The Prayer Studies

Prayer For
“Talking With Your Heavenly Father”

Getting Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
James 1:5 (NIV) If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ASK God, Who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. Jesus, teach me that knowledge comes through studying the Bible, understanding comes through allowing the Holy Spirit to give me the meaning of each verse, and wisdom comes through asking for it. Empower me to do these three things.

Making A Way For
Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
1. By Identifying False
Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
Jesus, I have allowed books, magazines, videos, music, and people to teach me things that I now accept as life-principles. I have been basing my life on certain beliefs that I have accepted as the right way to live my life. Empower me to start challenging that belief system to see if it is helping or hurting me.

2. By Praying Against
False Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
Jesus, I ask You to give me an ability that will help me be able to wisely examine all my belief systems. I now pray for wisdom so I will be able to see the principles for life from a very powerful position. Let the wisdom from God empower me to see what is helping me and what principles are hurting me.

3. By Being Empowered To Resist Current Input
Jesus, as a young person, I didn’t have a choice as to who told me what to do, what to believe, and what to base my life on; but, now I do. Guide me in who I am going to allow to teach me, lead me, and structure me. Teach me that it matters who I listen to even though they aren’t talking about God and the things of God. Show me that there can be little comments, references, interjections, and attitudes that contaminate leader’s, teacher’s, or trainer’s instructions. Let me see how to start praying for wisdom like the verse in James 1:5 is telling me to do.

Getting Them By Choosing
Who Counsels Or Teaches You
1. Pray A Prayer That Closes Doors
Jesus, show me that I am blessed because I don’t walk in the counsel of the WICKED or stand in the way of SINNERS or sit in the seat of MOCKERS (Psa 1:1).

Let Psalms 1:1 give me vital issues to pray that will protect me from bad influences in my knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Help me see that even though this prayer may not seem like it is going to do much to help me be able to be healed from the problems of money, it will. Show me that getting God’s power to close the door of my mind and heart to influences from people whose philosophies have or are hurting me, is very important.

2. Pray A Prayer That Opens Doors
Jesus, help me take a look at the prayer that takes me into getting the right information to guide me, the kind of understanding that frees me, and the wisdom that heals me. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that my delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law I meditate day and night (Psa 1:2).

I didn’t start off with a great delight in the principles of the Lord. I didn’t realize that these principles were going to set me free from my problems with money. But, now that I do, help me see how wonderful my life becomes through the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of God. Then let that help me start wanting to meditate on them day and night.
A Desire For Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
Building A Desire For Prayer
Jesus, show me that I am like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever I do prospers (Psa 1:3).

Teach me that this verse describes the way God always treats me; He simply tells me, as a free individual, why I should be willing to ask for His help. He tries to help me start thinking about and meditating on the things that He has to offer me. Since He is trying to get me excited that His principles make me like a tree that is planted by streams of water, help me see it clearly. I now ask for His help in assisting me to start meditating on His principles day and night. Let it be like life-giving water flowing into a tree’s roots, into its trunk, into its branches, and then into its leaves. Let it be like having a source of life that is unlimited and constantly available to me.

Resisting A Desire For Prayer
Jesus, show me that it is not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away (Psa 1:4). I don’t consider myself or my friends to be wicked; but, help me understand that my own personal beliefs often hurt me and those around me; and, that is wicked. Help me see that even when I hurt myself and others ignorantly or accidently the damage is just as painful and destructive; and, that brings wicked results.

Teach me that refusing, resisting, or neglecting prayer leaves me with things in my life that are wicked. Help me see that prayer for God’s principles help me not do wicked things ignorantly or accidently. Make it clear to me that another wicked act can be all those GOOD things I DON’T do for myself and others. Show me that, that can be because I DON’T have and share the principles of God because I don’t pray for them. Teach me that prayer helps me get rid of wicked things I do that are wrong; and, it helps me with things I could have done that were right, if I had prayed.

Those Who Don’t Want To Pray
Jesus, teach me who the wicked and sinners are. Help me not be one of those who are the wicked that will not stand in the judgment, nor a sinner in the assembly of the righteous (Psa 1:5). Help me understand that some people make a final decision about the issues of living life. They decide to live a life that hurts themselves and others. Show me that they WANT to mistreat themselves, others, and God’s plan. Help me understand that these are PEOPLE that God calls “the wicked” or “sinners.” Make it clear to me that they aren’t doing things accidently or ignorantly; they are doing them on purpose. Help me see that because I don’t mean to hurt myself and others that makes me different. I am different from those who accept a life of doing bad things. Show me that unlike me, they don’t want to be set free from their condition; but, I do.

Praying, Benefits; Failing To Pray, Hurts
Jesus, I thank You that the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, help me always keep in mind that the way of the wicked will perish (Psa 1:6). Teach me that “the way of the righteous” is simply a way brought about by a DESIRE to be helped by God. And, that desire is expressed by me praying and inviting God into my life.

Make it clear to me that I am on the way or path of the righteous because I have a WILLINGNESS to pray and ask God for His help. Teach me that He doesn’t expect me to start DOING righteous things by healing and changing myself. He knows that He is going to have to help me with that; but, help me keep in mind that He insists on waiting until I invite Him into EACH situation. At this point, He is just looking for a “want” in me that inspires me to keep DESIRING, STUDYING, PRAYING, and asking for His help. Show me that the way or lifestyle of the wicked is a person who refuses to DESIRE, STUDY, and PRAY to be helped. Keep me from ever becoming that kind of person.

This concludes your truth studies and prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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