The Prayer Courses

Prayer For
“Talking With Your Heavenly Father”

Consistent Faith
Jesus, if I lack wisdom in any area of my life, help me be sure to ask God, Who gives GENEROUSLY to all without finding fault, and it will be given to me. But when I ask, empower me to believe and not doubt, because if I doubt I am like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. In that case, I should not think I will receive ANYTHING from the Lord; I would be a double-minded man, unstable in all I do (James 1:5-8). Teach me that along with God’s knowledge, understanding, and wisdom is faith. But, it has to be the kind of faith that You give me. Show me that an on-again-off-again faith won’t produce any results from God.

Learning To Trust God
You Have A Faith-Filter
Jesus, I have come to God with a “faith-filter.” I started in life with an exclusive faith in myself; I believed I was my best friend and had my best interests in mind. Even if I did put my faith and trust in someone else, I did it because I BELIEVED and decided they would do what I thought was best for me. I have been constantly evaluating all outside sources through this filter. I listen to a person, examine what they have said, and then decide whether or not I THINK they and their words are good for me. Help me give up this faith-filter and join You in guiding me to the right and best sources for my life.

You Have A God-Given Free Will
Jesus, I thank You for creating me to be in charge of my own life; I am glad You want me to be able to stand back and evaluate each and every situation, philosophy, ideology, principle, and person and then decide whether or not I accept it or them. However, help me stop evaluating God and His principles; give me faith to believe these things You are exposing me to in HELP eMagazine and the Bible. Help me trust You and the Bible for deciding whether or not I like those things I am being offered. It is my God-given right to decide; but, my decision is to put my full trust and faith in You for the right RESULTS. I now put my faith and trust in You for my current and future decisions.

Getting What You Want
Jesus, the question I sometimes am trying to answer is, can and will God provide me with the things I want? Take me through the Bible and let it show me what God is like and what He has to offer. Teach me that God doesn’t expect me to BLINDLY trust or have faith in Him. He is the One Who invented the concept of free will; it would have been easy for Him to create me with no ability to exercise or even want a free will. He knows that He and I cannot be true friends, if I am forced into the relationship. Let me see that love between Him and me has to be based on freedom of will for both of us. Show me that He loves me because He WANTS TO; now help me be able to love, trust, and have faith in Him because I WANT TO.

Looking For A Trustworthy Source
Who Is REALLY Trustworthy?
Jesus, teach me that even though I “believe” I have my own best interests in mind, I may have beliefs, concepts, philosophies, and ideas that are not serving my best interests. Help me find a source of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom that can be TOTALLY trusted or believed in. Help me find a true friend who is able to show me the right direction to go; help me realize that I don’t know everything.

What Do You NOT Know?
Jesus, teach me the principle that I may NOT know how to fly a plane; but, if I choose the right pilot, they will be able to get me to my destination safely. Help me see that there are a lot of things I don’t know how to do for myself. But, if I choose the right information source, service, or person, it or they will see to it that I get what I need. Teach me that this is what these studies and prayers are all about...finding the right source. BUT, make it clear to me that finding the right source involves finding one that respects me, is honest with me, doesn’t have a hidden agenda, honors my rights, wishes, wants, and decisions, and a whole lot of other things. It must be a source that knows what the truth is, understands what it means, and knows how to apply it.

Results Based Faith
By Selecting The Right Source
Jesus, make it clear to me that You are the One Who loves me more than I love myself. And, You and the Bible are saying that God loves me more than I love myself. But, typically that concept would have to be run through my “faith-filter.” Teach me that I have the right; and, Your people cooperating with You have the obligation to help me see the truth in that concept. Help me relax in the Bible and God’s care; help me be sure it and He are trustworthy. Help me be convinced that God loves me more than I love myself; He knows everything; and He has the power to make everything work out for my good. Empower me to believe and be CONVINCED that He is my very best source.

By Starting To Get Results
Jesus, help me see that I am being provided with prayers that bring RESULTS; and, those results are for helping me start to trust God and His information. As I get results from these prayers, if I explain them away by giving the credit to myself, other sources, or to luck, then faith can't be developed between me and God. He would be working miracles in my life; but, I would be refusing to see them. Help me see and appreciate EVERY miracle God sends my way.

Relation Based Faith
Through A Love Relationship
Jesus, teach me that love is the most important attitude I can have for another person. If I love them and they love me, we will NOT do anything to hurt each other on purpose. Also, teach me that truth is another very important issue because it keeps those who love me from making mistakes. Since God is love and truth, He loves me so much that He sent You to earth to show me Your sacrificial love for me. Jesus, reveal all the truth about the fact that my heavenly Father knows everything, sees my future clearly, has all power and authority, and wants the very best for me. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that my heavenly Father is a better source of life-principles for me than any other source; and, He is willing to prove it by establishing a loving relationship with me.

Through A Truthful Relationship
Jesus, help me be convinced that God will not move away from the truth even in a small way. And, He will not mislead me, confuse me, just tell me what I want to hear, or force me to accept the truth. I am willing to have a relationship that is TOTALLY based on truth. So, help me accept that God is the One I should establish a relationship with. Help me not be easily offended by the truth; help me not just want to feel good about myself; help me not be willing to be ignorant about some facts; let God and I be a good fit for each other. Since I want to have a relationship with God, help me always be truthful with Him; and, help me be willing to hear the truth from Him.

Through A Power Relationship
Jesus, there are a lot of things I can’t do for myself. There are a lot of things I know can’t be handled by any other humans for me. I have run into a lot of impossible situations. And, I am aware that humans are MUCH weaker, limited, and handicapped than God. Help me get Him as my source so I will have the full potential of God. Mat 28:18 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” Help me put my full faith in Your authority rather than any other source. Mark 10:27 (NIV) Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” I ask for this great source of help and relationship. I accept the fact that this is a power-relationship that can’t be beat.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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