The Prayer Courses

Workbook For
“Talking With Your Heavenly Father”

Jesus Speaks To Us Through James
James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings (James 1:1). Jesus, You handpicked James to give us the exact words You wanted us to be exposed to. You allowed him to write things in Your Bible that we all need. Help me listen and receive the words You spoke through him.

Ignore Past Failures
Jesus, the thing that hurt me was, I and all kinds of other people tried to help solve my problem with spending. Now that I am looking to HELP eMagazine as a source of help, I am wondering what kind of help it can possibly offer. Since I have been treated a lot of different ways, as I reached out for help, it is difficult for me to believe ANYTHING can help me.

Ignore Past Attempts
Jesus, help me see that as some spoke to me as a friend who felt they knew what I needed, they failed because they were using the wrong system. Others approached me as being superior or judges over me and thought I should be able to simply “get over it;” but, they didn’t understand the intensity of my problem. “Experts” have taken me through systems that appeared to be real answers and solutions. But, even though the things they offered me made sense, I appeared to be too weak or inadequate to live up to their advice.

Ignore Past Weaknesses
Jesus, I tried to help myself by putting out all kinds of efforts. I have reasoned, got determined, pressured, condemned, and done all kinds of things to myself. But, neither I nor anyone else has been able to bring complete, permanent, and transforming help to me.

Who Do We Think We Are?
Truth Gets Results
Jesus, help it not sound strange when Your people tell me that they can’t help me. Help me understand that this is because they weren’t able to help themselves. Help me see that they are simply offering You, Who proved to be powerful, loving, caring, and wise enough to do what no one else could do for them. Show me that they are coming to me as people who are just like me; the difference is that they HAD what I HAVE and now can share with me how they got rid of it.

Results Is What We Are All Looking For
Jesus, help me realize that they don’t feel superior to me; they aren’t coming to me as “know it all’s.” Help me receive them as people who want to share with me how You helped them; help me see that they know how much pain and suffering I am going through. Teach me that we all go through this kind of pain before You provide Your help. Show me that the way they got the provisions of their heavenly Father through You was, by people being willing to share Your powerful help with them. Help me be willing to get Your help through these people who have yielded to You.
Pointing The Way
Jesus Has A Plan
Jesus, teach me that there are certain steps I have to take in order to get the help I need. You have a system You use to help me; and You want to share these steps and that system with me. Help me see that it isn’t coming from human's “expert” opinion; instead, You are helping people simply share their life with me.

You are making available to me the things that have worked for others. Help me KNOW that they will work just as well for me as they worked for them. Show me that this is because You love me just as much as You love them. Help me feel that I am just as important to You as they are; You aren’t any more desirous to set them free from their difficulties than You are for me.

We Know What We Are Talking About
Results Brings Excitement
Jesus, make it clear to me that the reason they are so excited and so desirous to share these things with me, is because of the incredible results they have personally experienced themselves. Even though it would be extremely difficult to help me see ALL the benefits and blessings that have come their way through You, help me be looking for these miracles as I go along.

Jesus Replaces Pain With Joy And Happiness
Jesus, help me see that the most important and greatest miracle they want to share with me, right now, is the fact that they have been SET FREE. They have been freed from the issues that You will be assisting me with. Help me understand that those things that were causing them to suffer like I am suffering, are being removed from their lives. AND, You have been replacing these difficulties with things that have brought them wonderful experiences. These experiences are bringing them the happiness and joy we all have always wanted. Help me accept this into my heart, so I can experience the happiness and joy You have brought into their lives.

The Bible Is Jesus’ Training Manual
Jesus, as You show and teach me principles straight from the Bible, help me honor, respect, and put my complete trust in its truths. As You show me certain verses that I need to consider and talk to You about, help me see how to receive those truths into my life. As You show them to me, help me discuss them with my heavenly Father through prayer.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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