, loving, and understanding.

Your Free Will Limits God’s Generosity
Jesus, as I enter into the next issue, teach me what to ask for; help me realize that another reason I suffer with issues like hopelessness difficulties is because I don’t have the information, understanding, and wisdom from God that I need. Make it clear to me that He HAS the solutions in the Bible that COULD solve all these problems in my life. But, because God made me a free individual, I am allowed, by God, to make my own decisions to study or not study, none of HIS THINGS will be forced on me.

God’s Free Will Limits His Generosity
Jesus, my body, the world, and the devil may try to force things on me; but, help me realize that God never will. Help me understand that He could force His generosity on me, trick me into accepting it, or scare me into taking it. But, His attitudes are good, pure, honoring, and loving in His relationship with me. Help me never forget that He has given me free, individual rights that HE never will take away. Teach me that even though He has incredible solutions in His Word that could bless me beyond my wildest dreams, my right to be free as an individual is one of His top priorities.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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